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  1. D

    Open Request Destroying Relationships by Miss Aida

    A hoodoo grimoire for breaking up infidelity, make your enemies hate each other and more. I've seen another Miss Aida book on Anna's Archive but not this one. https://www.amazon.com/Destroying-Relationships-Hoodoo-Spells-Separate/dp/0996147179
  2. DiLoco_DelEted

    For the Hoodoo inclined .. Bible verses for learning and prosperity

    The point is for a short invocation of divine names, we are using partial cherry picked verses to support our goal. Do in hour and preferably day of Mercury. “THE GOAL IS TO KNOW ALL FULLY, AND TO PROSPER IN ALL WE DO. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER; WE BELIEVE AND RECEIVE IN THE NAMES OF YAH EL YHVH...