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  1. 101pranjal101

    Open Request Sodei Razaya, Sefer Ha-Cheshek - Secrets of Raziel, Book of Desire by Eleazar Of Worms, Eleazar ben Yehudah da Worms

    There is a tradition that whoever knows the seventy six names of the angel Metatron can express any wish and see it fulfilled. The Book of Desire means just this: It teaches how to express a desire and call the related appropriate name of Metatron. Eleazar includes this small treatise after the...
  2. S

    Fulfilled Request Ktavim Chadashim - new writings

    Published by Providence University written by Chaim Vital. Also a difficult find but I’m sure someone has it
  3. S

    Open Request Shimmush Tehillim, Tehillim, Psalms 151-155 and Their Kabbalistic Use

    Published by Providence University. Very interesting book.. would be great if someone could share.
  4. Lolo

    Angels of the Ana B'Koach

    In the kabbalistic prayer Ana B'Koach there are angel names, was wondering if any of you have those angel names and their pronunciation. Thanks
  5. Yazata

    the Shining One

    * * * Kether Chocmah Binah Bring your hands together and stretch your arms out in front of you, slightly raised so that the tips of your fingers are just a bit higher than your own head. Bring your hands down diagonally to your shoulders. Move your hands in a horizontal line to the...