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  1. D

    Declined Request Quimbanda and Hoodoo/Voodoo books collection by several authors

    1.QUEEN OF THE SEVEN CROSSROADS By Humberto Maggi. ISBN 978-1-907881-47-3 (Paperback). Published in August, 2020. 146 pages. E-book. https://www.hadeanpress.com/digital-editions/queen-of-the-seven-crossroads-epub 2. HOODOO CROSSROADS CONJURE SORCERY James Udung (Deillumine Ra) Cover art by...
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    Declined Request DAEMONIUM No. 1,2 by Fernando Liguori

    DAEMONIUM No. 1 Curso de Filosofia Oculta by Fernando Liguori Numbet of pages: 666 Relized year: (2019) Language: Portugues DAEMONIUM No. 1 DAEMONIUM - Vol. 2 A Quimbanda no Renascer da Magia by Fernando Liguori Pages number: 424 Relized year: (2022) Language: Portuguese DAEMONIUM - Vol. 2