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  1. H

    Book – PDF Alchemy of Programming. Hamlet Guildencrantz

    What is Alchemy? And how Alchemy can be used in programming? Alchemy symbols are everywhere. Not only in chemistry. We can use these symbols in programming, in psychology or any science and not science field. Main idea of the book is the same as in Carl Gustav Jung books about alchemy. But now...
  2. Khoren_

    Book Discussion "Religion and Reality" by J.H. Tuckwell; or, how do we even define the Real

    I think I have a problem. My problem is that I have very little in the way of groups (anymore) that discuss these sorts of things in a real (haha) sense, or at least take the topic with a sense of credulity and not the whole "omg, are you going on about existentialism AGAIN", but here we are...