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  1. Xardas

    Protection at LHP

    I met many different people in the field of darker magic, but one subject was particularly interesting to me (protection during rituals) I know people who claim that protection is very important in dark work and people who claim that it is not necessary and is just a superstition of RHP...
  2. FireballAt9thLevel

    Is my ritual plan sound?

    I'm planning my first working, and would like some guidance. The ritual is an open invitation to the locals to help me with luck and intuition in a task to come. My plan is to cleanse the area with sage and salt, set up a salt circle, and employ some pre-prepared sigils for what I want and what...
  3. N

    Every Ritual in The Bible From God

    what are the rituals mentioned in the bible that god directly commands? specifically the ones we can remake in modern day, and what are their intended effects?
  4. persepholloway

    Hades Rituals and Spellwork

    Howdy, ya’ll! I did the good deed for my friend for Yule by asking about his stuff, so now it’s my turn ;p These days, I primarily work with chthonic entities. Most of what I’ve found has been primarily focused on Hekate, which is great, but for obvious reasons (my name nonwithstanding) I...