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smug wizard shit

  1. Yazata

    Enochian Rose Cross Ritual

    I joke about synchronicities but you don't know half of it. Nevermind. Here is something that I have been working on / with for a few weeks now. This is a ritual to gather energy for either yourself or to charge a talisman. + 21st May 1564 “Nalvage maketh a crosse toward the 4 quarters of...
  2. Yazata

    [Tutorial] Goetia Cubes

    A month ago (or maybe two or three) I had an idea for extracting new Angelic Names via a method that I call Pseudonochian (I might change it to Sudokonochian at some point) My tiny brain couldn't work it out without making a physical representation of it that I could hold in my hands and play...
  3. Yazata

    Solstice this weekend

    This month's Full Moon on the 21st / 22nd is very close to the Solstice and seems like a good occasion for some healing Magick.. The Full Moon is in the 22nd Mansion, which is associated with healing and obtaining freedom You can obviously interpret this as freeing yourself from the...
  4. Yazata

    the Sigil of Michediah

    Summer is about to start, and you know what that means: Citronella tea lights. These are pretty cool “magickal” candles because their scent repels bugs, they give light and thus banish darkness, and they're yellow – they scream positivity. For most humans the color yellow is linked with joy and...