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solomanic magick

  1. N

    The Moon and Goetia?

    I read that one should be observant of the moon (i suppose here its referring to the phases of the moon) when drawing the circle for summoning Solomonic demons Is there any relation or something like that between the two? and if so, how do we work with it?
  2. G. Ephraim

    Grimorium Verum and Lemegaton in practice?

    Greetings, I am looking to elevate my armchair interest in Ceremonial Magic to actual practice and find myself at a bit of a fork in the road. At the moment, I am trying to pin down a sourcebook to work from as a novice. I have read through Jake Stratton Kent's edition of the Grimorium Verum...
  3. bgshawn499

    Fulfilled Request The Magical Treatise of Solomon or Hygromanteia: The Ancestor of the Key of Solomon by Ioannis Marathakis (Author)

    I was wondering if anyone had a copy of this Gem?