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  1. ulfrdyr

    What is your preferred method for acheiving a trance/altered state?

    As someone who suffers from anxiety and intrusive thoughts, shifting away from my 'regular mind state' to hold ritual or do magic is really important. Otherwise I get stuck on all of the details, spiral into unpleasant thoughts, and/or allow my inner critic to run wild. That said, I've had mixed...
  2. theil

    Success Story Evolution of an Idea by Full Circle

    Two years ago in a trance i worked with my higher self who created an astral tome of embodied seals. I activated one and allowed it to take seed and grow within me. In several months I forgot the experience but started to see what i call soul structures that surround people and learned to...
  3. theil

    Book Discussion Angelic Trance Magick (The Power of Magick) by Ben Woodcroft

    Recently acquired Angelic Trance Magick (The Power of Magick) by Ben Woodcroft. The book is very minimal regarding ritual method, angelic powers listed as one or several words and the sigils are formatted as vertical characters running vertical within a circle ( | ). The author starts by...