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  1. IllusiveOwl

    Creating a Faraday Cage

    The feeling we are cultivating here is one of complete seperation from the rest of the world, which I believe is a must for any serious workings success. This is the feeling of walking from a noisy city street into a cathedral's vast, beautiful, and silent nave. If you have felt transported...
  2. IllusiveOwl

    Invoking the Lion

    Invoking the Lion meditation: This is a Fire ritual, augmented from red to gold. This ritual is perfect before fancy outings, important days, anytime you need to dress up, etc. First you set your place of working, sanctifying it and cleansing it in the way most sacred to you. You dawn...
  3. Saint

    [Opinion] Describing the appearance Demons as they have appeared to you

    This is a thread created to talk about the appearances of the demons or other entities, deities, as they appeared to you. We know they have no physical form, and their manifestation can be very... varied, yet there are people who seen them appear quite similar. Whatever is the case, it is always...
  4. Anziel_Merkaba

    [Tutorial] Basic initiation into practical mental skills for divination and magick.

    Basic initiation into practical mental skills for divination and magick. Preface This is a basic introduction and initiation primer into practical mental skills that are useful for divination and building mental acuity. It's a fairly simple series of exercises with minimal overhead or dependence...
  5. KjEno186

    Book – PDF The Art & Practice of Getting Material Things Through Creative Visualization by Ophiel
