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white magic

  1. Audiolog Edu

    Míasma in Greek Tradition

    Hello I am just starting my journey into Theurgy and I came across míasma thanks to Youtuber Daath Darling and I want to cleanse myself of it. As Ive investigated I would need to use Khernips or Lustral water to help with the cleanse, but is not that clear if is just water with salt and or a bay...
  2. JMPtD

    Horology; The focus in this post is a conceptual math philosophy of basic metaphysics (how to stay cognitive) of conceptual time in physical reality.

    This is a blend of grey magic for one’s perception‘s primordial position by certain time rates for different sides. Here, for this post: African style part is the structure of the tool made of the intellect (like an aura tool formed of manifested and enriched mind energy physically visible)...