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A herbal curse tablet


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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Most parts of the PGM interest me and I am always “playing” with it to make it my own. Simply taking a book and follow it step by step leads people (in my opinion) to having anxious doubts because they're unable to get a lionskin belt for example.. Last year or so I also found an old text about some other curse tablets and this concept is absolutely fascinating..

In one of those cool “coincidences” my dad for no apparent reason gave me a nice square sheet of lead while I was translating the text.

Brief summary:

Curse Tablets are (traditionally) made by using a sharp instrument like a bronze stylus or iron nail to inscribe a strip or slab of lead with a filthy curse and then roll up the strip and drive a ( / the..) nail through it to ensure that the target will not get away. The little scroll of evil is then either placed in or with a grave, or thrown into a lake or other body of water – the idea behind this then is that the gods of the underworld watch over the execution of the curse.

As with all Greek/Egyptian curses there are very long magicky words in the tablets, along with the names of underworld deities.

Recently I have been sharing with my Senior at the Virgo Analytics Department some of my ideas for the use of the clove, and I also did some reading and writing on the laurel and its correspondences + I noticed that a young (light green) leaf of laurel will stay flexible when it has dried (as opposed to the mature dark green leaf which is hard and thick when alive and brittle when dried).

So here is aunt Yaza's eco-friendly version of a Curse Tablet:

Pick a young (light green) leaf of laurel and let this dry for a week or two

Get a clove

Consider / think about the myths and meaning of the materials that you are using

Now use the clove to write the name of your target on the leaf. For “ink” you could use an oil of your own making. If you don't have one yet then make one during the two weeks that you are watching the leaf dry..

Suggested ingredients are dead wasps, harmful plants and anything that you associate with either binding or attack (Saturn and Mars)

Then call out to a God or Angel associated with death and / or the underworld (of your preferred pantheon etc..) as you tell them the purpose of your spell
(because there's not that much that you can write on a leaf)

Roll up the leaf and then push the clove through it to fix it in place.

Thank the spirits you addressed and then finally place this near a grave – this can even be the place where you buried your loving pet – and be assured that your Spell works.



It's been a while since I posted something. So I am posting something. I was aware of TGK's thread about a modern defixio which gives another option:
