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A Later Introduction


Mar 15, 2024
Reaction score
Hello, technically, I'm not new here, but I wasn't active in this forum during the last few months. I am 19 years old, almost 20, and I got interested in the LHP in 2021 when I first started learning about it. However, my interest in this goes back even further.

In addition, I haven't been able to start practicing, mainly due to my current environment. As a result, I will have to wait until I become independent. I've dropped this path three times before, but now I'm coming back. The difference is that I am much more mature and have learned from all the stupid mistakes I made in the past.

This is genuinely interesting to me, and beyond that, I want to make this path a significant part of my life. I want to explore the dark—whatever that may mean—beyond the practical advantages it offers for daily life, as it is mentioned in some posts on this forum.

I am inclined toward the ToS current (Temple of Set) with a mix of Gnostic beliefs about creation and the reasons why this world exists. However, I still have a long journey ahead and much to learn.

So, this is a little part of who I am.