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A LHP Rite for Saying Goodbye to an Old Home

This should take around half an hour. Do it after nightfall, when you’re alone and are not expecting to be disturbed. Do not do it if ill, in pain, angry, hungry, overfull, mentally over-stimulated, or exceptionally tired. A little tiredness can actually be useful if it’s of a contented, woozy type. Comfortable and at ease with your self is the ideal state. No alcohol should have been consumed that day until after the rite. This could be emotionally and mentally challenging. A shower and putting on clean, comfortable clothes beforehand is a good idea. Feeling that it’s awkward or strange should be leaned into: in this moment, conventionality and reason are being turned off, fantasy and emotion are going to be primary, so even if you don’t understand why you’re doing this rite, let yourself watch it unfold as you would an intriguing dream. Treat it also like a “one night only” role in a play: do it once and do it well!
  1. Go to the room through which the most energy has passed. Turn off all electrical lights and sources of distraction, including your phone. A source of music is alright provided that it is quiet and highly meditative/ambient and, even then, nothing that stirs strong feelings in you unless you genuinely perceive them to be congruent with your general approach to leaving the house. Light one or two candles and face North. Close your eyes.

  2. Breathe in deeply though the nose, hold the breath a moment and then out through the mouth. After a couple of minutes of this, when you start to get into the rhythm, begin to see each inhalation as drawing in fresh, new, vital energy and each exhalation as an expulsion of tired, negative energy (visualising the air as colours may be useful – inhalation should be a colour that is unalloyed positive in connotation for you, exhalation the opposite). After another couple of minutes, while continuing this breathing exercise…

  3. Try to remember the day you first moved into this home. Try to remember how you were feeling and the sense that you didn’t know what lay before you during the time you would spend here. If this, or any other feelings, are unsettling, acknowledge that but try to do so as an observer of them rather than identifying with them. After a few moments of this, think about the major emotional events that occurred while you were here. It doesn’t have to be perfectly chronological but doing so will help to recall all of the key events. Don’t be tempted to identify with or get caught up in even positive emotions. Just observe them arising in yourself in response to the memories which you are deliberately conjuring. If you find yourself accidentally identifying with strong feelings, gently acknowledge that that has happened and move back to thinking over the time you spent in this place. Really linger on this and don’t shy away from anything painful, embarrassing, etc: this is the time to engage with it. Take as long as you need but, at a minimum, this recalling process should last ten minutes.

  4. After this recalling, rise to your feet and stand in the middle of the room, still facing North. Speak these words with absolute, calm conviction. As you do so, again, observe any mental “impressions” that may arise. Say:

    I call upon the guidance of the Hidden Part of myself. Abrahadabra!

    Pause a moment and then say:

    The Sun regenerates the Earth and sustains Life. The Sun reveals what is hidden. Yet, as the Sun rolls into the West, a greater truth is unveiled. The sky is not a barrier but a gate and once the blinding light has passed, the infinity of the universe is laid bare. It is into the limitlessness that I utter these words as messengers of my Will. I speak as a Sorcerer, one who rejects what miserly fate and circumstance would allocate but who re-shapes the world in accordance with imagination, desire and deepest truth.

    Under the guidance of the Eternal Prince of Darkness, my Self ahead of myself rejected fate when it brought me to this house of healing and learning, though, to my human senses, it sometimes appeared as a prison. Hidden from my senses and confused awareness, my Self brought me to this place that I would be transformed through learning and love, knowing that it had long placed within me what I needed to fulfil both. My Self then drew to me other Essences to teach me, to comfort me and to allow me to comfort them. Their names are woven with mine in Eternity:
    (Name the key people who you’ve met while being in this place).

    I am the culmination of the story of this home and so too is the truth that I unlocked its doors through the alignment of the universe with my Will. I am the Master of the House and I draw back into myself all energies from this place which I once thought lost; time, truth, joy and love.

    Inhale deeply. As you do so, imagine the room literally bending and being pulled into you like a vortex. As you exhale, imagine the room returning to normal. After a moment of this say:

    To this house, I return all that would fetter me.

    Rapidly, and with great intensity, recall the most unpleasant feelings which arose from the memories that you ruminated upon earlier. Imagine them all forming as one mass of energy in your lower chest. Conjure and extract as much negativity from these memories as you possibly can. After this has built up, violently exhale until you have absolutely no air left in you, imagining, as you do so, that energy leaving your body and, like a mist, seeping into the walls around you. Repeat this as many times as necessary for you to feel like the energy has been fully expelled. When this is done, enjoy the cleansed feeling for a moment and then say:

    To this house, I bequeath my gratitude.

    Bring your mind back to the loving, positive experiences to which being in the house has given occasion. Again feel this forming as a mass of luminous, warm energy in your lower chest. This time, gently/contentedly exhale. This doesn’t have to feel like an expulsion but an exchange/open line between you and the house. Continue until you are in a genuinely positive, grateful frame of mind. You can identify with those feelings now. When in that place say to the house:

    You have served your purpose and you will again for the next soul who takes the keys.

    After a final deep inhalation and exhalation, blow out the candles and turn on the lights.

  5. It is absolutely crucial that you do not dwell on the rite afterwards but that you let it go. Treat it as a dream that you had but have now come back to “reality”. Do something that is immersive (cooking, cleaning, listening to something funny, etc.). Make yourself forget that it happened. Speak of the rite to no one.