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A Method of Servitor Creation

@Elementriloquist - In response to your question:

You didn’t ask me about creating your first one but here you go:

Divination reading: Some method (let’s say tarot since it’s where 90% of people start) that allows for a root, problem, outcome, and what you need to improve the outcome. Spend some time here in the preparation, the ritual (create one that is deeply meaningful to you), and time to ponder the answer.

Once you have the reading completed spend time considering the improve card. Carry it around with you, spend time with it daily, considering it from all possible angles.

When ready recreate the ritual but this time with the before reading cards removed and the improve card in a prominent area for the ritual. Then go thru the remainder of the deck and choose the card (2-3 card for more complexity if needed, you probably only need 1) that best embodies the assistance you need.

Spend time considering the card. Write down the name of the card and details of the servitor (like 1-10 max) again simpler is better (let your visualization flesh it out organically through the process). So don’t spend a lot of rules on looks/personality (maybe a general vibe or demeanor if you just have to). Include an exp date or what success looks like and that that would end it, method of ending it if you chose earlier, your power over it, the task it is to perform and any other rules needed. (Attaching it to an item or container so you can lock or destroy it another way if needed.). You want to clearly state what success looks like so you don’t leave room for your own issues to cloud how you see the results (people either dump on themselves or pump theirselves up - you are not the best or worst person ever, etc). Delusion (positive or negative) can be the greatest enemy of the magician.

Now sigilize the name and rules into a picture that feels right for the purpose as part of a ritual.

Come back feed/build/flesh it out over a number of days (I like 7). When it reaches a certain point it will show up in the room with you. You may feel its presence or see it in the shadows or corners of rooms. Have it go everywhere with you sensing and communicating (don’t talk to it verbally in public) with it. I always liked holding doors open for a second longer for it to enter rooms with me, etc…

If shit hits the fan and all else fails create a ritual in the reverse of the creation one. Thereby unweaving it.

You are not creating a friend (maybe a constant companion/butler down the road when you are VERY experienced with this stuff).

Think I typed that coherently. Let me know if not. (Plagiarism: CHECK, pretty sure I picked up the using a tarot card as the foundation from bluefluke - you could use any other symbol of power as well but ones from the divination tech (geomancy, etc…) used makes the whole process flow better.)

In magick, 99% of problems that arise are due to our poor/lack of planning.



Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Mar 4, 2023
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I have heard of using tarot (especially the major arcana) as servitors/egregores so this method is very interesting to me.

When I practice this [[Tutorial] - ̷B̷i̷b̷l̷i̷o̷m̷a̷n̷c̷y̷ Bibliurgy — Doing Magick With Books: An overlooked and underrated magickal paradigm] I sometimes treat the book/sheet as a servitor as well, so I really like the idea of enhancing existing magickal techniques by pivoting/branching into servitors.
First holy shit! That is an awesome idea! Bibliomancy is my go to, how the heck did that never occur to me?!? That is definitely going in my bag of tech.

It often ends up as a major arcana but I’ve got some good mileage out of several of the minors (aces, pages, knights, kings, queens, 3/8/10 pentacles, 7/9/10 cups, etc…). Especially for shorter duration one offs.
Apr 18, 2022
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@Elementriloquist - In response to your question:

You didn’t ask me about creating your first one but here you go:

Divination reading: Some method (let’s say tarot since it’s where 90% of people start) that allows for a root, problem, outcome, and what you need to improve the outcome. Spend some time here in the preparation, the ritual (create one that is deeply meaningful to you), and time to ponder the answer.

Once you have the reading completed spend time considering the improve card. Carry it around with you, spend time with it daily, considering it from all possible angles.

When ready recreate the ritual but this time with the before reading cards removed and the improve card in a prominent area for the ritual. Then go thru the remainder of the deck and choose the card (2-3 card for more complexity if needed, you probably only need 1) that best embodies the assistance you need.

Spend time considering the card. Write down the name of the card and details of the servitor (like 1-10 max) again simpler is better (let your visualization flesh it out organically through the process). So don’t spend a lot of rules on looks/personality (maybe a general vibe or demeanor if you just have to). Include an exp date or what success looks like and that that would end it, method of ending it if you chose earlier, your power over it, the task it is to perform and any other rules needed. (Attaching it to an item or container so you can lock or destroy it another way if needed.). You want to clearly state what success looks like so you don’t leave room for your own issues to cloud how you see the results (people either dump on themselves or pump theirselves up - you are not the best or worst person ever, etc). Delusion (positive or negative) can be the greatest enemy of the magician.

Now sigilize the name and rules into a picture that feels right for the purpose as part of a ritual.

Come back feed/build/flesh it out over a number of days (I like 7). When it reaches a certain point it will show up in the room with you. You may feel its presence or see it in the shadows or corners of rooms. Have it go everywhere with you sensing and communicating (don’t talk to it verbally in public) with it. I always liked holding doors open for a second longer for it to enter rooms with me, etc…

If shit hits the fan and all else fails create a ritual in the reverse of the creation one. Thereby unweaving it.

You are not creating a friend (maybe a constant companion/butler down the road when you are VERY experienced with this stuff).

Think I typed that coherently. Let me know if not. (Plagiarism: CHECK, pretty sure I picked up the using a tarot card as the foundation from bluefluke - you could use any other symbol of power as well but ones from the divination tech (geomancy, etc…) used makes the whole process flow better.)

In magick, 99% of problems that arise are due to our poor/lack of planning.

Thanks for the guide.

1. What did you specifically mean by this - "Come back feed/build/flesh it out over a number of days"?. It's making me think about how I tried to create a servitor once using a similar method (didn't use divinitation but some of what you mentioned was part of it). But this part of "feeding" it is something I did not do.

2. This method, did you get it from a specific book/course, did you just get it from someone else online, or did you just create it yourself by chance or through trial and error?


Mar 4, 2023
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2. This is the last method I used to create a servitor which would have been around 2016-2017. At one point I used Servitors as one of my primary methods of magic. I started with the classic chaos magick approach and the structure of which is still in place. With different variations I picked up along the way.

1. First I liked 7 due to number of classical planets so the path of manifestation, 7 days of creation, etc…. but sometimes the process was completed prior to that time frame. For me the process was I would do a faster version of the original ritual each day and I then I would meditate while focusing/empowering the sigil. Don’t focus on what you want it to look like, or what you want it to accomplish, just in the sigil since it’s already “programmed” and let the servitor be formed organically/subconsciously. The goal is to accomplish the intent not create an aesthetic. At some point, for me, you should sense a presence/see it in the room and get a mental response that its completed.
