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A Vampyric Curriculum


Nov 4, 2023
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The central principle of Vampyrism is the creation of an Essence which can survive the shock of death. The process by which this creation occurs is called Initiation. Generally speaking, Initiation is less about rituals and overt magic (though those things do have an important, luminating role to play) as it is about encountering Life as the Initiatrix. As this encounter occurs, the sensitive psyche will begin to apprehend the Essence getting stronger and stronger, giving clearer and clearer guidance to the psyche. The more this guidance is heeded, the more one's psyche aligns with the Essence which, in turn, infuses the psyche with more refined forms of consciousness and, eventually, immortality. Because the LHP Initiate is immersed in the sensual, the guidance which comes from the Essence will set "real world" tasks for the Initiate. It has never been enough just to do the spiritual, inner work (an approach very much aligned with RHP traditions), the LHP Initiate uses the outer world as a tool in the transformation of the inner.

Vampyrism is only one aspect of the LHP. Despite the recent popularity of the pretty, neutered vampire, even the most hormonal teen wouldn't choose to align with a Vampyre in reality. A Being characterised by intensity and Presence, who is given to moods and dispositions virtually extinct in humans, who plays with the aspects of Life not shown by National Geographic, doesn't make for an easy to control "life partner". Even within the Left Hand Path, most reject the Vampyre because their self-image balks at anything thought unserious. These gates serve a purpose. This way is not for everyone, in fact it is only for those who's emerging Essence reveals this way to them. Any attempts outside of that sacred revelation are just play acting.

When the Essence does communicate Vampyrism, you are invited onto a path which calls for an increase in the worldly manifestation of your Being. This means mastering arts which give the Essence tools so that it can act with ever greater power in the world. Different schools will offer different emphases and different Initiates will show talent in one or two areas with the rest, those which most need development, constituting Work. I have isolated five areas of study for the rising Vampyre:


Energy is the core paradigm of the Vampyre. It is by evaluating one's existence in terms of giving and receiving energy that allows the Vampyre to increase in strength. For those at the less mature end of Initiation, energy might be taken directly from others. This is really more akin to a zombie needing the brains of others than a Master able to draw energy from Life itself. When the Vampyre wishes to draw energy from others, humans give it because they're attracted to the Vampyre. Also at the more mature end, an alchemy of energy occurs where the body's natural ways of generating energy (especially sexuality) are transmuted into higher, refined forms of energy. The same approach can be applied to life in general where the Vampyre engineers circumstances to give herself energy. This can range from creating an energising living space to producing art for the consumption of thousands of people.


In one of the areas where the Vampyre current agrees with the Bible, the body is the temple of the spirit. The body is the temple through which sacramental offerings are made, often pleasure but also sometimes sacrifices. These are the sacrifices involved in training the body, especially when it doesn't want to be trained. Your body is the translation of your Essence into three dimensional terms. As your Essence begins to gain control over the faculties which you offer to it, so too will your body transform to reflect your Essential Self. A well controlled body is both a source of pleasure and an effective weapon in the world. This is the hidden meaning of the vampire's supernatural strength. The Vampyre's connection with the sensual is very deep and so in working on the body, the Initiate is working on their soul. As below, so above.


Affinity with animals is the oldest aspect of Vampyre magic and it's closely tied with the body. While the modern world supresses the Beast to the extent that there's a multi-billion dollar industry charged with hiding its scent, the Vampyre honours all the parts of herself, including those ancient evolutionary patterns which still want to run with the wolves. There are lycanthropic shamanic practices that can be drawn upon to develop connection with these patterns. They can also be developed by spending time with and helping those animals which have become totems.


Manipulation (sometimes called "Lesser Magic") is the art of influencing humans using non-occult means. This means the use of (usually little known) psychological laws and tricks to cause another to act in accordance with your Will. This Vampyric gift causes humans the most concern and with good reason, it works, though a form of Lesser Magic is used every time someone dresses up for a date or plays music to remind older folks of a different time. The most explosive results come with the use of mesmeric and stage magic tricks in a non-magical setting. Tread carefully here. Virtue is an essential Vampyric quality. Manipulate them if it increases their sense of the magical, manipulate them if every other option has failed, but don't manipulate for your own amusement; you'd be surprised how quickly the pitchfork mentality can resurface.


It's for the best if these gifts aren't developed while the Initiate is studying the art of manipulation; it's very easy to deceive oneself and confuse self-manipulation for magic. The panorama of psychic gifts, especially telepathy, are part of the Vampyre's inheritance. These gifts come from a tremendous receptivity to the most subtle currents that are at play. As in all areas on this list, this cannot be learnt from a book but must emerge from an open approach to Life.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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I am beginning to understand why you had Gurdjieff and Ouspensky on your reading list… according to Gurdjieff, man (being a mere machine or an automaton) is not born with a soul - it has to be earned by hard work. Something similar can be found in Castaneda's The Fire from Within (and I'm paraphrasing now as it has been a very long time since I read his books) where he describes the Eagle, a supernatural all-powerful being that devours humans after their death and spits them out again as fresh blanks after it has fed on their awareness enriched by their memories, personality etc., only for them to begin another incarnation during which they would again accumulate awareness and thus become once more delectable morsels for the Eagle's insatiable gluttony. It's basically the Buddhist Wheel of Rebirth but with an especially sadistic twist as personified by the voracious Eagle - we're not only caught in an endless spin cycle of the Cosmic Reincarnation Machine but also like lambs fattened for the slaughter, the fat being our life experiences and individuality that are ultimately utterly meaningless.

And this is exactly where the RHP and LHP diverge - you reach liberation and merge with Nirvana according to Buddhist doctrine but can escape the Eagle's beak (and thus achieve immortality) when following Castaneda's teachings - which are just as opaque and confusing as Gurdjieff's. Don Juan, Castaneda's guru, forever chews out his inept chela for being so obtuse and exhorts him to be a more 'impeccable warrior'… you get pages after pages of descriptions of this warrior brand of impeccability (excellence?) but never a clearly structured, practical path anyone could follow. Maybe I should read his books again, this time from a magical perspective, and try to find something useful there.


Mar 4, 2024
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Can this process be done half way? The essence being developed to a certain extent, then Remanifesting in the next life (presumably through descendants) and then completing the process?
Also, how much of that essence precedes the beginning of initiation process, or are there some kind of daemonic "building blocks" present in the first place?

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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I am beginning to understand why you had Gurdjieff and Ouspensky on your reading list… according to Gurdjieff, man (being a mere machine or an automaton) is not born with a soul - it has to be earned by hard work. Something similar can be found in Castaneda's The Fire from Within
Amusingly, this pops up in Monty Python's Meaning of Life...


Aug 17, 2023
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Amusingly, this pops up in Monty Python's Meaning of Life...
"The Simpsons," too. Proof one might say that Gurdjieff's ideas have indeed percolated widely, though perhaps rather diluted at this remove. Which, I gather, is why the books are on the reading list: to get the ideas neat with no ice or mixer.


Nov 4, 2023
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Can this process be done half way? The essence being developed to a certain extent, then Remanifesting in the next life (presumably through descendants) and then completing the process?
Also, how much of that essence precedes the beginning of initiation process, or are there some kind of daemonic "building blocks" present in the first place?
These are excellent but complicated questions and any thoughts which I can offer rely upon supra-rational insights from my own Work. I am pleased to share those but this is firmly in the realm of "based on my experience". Furthermore, when it comes to the patterns which the Essence uses, much is unknown. There are mysteries here.

Either an Essence is strong enough to survive death or it isn't. If it survives death and continues as a kind of energy being, it would be able to continue the Work of making itself stronger by drawing energy in some form (see Arthur C. Clarke's Childhoods End) and so continue its existence. I therefore don't think there could be a half-way process. In an ideal situation, the transition to living as a dis-incarnate Essence gets underway while the initiate is still alive (I've witnessed this with my own eyes in very advanced initiates). If the Essence doesn't have the strength to continue Working then it would simply dissipate following physical death. The elements of that dissipation may be gathered around descendants (or others who are exceptionally close, say disciples) but those elements would be recombined in other forms because there would no longer be a central point holding them together. Aspects would go here and there. Most probably, it would all become "food for the moon" as Mr G puts it, although, if they're of a particular quality and strength they might lead the person who has inherited them to start Working. This brings me to your second question...

Not everyone engaged in the occult is in an initiatory process, in fact most aren't. For most, occultism comes from the external mind and usually from a hunger for mystery/excitement or (and sadly this is increasingly common) from a hunger to be perceived by others in a particular way. Yet, for those who are in an initiatory process, I have not met a single one who wasn't in some way, "different". The tracks of their Daemon have been in evidence usually since childhood and can be glimpsed if one is sensitive to it. Therefore, yes, I think there are "daemonic building blocks" and the conscious decision to pursue initiation is a manifestation of that presence. Why that should be the case with some and not others, I really do not understand but it's probably closely aligned with the "secular" question of why some people, despite their environment, can be ultra virtuous/intelligent, etc.


Apr 19, 2021
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I don't consider the essence method of Gurdjieff's ideas entirely different from that of Buddhism or the Golden Dawn, just the particular fork of it's path. Soul aside, conciousness, concentration, awareness, breeds spirit. All of G's program for bodily awareness and what not build an astral body - the work is just very wordy and round about it with a less comprehensive grasp. As he explicitly tells a pupil, do some various physical excercises in a state of awareness - the fourth dimension is not as accessible simply by the mind.

Although there are paths that are a greater pain in the ass, to do so should ultimately work fine just like that, to lesser or greater level. I suppose one could do some Watchtower rituals. Vampirism is generally considered a more difficult path if anything, likely attract all kinds more attention than doing your own work.


Nov 26, 2023
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There is a lot of vampirism books out there but which one you really recommend to start in this path?