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About "life" on this planet


Mar 21, 2024
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Only prayer for eternal deliverance from this darkness will help everyone here...
The God of this world probably has no access here for a long time, and left only demons/lizards here that parasitize our soul and left us this substitute for life, where they keep us in dark vibrations...
They gave us these lives in exchange for our true spiritual life
….this planet was never supposed to be for life, it was supposed to be a hell where we were supposed to pay for our past sins and also realize them, and then go back ..
Some got more when they asked demons for money or had various contracts with them or worshiped them in some way and helped them, so that then they had another debt on their soul and fell even lower ... and then they cleansed their soul with that suffering and came back here and again they chose better lives thanks to help from dark beings..
Then they keep around a light life, and then a dark one ..


Apr 29, 2024
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Samsara with a conspiracy theorist new age twist. Very nice! You see hell, rise above it


Aug 17, 2023
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Only prayer for eternal deliverance from this darkness will help everyone here...
The God of this world probably has no access here for a long time, and left only demons/lizards here that parasitize our soul and left us this substitute for life, where they keep us in dark vibrations...
They gave us these lives in exchange for our true spiritual life
….this planet was never supposed to be for life, it was supposed to be a hell where we were supposed to pay for our past sins and also realize them, and then go back ..
Some got more when they asked demons for money or had various contracts with them or worshiped them in some way and helped them, so that then they had another debt on their soul and fell even lower ... and then they cleansed their soul with that suffering and came back here and again they chose better lives thanks to help from dark beings..
Then they keep around a light life, and then a dark one ..
Ok, that's plausible. What to do?


Nov 4, 2023
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Only prayer for eternal deliverance from this darkness will help everyone here...
The God of this world probably has no access here for a long time, and left only demons/lizards here that parasitize our soul and left us this substitute for life, where they keep us in dark vibrations...
They gave us these lives in exchange for our true spiritual life
….this planet was never supposed to be for life, it was supposed to be a hell where we were supposed to pay for our past sins and also realize them, and then go back ..
Some got more when they asked demons for money or had various contracts with them or worshiped them in some way and helped them, so that then they had another debt on their soul and fell even lower ... and then they cleansed their soul with that suffering and came back here and again they chose better lives thanks to help from dark beings..
Then they keep around a light life, and then a dark one ..
The type of prayer for deliverance of which you write, emerges from despair at the way things are and, as a reaction to the way of things, necessarily belongs to the same level. If you're highly intelligent, despair can, eventually, lead to awakening. More often it leads to madness. You cannot fix a problem with the same level of consciousness which created that problem. This is why the believer who prays for "deliverance" from pornography, smoking, drugs, overeating, etc. may make a little headway for a while before falling back into old habits, often in a more dramatic way.

Like the initiates of Greece and the Apostles, the Buddha understood that changing/heightening consciousness was the only way to get beyond the forces which enslave us. At very great heights of consciousness we can play with the "vibrations" of the world. This is what true artists do. Their work changes the world, using the materials of the world to remind the world that there's a higher world. It does this from a positive place, not by cursing the darkness but by turning on the light.

Don't pray for deliverance. The forces of goodness aren't going to rush down to save you. Instead, purify yourself knowing that in doing so you are enabling clearer contact and communion with the source of the Good. Keep riding yourself of imperfections and you may well ascend out of here. Even if you don't, you'll leave the world slightly less messed up than it would have been had you just been another voice in the fray.


Aug 17, 2023
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A good point about true artists. In a healthy culture, art is a sort of "civic magick." A point Mohammed Atta seems to have understood in his explicitly linking downtown Cairo's skyline to his own radicalization.