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[Archive] [Absinthe] La Santa Muerte Curse + the Cleansing Power of Santa Muerte

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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It is most befitting that a saint of death be called upon to do a curse. This is powerful and is tied in with hoodoo working. As per regular hoodoo practices, you should take an uncrossing bath beforehand or at the very least cleanse your space with salt beforehand.

Before performing this ritual, read this thread and build La Santa Muerte an altar:


-A piece of paper
-A black pen
-Some little bit of red chili powder
-Grounded Pepper
-Graveyard dirt or the dirt from a crossroads
-(optional) some crossing oil or powder

Perform an opening ritual to La Santa Muerte. Draw a cross on the paper. On the vertical line, write your enemy's name. On the horizontal line, writer afflictions you'd like to harm him/her with. Get out some of the garlic's juice and trace the cross with it. On the vertical line, trace going AWAY from you. On the horizontal line, trace it going to the LEFT. During this phase, think about all the things that annoy or make you angry or what this person did that drove you to cursing them.

Scatter the pepper in the same motions, this time, cuss out your enemy and say aloud what sort of afflictions you wish to cause. Then take the dirt and sprinkle it on the cross's center. Say:

The Evil Spirits of the crossroads I call
By the Holy Death, Queen of All
I command you to go my enemy
And destroy NN. aplenty

Give your petitions to La Santa Muerte now to insure the success of the spell and reign down her wrath on your enemies, be sure to include the reason why, and thank her in advance.

Afterwards, fold the paper away from you and then to the left, placing it under her statue. This may be repeated for three to nine times in a row. Then burn the paper and discard at the crossroads or a cemetery.


To remove a curse

This spell is for those fellow devotees of Santa Muerte. You can do this working with either the Black Robe or the White robe.

You will need the following items:

-two white or black glass encased candles
-Santisima Muerte oil
  • a bowl
  • holy water
  • Siete Machos perfume
  • parchment
  • rosemary, rue, basil, eucalyptus, sage, five finger grass, and lavender

You will begin this working before the statue of the robe you are working. Open the session.
Take the parchment and write your petition. Dress one of the candles in oil and place it on top of the petition. Light the candle and pray:​

La Santisima Muerte La Blanca/Negra
With the great power that God gave you
Cleanse and uncross me
Remove from my mind, body, and soul this evil curse that has afflicted me
With your mighty scythe, cut off all curses and maledictions that are attached to me and reverse them into the sender!
Break the spell cast upon me!

The bowl is to be filled with cold water, and holy water as well as 3 drops of Siete Machos are added them mixed throughout. Into this, stir all seven herbs asking La Santisima for her blessings. Leave this for 30 minutes. After this time has passed, draw a bath.

Place two white candles on either side of the bath and light them. Add the herb infused water into the bath and mix it around. Step in and pour some water over your head, asking for cleansing. Bathe for at least 30 minutes. After this time, let the water drain as you walk backwards out of the tub. Blow out the candles and close the session with La Santisima.

Repeat this for nine whole nights.

The second glass candle will come into play when the first one goes out. The most common glass candle only lasts 4-5 days. So after the first one goes out, you will light up the second one. This is kept burning on the altar continually.

I have found this ritual also very useful in cleansing negativity in general. You would merely slightly alter the prayers. And do it only once. A nine day cleansing is more suitable for particularly strong negativity, or curses.

If you have been under the influence of a curse for a very long time (or it was particularly strong), repeat the ritual three times, with a day of rest in between.
