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Accidental astral again


Jun 1, 2023
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I have been experiencing odd phenomena again, which seems to be caused by trying to ignore physical discomfort in the sleep position. I want to go back to sleep after being disturbed by pain, but instead of it being proper sleep, it's only sort of halfway. Had full control as though it's astral or lucid, not quite sure.
A sign to check for is do I have a walking stick with me, and can I run? Walking stick is usually not in dream and I panic I think have lost it. If I can run it's a dream, as in IRL I can't. Got proficient at riding broomsitck and flying, but activity seems to draw out evil presence.

At the time it's happening I am aware of bright vivid 3rd eye projection screen, so powerful it's painful physically. It can be so intense that upon waking, it feels like a hangover.

The 'other', which is really an alter ego or shadow character, is usually present in most dreams as his influence is quite significant, and can be a menace or a help. Probably a reflection of current things.

Demonic characters can take many forms, but often in the form of Ducks and strange birds or small bat things. I have practiced from sheer survival necessity to fight and evade this stuff. The most recent situation had me casting lightening as a weapon. Electric hands! The trouble is trying to controll it to much makes it stop.

The actual location was odd at first, like in a school corridor. I was handed a polished translucent red slab like the cross section of a tree. There was a connection to it like an antistatic wrist band. I was told to meditate with it and everything starts vibrating intensely and I begin levitating. I thin this stared an alarm somwhere deep inside.
The other character, grins an evil grin and runs off looking back at me. I have seen this look before.

The second scene occurs in a courtyard out side of a large square clock tower, with a living room of to the side. There are many characters and monsters there, archetypes, good/bad and a nasty presence.

I had a discussion with what seemed to be the Green man. He said we had not spoken since I was very small, it was all so familier and I recalled the last time well.
I dont know who or what I can trust in all the cacophony in there. It takes a monumental effort to recall all the details and has that hangover effect afterwards.
I am detecting that the green man and many of the characters have been used againt me maliciously in the past, and that this is part of the proccess of reconciliation.

I got the impression that there is some kind of psychic attack happening after waking up early from this, but likely from inside myself in truamtised pysche parts. Im familier the bizzare and improbale. I know myself.
This Green man character might explain the 'grassy' scent I pick up sometimes, it's definatly a spirit, but I have struggled to identify it, combined frequently with a pressure in the head. Odd stuff.

This stuff is so vivid you dont need VR. The thing about VR though, is that it can't actually hurt you, and I have been hurt through the stress and massively high blood pressure in the night terror state. let's just say, priapism and worse. Looking back it seems deliberate.

As for interpretation, the red tree section/disk is the heart. There is huge resitiance to my recovery involving demonic spirits, egregores and interjects, even jelous parts of me that want control. and to top it off, in the half sleep state which is where it easy for spirits for meet you, I have been receiving spiritual vision of many new spirits, some horrid, some atactive. I think they predominatly ancestors, which makes sence with the direction I am going.

I could not fiqure out at first what they were. I am used to seeing spirits attatched to me in the dream place, so I usually know whats happening on both sides. As for actually doing something about it, that's a different matter. Is there self help?

There is usually something to this proccess, encountering it over and over again as something changes in the helix passing up Jacobs ladder. I dont want to miss anything important, or get hurt anymore. If it comes in three's, or clowns, AVOID.