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Advanced info drop and free coaching

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Jul 24, 2024
Reaction score
Hey. I want to help you. Hopefully my information can help the people on here.
I am going to do a huge information drop in this thread. I am also going to offer my services for free on Discord and email. If you add me on Discord or email me, I will give you 1 on 1 coaching and instruction for free.
I can help you completely for free with any spiritual, emotional, mental, energetic, chakra, spiral power, evolution, ascension or any physical/health/wellness problems you may have. (I cannot help you with astral projection or lucid dreaming however).
I can also instruct you on alchemy, the occult, magick or the elites/control systems.

If you wish to connect with me on Discord and get free 1 on 1 help- add me on Discord. My Discord is:


My email is spiralpower369@gmail.com


Ultimately- many of you are lacking real training.

This means you need to start doing 8-18 hours a day of high intensity, evolutionary ascension energy work that is adaptable and multi faceted. Everyone can benefit from intense, daily long term training. If you train everyday for 8-18 hours a day for at least 10 years you will ascend on every level extremely hard.

You have to complete one chakra cycle rotation initially and learn to do hundreds to thousands more chakra and torus field rotations. This will in turn lead to torus field rotation mastery. My book describes how to accomplish this. Focus on working on your chakras. Then start trying to rotate your chakras and torus fields. You will have to train 8-18 hours a day for many months to years to start getting a feel and accomplishing this.
My book down below teaches you the basic of this advanced energy work.

You may get something out of my book. It is unedited and incomplete. I have a lot of stuff I want to take out or add in. There are no paragraphs, proper spacing or chapters. Plus I want to pay an actual illustrator thousands of dollars to add in dozens to hundreds of pictures. But I am hoping someone on here will get something out of it.
Read it and let me know what you think.

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These two documents are important documents made by "elite bloodline" insiders. They are really important to know what is going on with the world. I have interacted, met in person and actually have actively tried to fight against the elites mentioned in these documents in many ways. They are very real. Read these two documents so you can get a deeper understanding of how this reality has been controlled by the elite bloodlines and how they have planned, made and maintain the control systems that rule over thr masses and this reality. I also have extensively studied the control systems for tens of thousands of hours. If you want to know more about the control systems please ask me.

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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

You need to focus on diet and water if you are to reach a high level. Raw vegan diet and distilled water. If you want an information drop on this- let me know. If you want full chakra/torus field mastery you have to be vegan/raw vegan and drink distilled water. I can drop a starter guide about this on request.

More information in general:

Imagine if you will that you take your soul outside of your body and go to the scene of every negative action, sound, word, thought or thing you have ever did to others or yourself. Then you use your soul to look at what you did from thousands of perspectives. Then you use the knowledge you have now to go back in time and rewrite the past by apologizing and making
You apologize to yourself and others for what you have done wrong in the past up for the negativity you have done.
You suffer intentionally for the things you have done well meditating and analyzing them
If you do you will rewrite and change the past
The basics of it are this. Let your mind, soul and emotions drift away to a time in the past that you did something negative, felt bad or guilty about. Think about every negative feeling, thought, sound, word or action you have ever said. Try to go back as far into your past as possible. Pick apart yourself year by year as early and as much as you can remember.
Examine and analyze the past. Feel the pain you have cause for others and yourself. Think about what you would have done differently being the person you are now. Think about every possible combination of something better you could have said, thought or done instead of doing the negative thing you did back then. Feel the pain you caused others and yourself. Feel the negativity you have caused others and yourself. The rule however is to suffer 3x longer or more than the negativity, pain or trauma you did to
yourself or others. It is through this and through apologizing in your heart and soul that you can actually rewrite the past, transform your being, become more light/compassion/love filled and legitimately make up for the negative things you have done.

I think if you are dedicated to helping others and continue to try to help others daily as much as you can to the maximum that you are able to do so. I believe helping others gets you further than anything.

That being said helping others is also a skill that you have to constantly work at. If you look at helping others as a skill then you can analyze and critique your abilities in regards to helping others . You never know if you are helping as many people as you can unless you are constantly evaluating yourself on your ability to help others. Helping others should also be a skill that you are adapting and evolving with. Meaning that you can be trying out 10s of thousand of different ways how to help others and fail thousands of different ways. That is the progress and improvement of basically any skill. The difference is that many don't look at helping others as a skill that you get good at. Try to help more people and stretch the limit of who you are able to help but don't get discouraged if you fail. It also takes skill in order to identify who, when and where you will be able to help at the best of your ability. Push yourself to help others in the highest quality way possible but just realize that you need to evolve with helping others as if it is a skill.

You need to start engaging in high level energy work, start observing reality and experimenting with reality. Start researching about reality. Testing reality and experimenting with it in different ways. New innovative and adaptive ways. You need to program and put yourself into a waking state of observational meditation in which you can constantly be meditating 24/7. The meditation I teach is not conventional meditation. Most meditators get nowhere fast and have very little results.
If you meditate everyday for a few months, more than likely nothing will happen. Simple basic meditation is extremely beginner and does not do anything for the majority of people.
That isn't to say there is not some benefit, truth, higher realizations or ascension that you can have through meditating everyday. But chances are that you will not be able to get much out of standard conventional meditation practices.
The meditation practices that get you the furthest are practical meditations you do throughout your day while living your daily life. Meditation practices that you cannot do throughout your day practically are not great. An advanced meditation practice is one that you can perform while at work, school, in front of family, friends, while driving, playing games, working out, eating etc.
My advice is to put yourself into a state of waking practical meditation through self-programming, self-hypnosis, discipline, conscious awareness, mind training and thoughtfulness. The goal is to put yourself into an observational state where you can observe reality, others and yourself without any subjective interference.
This however is just the tip of the iceberg as you also want to be doing chakra work, reality experimentation, torus field work, compassion training, negative energy training. All these things synergize and go into one another if you do it correctly with the right intentions.
Then of course all of these also directly are related to what you put inside of your body. Food, water and sungazing. Water fasting, dry fasting and juice fasting.
It is essentially being your own scientist of reality. Your own alchemist. You experiment with different sounds, different words, sentences, thoughts, feelings, social interactions, mental interactions, perceptions of reality, concepts, theories and much more. The more you experiment with reality from an observational point of view while testing various combinations of energy forms. The more you will evolve the more you continue to experiment with reality from and observational point of view. The more you will eventually start to have huge breakthroughs and eventually you will gain more abilities.
You need to pick apart every sound, word, sentence, concept, theory, positive/negative energy and fear in your head. Go and reexamine everything that can or will ever exist. Like I said, do so observationally and objective as possible. Try to see yourself from an outside point of view. It is hard to be objective and to observe reality non-subjectively. But if you do it enough with a lot of willpower and effort. Your powers and abilities to observe reality objectively will evolve.
The short answer is that you need to rewire your brain, your mind, your thoughts, your words, your sentences and even make vows with yourself inside of your heart in order to put yourself into a constant state of meditation. You basically have to reprogram your entire being to put yourself into an observational, objective and non-subjective state of being. Your goal should be to still live practically in reality and be able to put yourself into a state in which you can observe reality objectively with no outside interference from yourself or others.
The basics of doing this involves using your willpower to make "contracts" with yourself in order to always observe reality observationally. On top of that, it also includes experimenting with reality observationally in many different ways of sounds, words, thoughts, energies, positivity, negativity and actions.
This ultimately means you are crossing the line between meditation and alchemy. If you do this right it essentially means you are putting yourself into a constant state of observational awareness that has no inside or outside influences while you test and experiment with reality.

Every thought, every word, every feeling has an entity that summons it to your being. That is the truth of how powerful every part of your being is. That is why you must take the time to carefully observe the true nature and reality of your thoughts, feelings and words. Because if you do you will realize just how powerful these things are to your entire being.
You have to take in the energy from multiple dimensions. Use the energy of your soul and being to attack/defend yourself and carefully observe the thoughts, feelings and words of your being. Ask yourself- is this thought/feeling/word coming from me or is it something else? Ask yourself- what is the true observational reality of my thoughts/words/feelings?

A huge thing in doing this kind of work is that you have to essentially become a psychic warrior that attacks and defends yourself with various techniques in other dimensions.

Essentially what this translates to is you have to use your creativity and imagination to come up with energetic attacks that defend yourself from being that are around you in other dimensions.

For example, let's start at a simple and basic level. You said you are feeling "drained". Well what if I told you that in other dimensions beyond the visible wavelength spectrum of what you can see with your physical eyes their is beings that essentially are extremely simple but are very toxic and harmful to us as complex being made of many parts. This particular form and type of beings I am talking about essentially looks like a jellyfish parasite in other dimensions. These jellyfish beings basically put thoughts into your head to keep thought form loops going so they can keep feeding on your negative energy. So if you don't develop your own psychic arsenal of attacks and defenses- essentially a being as simple as a jellyfish in other dimensions will feast upon the energies of your being and keep putting thoughtform loops into your head in order to keep feasting on the energy of your being and thoughts.
That is just in the simplest case too. In fact the average person such as yourself for example can have 100's to even tens of thousands of these beings surrounding their being and feasting off of them energetically in multiple dimensions. This is why doing advance energy work and evolving yourself can be very "draining". You need to become your own psychic warrior and your own exorcist essentially that fights battles in other dimensions. You need to become aware of thought form loops and your thoughts in general because a lot of times- you may (((think))) your thoughts are coming from you but they are actually coming from outside sources and outside entities that put thoughts or energies into your head/being in order to farm you and continue to feast upon your energies.
That's just the simplest being. You could have hundreds of simple parasitic "jellyfish" like beings putting thought forms into your head to put you into energetic loops to continue feasting on you. Really though there is even more complex organisms in other dimensions feasting on your energy in every shape and form. As you do more energy work you will interact with more entities and you will have to be inventive and come up with your own attacks/defenses against these various entities in order to progress in high level energy work.
Fight/defend yourself from energies all around you in various dimensions physical and non-physical
Carefully observe your thoughts, feelings and words. What is the true nature of your thoughts/feelings/words? Pick apart every single word, every single thought and every single feeling you have. Experiment with every single thought, every feeling and every word and see how they effect reality around you. Test, retest, hypothesize and experiment in reality with your thoughts, feelings and words. See how they influence and control reality around you.
Come up with your imagination new tools, techniques and innovative ways you can combat entities in other realities or dimensions that are giving you problems of some kind of another. Imagine and invent new tools or techniques psychically. Expand the tools in your arsenal kit and imagine new ways to fight entities. Only you can come up with ways to beat any entity that may harm you. Be creative and resourceful. Only you have the power to expand the abilities, skills and tools you have available to you to fight against any entity you may encounter.

There is two sides to every human. Any negativity inside yourself is basically a different entity from your positive side. That's why I teach building up two sides of yourself- your unconditional love, infinite light, infinite awareness, wisdom and positive sides.
Then on the opposite side- use your light to observe the negativity in your being. The negative side of yourself will ALWAYS be there in other dimensions, timelines and realities. That is to say there will ALWAYS be a negative, dark or evil version of yourself in other timelines realities and dimensions. The question is, will you observe and tame that version of yourself? If you use your light to observe your darkness you can hone your ego, negativity, evil and darkness into a sharp usable tool in other dimensions.
Remember- mainly focus on honing, evolving and growing your light. But your light grows by observing the darkness within you.

There will ALWAYS be a version of yourself in other realities and dimensions that exist that feels extreme negativity, violence, fear, murder, torture, rape. Even if you don't personally feel or want to do anything negative at anytime you could choose with your free will to become negative. That negative version of yourself exists in other dimensions just waiting for you to fuck up and summon it to your being.
The question is will you tame this negative version of yourself that exists infinitely in other dimensions- or will you leave it as a jumbled, chaotic mess of blurry negativity? Consolidate your negative energies and realize they are there to summon and use as a tool whenever you need.
But make a vow with yourself to never be negative or evil- unless you are planning to physically master negativity through violence, manipulation, torture, rape, control, murder, prostitution etc.
The only ones who can truly master negativity are the dark lords of this world. Who from birth have a birthright to master negativity. Sure if you aren't born a royal you can still master negativity- but it takes extraordinary effort and willpower. It takes 95% or more of your time and being to master negativity. Which an average person like me or you will never do.
My suggestion: use your negativity, ego and your willpower to master your light- program your being, make binding vows and contracts with yourself to becoming more unconditionally loving, more caring, more helpful and more of a light being.

That's all the information I am dropping for now. If you want me to drop health/wellness information- let me know and I can drop that in this thread. Any questions you have you can also ask in this thread. Hoping to hear from you soon- thank you!


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
Not to be hasty in forming judgments, but I asked OP for advice in two fairly common "occult" areas (via other media.) He allowed he had no experience with either, which is at least honest. Maybe I just asked the wrong questions. Still there seem to be some lacunae in what started out as rather sweeping claims to expertise.


Jul 24, 2024
Reaction score
Not to be hasty in forming judgments, but I asked OP for advice in two fairly common "occult" areas (via other media.) He allowed he had no experience with either, which is at least honest. Maybe I just asked the wrong questions. Still there seem to be some lacunae in what started out as rather sweeping claims to expertise.
There are very specific reasons I have never practiced astral projection or lucid dreaming. I do not personally see it as gaps in my expertise.
Also I quite literally put it in this OP that I can't help anyone with astral projection or lucid dreaming. Go back and reread the OP for that part.
Ultimately astral projection and lucid dreaming will get you next to nowhere for many reasons I do not care to name. Argue with me all you want. But astral projection and lucid dreaming are extremely novice addictions that many beginners are fascinated with. Just because it's interesting or you want to learn it- does not mean it will be helpful to you in growing yourself.


Apr 19, 2021
Reaction score
Does belief in or discussions of "negative elites" enhance your occult capacity?

Honest question. Even on the chance it's true that the political system, for example, isn't a case of "things happen"
People blather about this kind of thing, I'm curious if blather has utility.


Apr 16, 2024
Reaction score
Hey. I want to help you. Hopefully my information can help the people on here.
I am going to do a huge information drop in this thread. I am also going to offer my services for free on Discord and email. If you add me on Discord or email me, I will give you 1 on 1 coaching and instruction for free.
I can help you completely for free with any spiritual, emotional, mental, energetic, chakra, spiral power, evolution, ascension or any physical/health/wellness problems you may have. (I cannot help you with astral projection or lucid dreaming however).
I can also instruct you on alchemy, the occult, magick or the elites/control systems.

If you wish to connect with me on Discord and get free 1 on 1 help- add me on Discord. My Discord is:


My email is spiralpower369@gmail.com


Ultimately- many of you are lacking real training.

This means you need to start doing 8-18 hours a day of high intensity, evolutionary ascension energy work that is adaptable and multi faceted. Everyone can benefit from intense, daily long term training. If you train everyday for 8-18 hours a day for at least 10 years you will ascend on every level extremely hard.

You have to complete one chakra cycle rotation initially and learn to do hundreds to thousands more chakra and torus field rotations. This will in turn lead to torus field rotation mastery. My book describes how to accomplish this. Focus on working on your chakras. Then start trying to rotate your chakras and torus fields. You will have to train 8-18 hours a day for many months to years to start getting a feel and accomplishing this.
My book down below teaches you the basic of this advanced energy work.

You may get something out of my book. It is unedited and incomplete. I have a lot of stuff I want to take out or add in. There are no paragraphs, proper spacing or chapters. Plus I want to pay an actual illustrator thousands of dollars to add in dozens to hundreds of pictures. But I am hoping someone on here will get something out of it.
Read it and let me know what you think.

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These two documents are important documents made by "elite bloodline" insiders. They are really important to know what is going on with the world. I have interacted, met in person and actually have actively tried to fight against the elites mentioned in these documents in many ways. They are very real. Read these two documents so you can get a deeper understanding of how this reality has been controlled by the elite bloodlines and how they have planned, made and maintain the control systems that rule over thr masses and this reality. I also have extensively studied the control systems for tens of thousands of hours. If you want to know more about the control systems please ask me.

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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

You need to focus on diet and water if you are to reach a high level. Raw vegan diet and distilled water. If you want an information drop on this- let me know. If you want full chakra/torus field mastery you have to be vegan/raw vegan and drink distilled water. I can drop a starter guide about this on request.

More information in general:

Imagine if you will that you take your soul outside of your body and go to the scene of every negative action, sound, word, thought or thing you have ever did to others or yourself. Then you use your soul to look at what you did from thousands of perspectives. Then you use the knowledge you have now to go back in time and rewrite the past by apologizing and making
You apologize to yourself and others for what you have done wrong in the past up for the negativity you have done.
You suffer intentionally for the things you have done well meditating and analyzing them
If you do you will rewrite and change the past
The basics of it are this. Let your mind, soul and emotions drift away to a time in the past that you did something negative, felt bad or guilty about. Think about every negative feeling, thought, sound, word or action you have ever said. Try to go back as far into your past as possible. Pick apart yourself year by year as early and as much as you can remember.
Examine and analyze the past. Feel the pain you have cause for others and yourself. Think about what you would have done differently being the person you are now. Think about every possible combination of something better you could have said, thought or done instead of doing the negative thing you did back then. Feel the pain you caused others and yourself. Feel the negativity you have caused others and yourself. The rule however is to suffer 3x longer or more than the negativity, pain or trauma you did to
yourself or others. It is through this and through apologizing in your heart and soul that you can actually rewrite the past, transform your being, become more light/compassion/love filled and legitimately make up for the negative things you have done.

I think if you are dedicated to helping others and continue to try to help others daily as much as you can to the maximum that you are able to do so. I believe helping others gets you further than anything.

That being said helping others is also a skill that you have to constantly work at. If you look at helping others as a skill then you can analyze and critique your abilities in regards to helping others . You never know if you are helping as many people as you can unless you are constantly evaluating yourself on your ability to help others. Helping others should also be a skill that you are adapting and evolving with. Meaning that you can be trying out 10s of thousand of different ways how to help others and fail thousands of different ways. That is the progress and improvement of basically any skill. The difference is that many don't look at helping others as a skill that you get good at. Try to help more people and stretch the limit of who you are able to help but don't get discouraged if you fail. It also takes skill in order to identify who, when and where you will be able to help at the best of your ability. Push yourself to help others in the highest quality way possible but just realize that you need to evolve with helping others as if it is a skill.

You need to start engaging in high level energy work, start observing reality and experimenting with reality. Start researching about reality. Testing reality and experimenting with it in different ways. New innovative and adaptive ways. You need to program and put yourself into a waking state of observational meditation in which you can constantly be meditating 24/7. The meditation I teach is not conventional meditation. Most meditators get nowhere fast and have very little results.
If you meditate everyday for a few months, more than likely nothing will happen. Simple basic meditation is extremely beginner and does not do anything for the majority of people.
That isn't to say there is not some benefit, truth, higher realizations or ascension that you can have through meditating everyday. But chances are that you will not be able to get much out of standard conventional meditation practices.
The meditation practices that get you the furthest are practical meditations you do throughout your day while living your daily life. Meditation practices that you cannot do throughout your day practically are not great. An advanced meditation practice is one that you can perform while at work, school, in front of family, friends, while driving, playing games, working out, eating etc.
My advice is to put yourself into a state of waking practical meditation through self-programming, self-hypnosis, discipline, conscious awareness, mind training and thoughtfulness. The goal is to put yourself into an observational state where you can observe reality, others and yourself without any subjective interference.
This however is just the tip of the iceberg as you also want to be doing chakra work, reality experimentation, torus field work, compassion training, negative energy training. All these things synergize and go into one another if you do it correctly with the right intentions.
Then of course all of these also directly are related to what you put inside of your body. Food, water and sungazing. Water fasting, dry fasting and juice fasting.
It is essentially being your own scientist of reality. Your own alchemist. You experiment with different sounds, different words, sentences, thoughts, feelings, social interactions, mental interactions, perceptions of reality, concepts, theories and much more. The more you experiment with reality from an observational point of view while testing various combinations of energy forms. The more you will evolve the more you continue to experiment with reality from and observational point of view. The more you will eventually start to have huge breakthroughs and eventually you will gain more abilities.
You need to pick apart every sound, word, sentence, concept, theory, positive/negative energy and fear in your head. Go and reexamine everything that can or will ever exist. Like I said, do so observationally and objective as possible. Try to see yourself from an outside point of view. It is hard to be objective and to observe reality non-subjectively. But if you do it enough with a lot of willpower and effort. Your powers and abilities to observe reality objectively will evolve.
The short answer is that you need to rewire your brain, your mind, your thoughts, your words, your sentences and even make vows with yourself inside of your heart in order to put yourself into a constant state of meditation. You basically have to reprogram your entire being to put yourself into an observational, objective and non-subjective state of being. Your goal should be to still live practically in reality and be able to put yourself into a state in which you can observe reality objectively with no outside interference from yourself or others.
The basics of doing this involves using your willpower to make "contracts" with yourself in order to always observe reality observationally. On top of that, it also includes experimenting with reality observationally in many different ways of sounds, words, thoughts, energies, positivity, negativity and actions.
This ultimately means you are crossing the line between meditation and alchemy. If you do this right it essentially means you are putting yourself into a constant state of observational awareness that has no inside or outside influences while you test and experiment with reality.

Every thought, every word, every feeling has an entity that summons it to your being. That is the truth of how powerful every part of your being is. That is why you must take the time to carefully observe the true nature and reality of your thoughts, feelings and words. Because if you do you will realize just how powerful these things are to your entire being.
You have to take in the energy from multiple dimensions. Use the energy of your soul and being to attack/defend yourself and carefully observe the thoughts, feelings and words of your being. Ask yourself- is this thought/feeling/word coming from me or is it something else? Ask yourself- what is the true observational reality of my thoughts/words/feelings?

A huge thing in doing this kind of work is that you have to essentially become a psychic warrior that attacks and defends yourself with various techniques in other dimensions.

Essentially what this translates to is you have to use your creativity and imagination to come up with energetic attacks that defend yourself from being that are around you in other dimensions.

For example, let's start at a simple and basic level. You said you are feeling "drained". Well what if I told you that in other dimensions beyond the visible wavelength spectrum of what you can see with your physical eyes their is beings that essentially are extremely simple but are very toxic and harmful to us as complex being made of many parts. This particular form and type of beings I am talking about essentially looks like a jellyfish parasite in other dimensions. These jellyfish beings basically put thoughts into your head to keep thought form loops going so they can keep feeding on your negative energy. So if you don't develop your own psychic arsenal of attacks and defenses- essentially a being as simple as a jellyfish in other dimensions will feast upon the energies of your being and keep putting thoughtform loops into your head in order to keep feasting on the energy of your being and thoughts.
That is just in the simplest case too. In fact the average person such as yourself for example can have 100's to even tens of thousands of these beings surrounding their being and feasting off of them energetically in multiple dimensions. This is why doing advance energy work and evolving yourself can be very "draining". You need to become your own psychic warrior and your own exorcist essentially that fights battles in other dimensions. You need to become aware of thought form loops and your thoughts in general because a lot of times- you may (((think))) your thoughts are coming from you but they are actually coming from outside sources and outside entities that put thoughts or energies into your head/being in order to farm you and continue to feast upon your energies.
That's just the simplest being. You could have hundreds of simple parasitic "jellyfish" like beings putting thought forms into your head to put you into energetic loops to continue feasting on you. Really though there is even more complex organisms in other dimensions feasting on your energy in every shape and form. As you do more energy work you will interact with more entities and you will have to be inventive and come up with your own attacks/defenses against these various entities in order to progress in high level energy work.
Fight/defend yourself from energies all around you in various dimensions physical and non-physical
Carefully observe your thoughts, feelings and words. What is the true nature of your thoughts/feelings/words? Pick apart every single word, every single thought and every single feeling you have. Experiment with every single thought, every feeling and every word and see how they effect reality around you. Test, retest, hypothesize and experiment in reality with your thoughts, feelings and words. See how they influence and control reality around you.
Come up with your imagination new tools, techniques and innovative ways you can combat entities in other realities or dimensions that are giving you problems of some kind of another. Imagine and invent new tools or techniques psychically. Expand the tools in your arsenal kit and imagine new ways to fight entities. Only you can come up with ways to beat any entity that may harm you. Be creative and resourceful. Only you have the power to expand the abilities, skills and tools you have available to you to fight against any entity you may encounter.

There is two sides to every human. Any negativity inside yourself is basically a different entity from your positive side. That's why I teach building up two sides of yourself- your unconditional love, infinite light, infinite awareness, wisdom and positive sides.
Then on the opposite side- use your light to observe the negativity in your being. The negative side of yourself will ALWAYS be there in other dimensions, timelines and realities. That is to say there will ALWAYS be a negative, dark or evil version of yourself in other timelines realities and dimensions. The question is, will you observe and tame that version of yourself? If you use your light to observe your darkness you can hone your ego, negativity, evil and darkness into a sharp usable tool in other dimensions.
Remember- mainly focus on honing, evolving and growing your light. But your light grows by observing the darkness within you.

There will ALWAYS be a version of yourself in other realities and dimensions that exist that feels extreme negativity, violence, fear, murder, torture, rape. Even if you don't personally feel or want to do anything negative at anytime you could choose with your free will to become negative. That negative version of yourself exists in other dimensions just waiting for you to fuck up and summon it to your being.
The question is will you tame this negative version of yourself that exists infinitely in other dimensions- or will you leave it as a jumbled, chaotic mess of blurry negativity? Consolidate your negative energies and realize they are there to summon and use as a tool whenever you need.
But make a vow with yourself to never be negative or evil- unless you are planning to physically master negativity through violence, manipulation, torture, rape, control, murder, prostitution etc.
The only ones who can truly master negativity are the dark lords of this world. Who from birth have a birthright to master negativity. Sure if you aren't born a royal you can still master negativity- but it takes extraordinary effort and willpower. It takes 95% or more of your time and being to master negativity. Which an average person like me or you will never do.
My suggestion: use your negativity, ego and your willpower to master your light- program your being, make binding vows and contracts with yourself to becoming more unconditionally loving, more caring, more helpful and more of a light being.

That's all the information I am dropping for now. If you want me to drop health/wellness information- let me know and I can drop that in this thread. Any questions you have you can also ask in this thread. Hoping to hear from you soon- thank you!
Excuse me, most people in the Western Hemisphere or the East for that matter would agree that 8-18 hours a day for what you are professing as the "Right Thing" is not only unacceptable, but preposterous in the extreme! Why my Wife would kick my a$$ for desertion if I did that!!! Besides I Like Sex too much to buy into something that ludicrous, it's That Simple!


Apr 19, 2021
Reaction score
Besides I Like Sex too much to buy into something that ludicrous, it's That Simple!
Yes, but you're not an incel. Since my material life is relatively decent, I consider myself a relatively succesful sorcerer, regardless of what I do. For instance, if I meditate for a month, but op is living a dumpster, I'm the better sorcerer.

Although some people here may consider me a troll (this may not be entirely innaccurate), I also don't say things like, there's an alternative you bein raped right now. I dunno if that's true. Suppose I believe that's true, will that increase my occult capacity or something?


Jul 24, 2024
Reaction score
Does belief in or discussions of "negative elites" enhance your occult capacity?

Honest question. Even on the chance it's true that the political system, for example, isn't a case of "things happen"
People blather about this kind of thing, I'm curious if blather has utility.

It has an insane amount of occult capacity to it. The more you study the control systems. The more your occult knowledge will grow. Simple as that. On a more complex level your occult power will grow the more you study and investigate the control systems. The control systems were made from by some of the most "occult" beings this reality has to offer.
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Excuse me, most people in the Western Hemisphere or the East for that matter would agree that 8-18 hours a day for what you are professing as the "Right Thing" is not only unacceptable, but preposterous in the extreme! Why my Wife would kick my a$$ for desertion if I did that!!! Besides I Like Sex too much to buy into something that ludicrous, it's That Simple!

You do the energy work 8-18 hours a day while at work, school, with friends, with family, while having sex etc. You don't have have to neglect anything in your life. In fact you should be MORE attentive to those around you doing this kind of energy work. It ruins the point of the energy work if it is not practical. You do not want this to impact your daily life and living AT ALL. You should be able to give your wife great care and attention while doing energy work. You should be able to work or even have sex while doing energy work. I've done it. You can too. The question is- how much do you want it? How much do you want to evolve?
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Yes, but you're not an incel. Since my material life is relatively decent, I consider myself a relatively succesful sorcerer, regardless of what I do. For instance, if I meditate for a month, but op is living a dumpster, I'm the better sorcerer.

Although some people here may consider me a troll (this may not be entirely innaccurate), I also don't say things like, there's an alternative you bein raped right now. I dunno if that's true. Suppose I believe that's true, will that increase my occult capacity or something?

The physiology of your face says otherwise.
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Hey everyone. I just made some new writings and a new thread at Chakra and Torus Field Ascension/Rotation Starter Guide . I am hoping my new writings will help some of you here.

The link to my new writings are this:

Chakra and Torus Field Ascension/Rotation Starter Guide:

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Apr 16, 2024
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Yes, but you're not an incel. Since my material life is relatively decent, I consider myself a relatively succesful sorcerer, regardless of what I do. For instance, if I meditate for a month, but op is living a dumpster, I'm the better sorcerer.

Although some people here may consider me a troll (this may not be entirely innaccurate), I also don't say things like, there's an alternative you bein raped right now. I dunno if that's true. Suppose I believe that's true, will that increase my occult capacity or something?
II would say if your sorcery keeps you out of the dumpster you're doing something right, that you most likely "strategically" engineered that, and you didn't wait till you got evicted from your residence to cast any spells either, so it's all good, Yes? Some of the other stuff you mention like what your multi-dimensional selves are up to is between You and Them, No? I can't speak to or about anything for you on that score.
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You appear to have perfected the Ultimate in magical systems, something any Hermetic Qabalist would interpret as the "day job" of a Magus, or an
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s, I must say, I don't quite know What to say? It beggars description and boggles a mere muggles mind!
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II would say if your sorcery keeps you out of the dumpster you're doing something right, that you most likely "strategically" engineered that, and you didn't wait till you got evicted from your residence to cast any spells either, so it's all good, Yes? Some of the other stuff you mention like what your multi-dimensional selves are up to is between You and Them, No? I can't speak to or about anything for you on that score.
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You appear to have perfected the Ultimate in magical systems, something any Hermetic Qabalist would interpret as the "day job" of a Magus, or an
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s, I must say, I don't quite know What to say? It beggars description and boggles a mere muggles mind!
That said, I'm pretty much done with this thread, it's painful the light is So... Bright in here!
Who knew...?
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Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Quick note: the 4chan derefer to scribd.com doesn't work for me. Anybody else having this problem will have to copy the URL in a new browser window.


Apr 19, 2021
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I certainly find the document very convincing, inasmuch as it persuades me to embrace some kind of Buddhistic oblivion, and never use my brain for any kind of narrative ever again. Sort like of the lengthy verboseness of the Lotus Sutra.

If any of you believe anything, read this document and go through his lengthy processes.

Or you could do the thing he disadvises and meditate for a month I guess. OP might disagree with the Buddha that meditation will grant you psychic powers, but at least your brain will shut the fuck up.

On the other hand, suppose you are suddenly face to face with a dragon that is as big as a skyscraper and it is coming for you. What would you do? How would you face such an opponent? How would you defeat such an opponent so that you and others could survive? You must visualize and etch into your soul how to overcome such realities so that you can face anything. An opponent like a giant dragon has a lot of weaknesses that you can exploit or take advantage of. A dragon is also a being that you can connect or bond with. There are infinite ways you can survive or overcome any situation no matter how hypothetical it seems if you properly prepare yourself deeply within your soul, body and being. For example, say you are face to face with a giant dragon. Being of such a smaller size than your opponent and knowing that your opponent's movements are sluggish, you can get into it’s blind spot and attempt to take out the back of it’s ankles, knees or underbelly. Say cutting into it isn’t an option. Well being of such a small size you could also try going inside one of it’s orifices such as it’s genitals or butt to try and take it out. Another reality that you could try to defeat it that isn’t so vile is to simply reason, talk or befriend the dragon. Say you can’t hurt it, talk with it or do anything to it to stop it from eating you. You can also hide, you can also stealth, you can use psychic powers on your opponent. There is many different options for surviving or defeating any opponent you can ever imagine. When you imagine these different ways out or different strategies of defeating any opponent that exists in these infinite realities- you can defeat your fear inside yourself and build up your courage in your heart to overcome anything imaginable. It is negativity, fear, weakness and cowardice that is the killer. It is fear that controls you, fear that consumes you and fear that your opponents feed from. If you figure out with a courageous heart how to overcome any situation in infinite reality that exists- the form of your body and your being will change to match.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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The physiology of your face says otherwise.
Not very nice. Don't make this type of behaviour a habit (it might shatter your image of enlightened mage)


Jul 24, 2024
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Not very nice. Don't make this type of behaviour a habit (it might shatter your image of enlightened mage)
Hey. Those were your words. Not mine lol. I would personally never use words like enlightened or mage. That's cringe AF to me lmao. But hey thanks for the compliment lol


Apr 19, 2021
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Narcissistic, smug, skeptical, know-it-all and hallowed.
Well thank you, I am very holy. Or at any rate I've been in a few holes.
My name means gift from god. Local Confucians will tell you it speaks to my true nature.
Words contain the very essence of reality. Ponder them until your brain runs out of spindle.


Jul 24, 2024
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Great stuff
Well thank you, I am very holy. Or at any rate I've been in a few holes.
My name means gift from god. Local Confucians will tell you it speaks to my true nature.
Words contain the very essence of reality. Ponder them until your brain runs out of spindle.
Yeah, I think I can guess who and what holes you have been in pretty easily...


Apr 19, 2021
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Hell, I've even studied with Iranians. You'd be surprised who was top of the class.
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