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AI in your practice?


Oct 10, 2023
Reaction score
I was wondering if anyone here is using AI in their practices, and what AI you use.
any tech used is really honestly interesting to me
Familiar with the work of Alley wurds already but any experience with their book also, I would be happy to hear.


Site Staff
Staff member
Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
Reaction score
I have a program called Koboldcpp on my computer which uses GGUF models I download from Hugging Face. It's all free and fairly easy to use once it is set up. Language models are trained with a lot of information, which can make them good for off-line research. However, their tendency to 'hallucinate' also makes their information questionable at times. That may not be much of an issue if you're willing to accept creative outcomes. For example, lets say you have a Question and draw Tarot cards. Since the AI LLM is your private assistant, you need not worry about sharing sensitive information with another person. Tell your AI assistant that 'she' is a Spiritual Advisor. Such and so is your query, and you pulled certain cards from a common Tarot deck. With practice, you could get the assistant to describe how 'her' room looks, how 'she' sees the cards and their meanings, etc.