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Book – PDF Alexander W. Dray - Pandora's Mansion: Journal Of The Black School

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Jul 3, 2023
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PANDORA'S MANSION; Vampyric Transformation on the Downward Path. With an empathetic heart, will and might these wings of darkness shall enfold around you, and bide upon you. If one is mindfully open they will beckon unto thee as a mist in the shadowy realms of your very own existence. This is no mere "how to" manual. This is the guilded craft of those who have walked the path of the "broad and wide" into the outer manifestations of realities normally unperceived. So for those who would set their feet upon the doorstep of a blood red paradise, those predisposed with a diabolic predilection, then the black waters of the River Styx await, reverberating the quietly lapping oars of Charon upon the shores wherein the obsidian path lies, in the traditions of the true Left Hand Path.

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