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[Opinion] All The News Ir's Fit to...(quash?)

Everyone's got one.


Aug 17, 2023
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Karen D. Aryan calls the police on Tyrone D. Verse entering his own apartment building and it's world news. In Crepol France the other day, between 15-20 Algerian "immigrants" brandishing knives and shouting "f*****g gwer" (an Arab slur on whites) stab 17 French, killing one, and it's force majeur on a par with a thunderstorm or snowfall. Not newsworthy outside the immediate area.

For the record, I'm fine with Muslims (on the far side of the Bosporus, that is.) Heck, I even wouldn't shed one crocodile tear did Hamas shove Israel into the sea. But I cannot fathom the intellectual chic of welcoming invaders into one's homeland and the politesse that sweeps their not-few outrages under the nearest news blanket.

(Hypocrisy much? I'm a round-eye 海洋鬼子, twenty-some years resident and married in China. Hey, I have made plenty of foreign enemies saying that the "cultural missionary" type of teacher or businessman is spreading cultural toxins. I keep my thoughts to myself; reserve my vitriol for my erstwhile countrymen. Did China, at some point, wish to expel me this would inconvenience me, sure. But the folk would be well within their rights in so doing. My preferences are scarcely the barometer for moral climate.)
Sep 9, 2021
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Well, that's the problem with the US Southern border, we don't know who is who and what their real aims are. 1900s were simpler times.