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[Archive] [amxha] Collection of Constraints on Spirits

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.


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Sep 27, 2021
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Spoken Constraints in Traditional/Classic Grimoires

Spoken on Infernal or Deceased Spirits

(Upon Infernal Spirits)

Constraint from Ars Goetia, The Lesser Key of Solomon

I conjure the [thee] spirit N. by all the most glorious and Effacius [efficacious] names of the most great and Incomprehensible Lord god of Host [Hosts], that you comest quickly without delay ffrom all parts and places of the world: [wherever thou mayest be,] to make rationell answers to my demands and that visible and affably speakeing with a voice Intellegible to my understanding as aforesaid, I conjure and constrain you spirit N., by all aforesaid and by these seven names by wch wise Salomon bound thee and thy fellows in a vessel of Brass. Adonay, Prerai Tetragrammaton; Anephexeton [Anaphexeton], Inessenfatall, Pathatumon, & Itemon. That you appeare hear before this Circle, to fullfill my will in all things, that shall seeme good unto me and if you be disobedient and refuse to come I will in the power and by the power of the name of ye supream and Everliving god, Who created both you and me and all the whole world in six days and what is contained in it Eye-Saray, and by the power of his name Primeumaton; which commandeth the whole hoste of heaven, curse you and deprive you, from all your office, Joy & place, and binde you in the debth [depth] of ye Bottomless pit There to remaine unto the day of the last Judgement, and I will bind you into Eternall fire & into the lake of fire and Brimstone, unless you come forthwith and appeare heere before this Circle to doe my will in all things. Therefore com [thou!] in and by these holly names Adonay, Zebeoth [Zebaoth], Adonay, Amiorem; come yee, Adonay commandeth you.”

(Upon the Deceased or Infernal Spirits)

Lengthy Constraint from Book 1 of The Greater Key of Solomon
(GKOS/Clavicula Salomonis)

Here again I conjure ye and most urgently command ye; I force, constrain, and exhort ye to the utmost, by the most mighty and powerful name of God EL, strong and wonderful, and by God the just and upright, I exorcise ye and command ye that ye in no way delay, but that ye come immediately and upon the instant hither before us, without noise, deformity, or hideousness, but with all manner of gentleness and mildness.
I exorcise ye anew, and powerfully conjure ye, commanding ye with strength and violence by him who spake and it was done; and by all these names: EL SHADDAI, ELOHIM, ELOHI, TZABAOTH, ELIM, ASHER EHEIEH, YAH, TETRAGRAMMATON, SHADDAI, which signify God the high and almighty, the God of Israel, through whom undertaking all our operations we shall prosper in all the works of our hands, seeing that the Lord is now, always, and for ever with us, in our heart and in our lips; and by his holy names, and by the virtue of the sovereign God, we shall accomplish all our work.

Come ye at once without any hideousness or deformity before us, come ye without monstrous appearance, in a gracious form or figure. Come ye, for we exorcise ye with the utmost vehemence by the name of IAH and ON, which Adam spake and heard; by the name EL, which Noah heard, and saved himself with all his family from the Deluge; by the name IOD, which Noah heard, and knew God the Almighty One; by the name AGLA which Jacob heard, and saw the Ladder which touched Heaven, and the angels who ascended and descended upon it, whence he called that place the House of God and the Gate of Heaven; and by the name ELOHIM, and in the name ELOHIM, which Moses named, invoked, and heard in Horeb the Mount of God, and he was found worthy to hear him speak from the Burning Bush; and by the name AIN SOPH, which Aaron heard, and was at once made eloquent, wise, and learned; and by the name TZABAOTH, which Moses named and invoked, and all the ponds and rivers were covered with blood throughout the land of Egypt; and by the name IOD, which Moses named and invoked, and striking upon the dust of the earth it became gnats infesting men, cattle, and beasts of burden of Egypt; and by the name, and in the name PRIMATON, which Moses named and invoked, and there fell a great and severe hail throughout all the land of Egypt, destroying the vines, the trees, and the woods which were in that country; and by the name IAPHAR, which Moses heard and invoked, and immediately a great pestilence began to appear through all the land of Egypt, striking and slaying the asses, the oxen, and the sheep of the Egyptians, so that they all died; and by the name ABADDON which Moses invoked and sprinkled the dust towards heaven, and immediately there fell so great rain upon the men, cattle, and flocks, that they all died throughout the land of Egypt; and by the name ELION which Moses invoked, and there fell so great hail as had never been seen from the beginning of the world unto that time, so that all men, and herds, and everything that was in the fields perished and died throughout all the land of Egypt. And by the name ADONAI, which Moses having invoked, there came so great a quantity of locusts which appeared in the land of Egypt, that they devoured and swallowed up all that the hail had spared; and by the name of PATHEON,which having invoked, there arose so thick, so awful, and so terrible darkness throughout the land of Egypt, during the space of three days and three nights, that almost all who were left alive died; and by the name YESOD, and in the name YESOD, which Moses invoked, and at midnight all the first-born, both of men and of animals, died; and by the name of YESHIMON, which Moses named and invoked, and the Red Sea divided itself and separated in two; and by the name HESION, which Moses invoked, and all the army of Pharaoh was drowned in the waters; and by the name ANABONA, which Moses having heard upon Mount Sinai, he was found worthy to receive and obtain the tables of stone written with the finger of God the creator; and by the name ERYGION, which Joshua having invoked when he fought against the Moabites, he defeated them and gained the victory; and by the name HOA, and in the name HOA, which David invoked, and he was delivered from the hand of Goliath; and by the name YOD, which Solomon having named and invoked, he was found worthy to ask for and obtain in sleep the ineffable wisdom of God; and by the name YIAI, which Solomon having named and invoked, he was found worthy to have power over all the demons, potencies, powers, and virtues of the air.
By these, then, and by all the other names of God almighty, holy, living, and true, we powerfully command ye, ye who by your own sin have been cast down from the Empyreal Heaven, and from before his throne; by him who hath cast ye down unto the most profound of the abysses of Hell, we command ye boldly and resolutely; and by that terrible day of the sovereign judgment of God, on which all the dry bones in the earth will arise to hear and listen unto the word of God with their body, and will present themselves before the face of God almighty; and by that Last Fire which shall consume all things; by the (Crystal) Sea which is known unto us, which is before the face of God; by the indicible and ineffable virtue, force, and power of the creator himself, by his almighty power, and by the light and flame which emanate from his countenance, and which are before his face; by the angelical powers which are in the Heavens, and by the most great wisdom of almighty God; by the Seal of David, by the Ring and Seal of Solomon, which was revealed unto him by the Most High and Sovereign creator; and by the Nine Medals or pentacles, which we have among our symbols, which proceed and come from Heaven, and are among the Mysteries of Mysteries or Secrets of Secrets, which you can also behold in my hand, consecrated and exorcised with the due and requisite Ceremonies. By these, then, and by all the secrets which the Almighty encloseth in the Treasures of the sovereign and Highest Wisdom, by his Hand, and by his marvellous power; I conjure, force, and exorcise ye that ye come without delay to perform in our presence that which we shall command ye.
I conjure ye anew by that most holy name which the whole Universe fears, respects, and reveres, which is written by these letters and characters, IOD, HE, VAU, HE; and by the last and terrible judgment; by the seat of BALDACHIA; and by this holy name, YIAI, which Moses invoked, and there followed that great Judgment of God, when Dathan and Abiram were swallowed up in the centre of the earth. Otherwise, if ye contravene and resist us by your disobedience unto the virtue and power of this name YIAI, we curse ye even unto the depth of the Great Abyss, into the which we shall cast, hurl, and bind ye, if ye show yourselves rebellious against the secret of secrets, and against the mystery of mysteries. AMEN, AMEN. FIAT, FIAT.”

This conjuration thou shalt say and perform, turning thyself unto the East, and if they appear not, thou shalt repeat it unto the spirits, turning unto the South, the West, and the North, in succession, when thou wilt have repeated it four times. And if they appear not even then, thou shalt make the sign of TAU upon the foreheads of thy companions, and thou shalt say:—

Behold anew the symbol and the name of a sovereign and conquering God, through which all the Universe fears, trembles, and shudders, and through the most mysterious words of the secret mysteries and by their virtue, strength, and power.
I conjure ye anew, I constrain and command ye with the utmost vehemence and power, by that most potent and powerful name of God, EL, strong and wonderful, by him who spake and it was done; and by the name IAH, which Moses heard, and spoke with God; and by the name AGLA, which Joseph invoked, and was delivered out of the hands of his brethren; and by the name VAU, which Abraham heard, and knew God the Almighty One; and by the name of Four Letters, TETRAGRAMMATON, which Joshua named and invoked, and he was rendered worthy and found deserving to lead the Army of Israel into the Promised Land; and by the name ANABONA, by which God formed Man and the whole Universe; and by the name ARPHETON, and in the name ARPHETON, by which the angels who are destined to that end will
summon the Universe, in visible body and form, and will assemble (all people) together by the sound of the Trumpet at that terrible and awful Day of Judgment, when the memory of the wicked and ungodly shall perish; and by the name ADONAI, by which God will judge all human flesh, at whose voice all men, both good and evil, will rise again, and all men and angels will assemble in the air before the Lord, who will judge and condemn the wicked; and by the name ONEIPHETON, by which God will summon the dead, and raise them up again unto life; and by the name ELOHIM, and in the name ELOHIM, by which God will disturb and excite tempests throughout all the seas, so that they will cast out the fish therefrom, and in one day the third part of men about the sea and the rivers shall die; and by the name ELOHI, and in the name ELOHI, by which God will dry up the sea and the rivers, so that men can go on foot through their channels; and by the name ON, and in the name ON, by which God shall restore and replace the sea, the rivers, the streams, and the brooks, in their previous state; and by the name MESSIACH, and in the name MESSIACH, by which God will make all animals combat together, so that they shall die in a single day; and by the name ARIEL, by which God shall destroy in a single day all buildings, so that there shall not be left one stone upon another; and by the name IAHT, by which God will cast one stone upon another, so that all people and nations will fly from the sea-shore, and will say unto them cover us and hide us; and by the name EMANUEL, by which God will perform wonders, and the winged creatures and birds of the air shall contend with one another; and by the name ANAEL, and in the name ANAEL, by which God will cast down the mountains and fill up the valleys, so that the surface of the earth shall be level in all parts; and by the name ZEDEREZA, and in the name ZEDEREZA, by which God will cause the Sun and Moon to be darkened, and the stars of heaven to fall; and by the name SEPHERIEL, by which God will come to Universal Judgment, like a Prince newly crowned entering in triumph into his capital city, girded with a zone of gold, and preceded by angels, and at his aspect all climes and parts of the Universe shall be troubled and astonished, and a fire shall go forth before him, and flames and storm shall surround him; and by the name TAU, by which God brought the Deluge, and the waters prevailed above the mountains, and fifteen cubits above their summits; and by the name RUACHIAH, by which God having purged the Ages, he will make his Holy Spirit to descend upon the Universe, and will cast ye, ye rebellious spirits, and unclean beings, into the depths of the lake of the abyss, in misery, filth, and mire, and will place ye in impure and foul dungeons bound with eternal chains of fire.
By these names then, and by all the other holy names of God before whom no man can stand and live, and which names the armies of the demons fear, tremble at, and shudder; we conjure ye, we potently exorcise and command ye, conjuring ye in addition by the terrible and tremendous PATHS of GOD and by his holy habitation wherein he reigneth and commandeth unto the eternal ages.
By the virtue of all those aforesaid, we command ye that ye remain not in any place wherein ye are, but to come hither promptly without delay to do that which we shall enjoin ye. But if ye be still contumacious, we, by the authority of a sovereign and potent God, deprive ye of all quality, condition, degree, and place which ye now enjoy, and precipitate ye into and relegate ye unto the Kingdom of Fire and of sulphur, to be there eternally tormented. Come ye then from all parts of the earth, wheresoever ye may be, and behold the symbols and names of that triumphant sovereign whom all creatures obey, otherwise we shall bind ye and conduct ye in spite of yourselves, into our presence bound with chains of fire, because those effects which proceed and issue from our science and operation, are ardent with a fire which shall consume and burn ye eternally, for by these the whole Universe trembleth, the earth is moved, the stones thereof rush together, all creatures obey, and the rebellious spirits are tormented by the power of the sovereign creator.”

(Upon Infernal Spirits of GV)

Invocation to the Constraining Emperor and Intermediary Scirlin from The True Grimoire
(GV/Grimorium Verum)


(Upon Infernal Spirits of GV)

Constraints of Two Spirits from The True Grimoire
(GV/Grimorium Verum)

I conjure you Silcharde by the image and resemblanc eof J.C. our Lord who redeemed mankind through his death and passion, and desires by his providence that you be present here, I command you by all the rays of the sun, Agis, I conjure and constrain you through his holy name and by he who trod upon the adder, and trampled the lions and dragons under foot, that you be obedient to my commands without any power to harm body or soul, or any other parts.”

I conjure you Bechard and I constrain you to come to me, I entreat you once again by the most holy names of God, Eloy, Adonay, Eloy, Agla, Samalabactany which are written in Hebrew, Greek and Latin, by all the sacraments, all the names written in this book, and by him who drove you out of Heaven. I conjure and command you by the virtue of the most holy Eucharist, which redeemed mankind from sin, that without delay you come to do all that I desire, without causing injury to body or soul, neither to any who are with me.”

(Upon Infernal Spirits)

Constraining Invocation of the Emperor Lucifer from The Grand Grimoire
(The Red Dragon)

Addressed to the emperor Lucifer

Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in whatsoever quarter of the world may be situated, and come hither to communicate with me. I command and I conjure thee in the Name of the Mighty living God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to appear without noise and without any evil smell, to respond in a clear and intelligible voice, point by point, to all that I shall ask thee, failing which, thou shalt be most surely compelled to obedience by the power of the divine ADONAY, ELOIM, ARIEL, JEHOVAM, TAGLA, MATHON, and by the whole hierarchy of superior intelligences, who shall constrain thee against thy will.
Venité, Venité!
Submiritillor Lucifuge, or the eternal torment shall overwhelm thee, by the great power of this Blasting Rod. In subito.”

Spoken on Angels or Intelligences/Spirits of Intelligentia

(Upon Aerial Spirits)

Constraint from Ars Theurgia, The Lesser Key of Solomon

To the Dukes that governeth the Point of the Compasse with their Prince.
I conjure Thee O thou mighty and Potent Duke N. who ruleth under thy prince or king N. in the dominion of the East (or &c) I conjure thee N. that thou forthwith appeareth , allone (or with [thy] servants) [of the air] in this first (or second) houre of the day, here before me in this cristal stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely shape, to doe my will in all things that I shall desire or request of you *. I conjure and powerfully command of you N. By him who said the word and it was done: and by all the holy and powerfull names of god and by the name of the only creator of heaven, Earth, and hell and what is contained in them Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe, Elion, Escerchie [Escherie], Zebaoth, Jah, Tetragrammaton, Saday. The on1y lord god of the hosts, That you forthwith appearth unto me here in this Cristall stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely humane shape: without doeing any harme to me or any other creature that god Jehovah created or made; But come ye peacibly, vissibly and affably, now without delay manifesting what I desiere, being conjured by the name of ye Eternall Liveing and true god: Helioren, Tetragrammaton, Anephexeton. and fulfill my commands and persist unto the end; I conjure command and constraine you spirit N. by Alpha and Omega. By the name Primeumaton, which commandeth the whole host of heaven and by all those names which Moses named when he by the power of those names brought great plagues upon Pharao [Pharoah], and all the people of Ægypt. Zebaoth, Escerchie, Oriston, Elion, Adonay, Primeumaton and by the name of Schemes. Amathia. with [which] Joshua called upon and the sun stayed his course, and by the name of Hagios, and by the Seal of Adonay and by Agla, On, Tetragrammaton. To whome all creatures are obedient and by the dreadfull Judgement of the high god and by the holly angells of heaven and by the mighty wisdome of the great god of hosts That you come from all Parts of ye world and make rational answers unto all things I shall aske thee ^of you, and come you peaceable vissible and affable speaking unto me with a voyce Intelligible and to my understanding Therefore come, come yee in the name of Adonay, Zebaoth, Adonay, Amioram, Come, why stay you, hasten. Adonay, Saday the king of kings commandeth you.”

(Upon Angels)

Constraint from Ars Almadel, The Lesser Key of Solomon

O thou great mighty and blessed angell of god, N, who ruleth as the cheefe & first governing angell in the first Chora or Altitude in the East, under the great prince of the East whom you obey, and [who] is sett over you as king by the divine power of god, Adonai, Helomi, Pine; who is the distributter & disposer of all things, holly in heaven and Earth and hell; I the servant of that god Adonai, Helomi, Pine; which you obey, doe Invocate, Conjure & entreat thee N. that thou forthwith appeareth, & by the vertue & power of the same god, [Adonai, Helomi, Pine], I doe command thee forth [by him whom you do obey and who is set over you as king by the divine power of God, that you forthwith descend] ffrom thy order or please [place] of abode to come into me, and shew thy selfe plainly and visibly here before me in this Cristall stone, in thy owne [and] proper shape and glory speaking with a voice intelligible and to [unto] my understanding: O thou mighty and blessed angell N, who art by the power of god ordained to governe all vegetables and Animalls, and causeth them, and all other creatures of god to spring, encrease, and bring forth according to their kinds and natures; I the servant of the same your god I doe entreat and humbly beseech thee to come and shew unto me all things that I shall desiere of you, so farr as in office you can, or be capable to perform, if god permitt to the same; O thou servant of mercy N, I entreat thee, and humbly beseech thee, in and by these 3 names of your true god, Adonai, Helomi, Pine, And doe constraine you in and by this [powerful] name Anabona, That thou forthwith appeareth vissibly and plainely in thy own proper shape and glory in and throwgh this Cristall stone; That I may visibly see Thee, and audibly hear you speake unto me, That I may have thy blessed and Glorious angellicall assistance; familiar, friendship, and constant society, communication and Instruction, both now and at all other times, to Informe and rightly Instruct me in my Ignorant and depraved Intellect Judgement and understanding; and to assist me both herein, and in all other truths, else what the Almighty Adonai, the King of Kings, The giver of all good gifts, shall in his Bountifull, and Fatherly Mercy be graceously pleased to bestow upon me; Therefore O thou blessed angell N. be friendly unto me, and doe for me, so farr as god hath given you power in office to performe, whereunto I move you in power and presence to appeare That I may sing with his holy Angells, O Mappa-la-man! Hallelujah amen.”

(Upon Angels Who Appear In The Crystal)

Constraining Prayer from Trithemius' Art of Drawing Spirits into Crystals

"Oh, God! who art the author of all good things, strengthen, I beseech thee, thy poor servant, that he may stand fast, without fear, through this dealing and work; enlighten, I beseech thee, oh Lord! the dark understanding of thy creature, so that his spiritual eye may be opened to see and know thy angelic spirits descending here in this crystal: (then lay thy hand on the crystal saying,) and thou, oh inanimate creature of God, be sanctified and consecrated, and blessed to this purpose, that no evil phantasy may appear in thee; or, if they do gain ingress into this creature, they may be constrained to speak intelligibly, and truly, and without the least ambiguity, for Christ's sake. Amen. And forasmuch as thy servant here standing before thee, oh, Lord! desires neither evil treasures, nor injury to his neighbour, nor hurt to any living creature, grant him the power of descrying those celestial spirits or intelligences, that may appear in this crystal, and whatever good gifts (whether the power of healing infirmities, or of imbibing wisdom, or discovering any evil likely to afflict any person or family, or any other good gift thou mayest be pleased to bestow on me, enable me, by thy wisdom and mercy, to use whatever I may receive to the honour of thy holy name. Grant this for thy son Christ's sake. Amen."

(Upon Seven Angels over Days of the Week)

Constraining Prayer from Peter de Abano's Heptameron

A Morule, Taneha, Latisten, Rabur, Taneha, Latisten. Escha, Aladia, Alpha & Omega, Leyste, Oriston, Adonay: O my most merciful heavenly Father, have mercy upon me, although a sinner; make appear the arm of thy power in me this day (although thy unworthy child) against these obstinate and pernicious Spirits, that I by thy will may be made a contemplator of thy divine works, and may be illustrated with all wisdom, and alwaies worship and glorifie thy name. I humbly implore and beseech thee, that these Spirits which I call by thy judgement, may be bound and constrained to come, and give true and perfect answers to those things which I shall ask them, and that they may declare and shew unto us those things which by me or us shall be commanded them, not hurting any creature, neither injuring nor terrifying me or my fellows, nor hurting any other creature, and affrighting no man; but let them be obedient to my requests, in all these things which I command them.”

Unspoken Constraints in Traditional/Classic Grimoires

On Infernal or Deceased Spirits

(Upon the Deceased or Infernal Spirits)

The Use of Pentacles from The Greater Key of Solomon
(GKOS/Clavicula Salomonis)

From Aaron Leitch's Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires:

"Each [KoS] seal is assigned a virtue that is in some way sympathetic to the planetary force it embodies.
Having first decided what task one wishes the spirits to perform, it is then necessary to decide which planet (and thus which spirits) are appropriate to the task.
Then, one must further discover which specific planetary talisman embodies the necessary force.
It is by showing this seal (or seals) to the summoned spirits that the task is accomplished..."

Here be the symbols of secret things, the standards, the ensigns, and the banners, of God the conqueror; and the arms of the almighty One, to compel the aerial potencies. I command ye absolutely by their power and virtue that ye come near unto us, into our presence, from whatsoever part of the world ye may be in, and that ye delay not to obey us in all things wherein we shall command ye by the virtue of God the mighty One. Come ye promptly, and delay not to appear, and answer us with humility."

If they appear at this time, show them the pentacles, and receive them with kindness, gentleness, and courtesy; reason and speak with them, question them, and ask from them all things which thou hast proposed to demand.

But if, on the contrary, they do not yet make their appearance, holding the consecrated knife in the right hand, and the pentacles being uncovered by the removal of their consecrated covering, strike and beat the air with the knife as if wishing to commence a combat, comfort and exhort thy companions, and then in a loud and stern voice repeat the following conjuration:—

Here again I conjure ye and most urgently command ye; I force, constrain, and exhort ye to the utmost, by the most mighty and powerful name of God EL, strong and wonderful, and by God the just and upright, I exorcise ye and command ye that ye in no way delay, but that ye come immediately and upon the instant hither before us, without noise, deformity, or hideousness, but with all manner of gentleness and mildness.
I exorcise ye anew, and powerfully conjure ye, commanding ye with strength and violence by him who spake and it was done;6 and by all these names: EL SHADDAI, ELOHIM, ELOHI, TZABAOTH, ELIM, ASHER EHEIEH, YAH, TETRAGRAMMATON, SHADDAI, which signify God the high and almighty, the God of Israel, through whom undertaking all our operations we shall prosper in all the works of our hands, seeing that the Lord is now, always, and for ever with us, in our heart and in our lips; and by his holy names, and by the virtue of the sovereign God, we shall accomplish all our work.
Come ye at once without any hideousness or deformity before us, come ye without monstrous appearance, in a gracious form or figure. Come ye, for we exorcise ye with the utmost vehemence by the name of IAH and ON, which Adam spake and heard; by the name EL, which Noah heard, and saved himself with all his family from the Deluge; by the name IOD, which Noah heard, and knew God the Almighty One; by the name AGLA which Jacob heard, and saw the Ladder which touched Heaven, and the angels who ascended and descended upon it, whence he called that place the House of God and the Gate of Heaven; and by the name ELOHIM, and in the name ELOHIM, which Moses named, invoked, and heard in Horeb the Mount of God, and he was found worthy to hear him speak from the Burning Bush; and by the name AIN SOPH, which Aaron heard, and was at once made eloquent, wise, and learned; and by the name TZABAOTH, which Moses named and invoked, and all the ponds and rivers were covered with blood throughout the land of Egypt; and by the name IOD, which Moses named and invoked, and striking upon the dust of the earth it became gnats infesting men, cattle, and beasts of burden of Egypt; and by the name, and in the name PRIMATON, which Moses named and invoked, and there fell a great and severe hail throughout all the land of Egypt, destroying the vines, the trees, and the woods which were in that country; and by the name IAPHAR, which Moses heard and invoked, and immediately a great pestilence began to appear through all the land of Egypt, striking and slaying the asses, the oxen, and the sheep of the Egyptians, so that they all died; and by the name ABADDON which Moses invoked and sprinkled the dust towards heaven, and immediately there fell so great rain upon the men, cattle, and flocks, that they all died throughout the land of Egypt; and by the name ELION which Moses invoked, and there fell so great hail as had never been seen from the beginning of the world unto that time, so that all men, and herds, and everything that was in the fields perished and died throughout all the land of Egypt. And by the name ADONAI, which Moses having invoked, there came so great a quantity of locusts which appeared in the land of Egypt, that they devoured and swallowed up all that the hail had spared; and by the name of PATHEON, which having invoked, there arose so thick, so awful, and so terrible darkness throughout the land of Egypt, during the space of three days and three nights, that almost all who were left alive died; and by the name YESOD, and in the name YESOD, which Moses invoked, and at midnight all the first-born, both of men and of animals, died; and by the name of YESHIMON, which Moses named and invoked, and the Red Sea divided itself and separated in two; and by the name HESION, which Moses invoked, and all the army of Pharaoh was drowned in the waters; and by the name ANABONA, which Moses having heard upon Mount Sinai, he was found worthy to receive and obtain the tables of stone written with the finger of God the creator; and by the name ERYGION, which Joshua having invoked when he fought against the Moabites, he defeated them and gained the victory; and by the name HOA, and in the name HOA, which David invoked, and he was delivered from the hand of Goliath; and by the name YOD, which Solomon having named and invoked, he was found worthy to ask for and obtain in sleep the ineffable wisdom of God; and by the name YIAI, which Solomon having named and invoked, he was found worthy to have power over all the demons, potencies, powers, and virtues of the air.
By these, then, and by all the other names of God almighty, holy, living, and true, we powerfully command ye, ye who by your own sin have been cast down from the Empyreal Heaven, and from before his throne; by him who hath cast ye down unto the most profound of the abysses of Hell, we command ye boldly and resolutely; and by that terrible day of the sovereign judgment of God, on which all the dry bones in the earth will arise to hear and listen unto the word of God with their body, and will present themselves before the face of God almighty; and by that Last Fire which shall consume all things; by the (Crystal) Sea which is known unto us, which is before the face of God; by the indicible and ineffable virtue, force, and power of the creator himself, by his almighty power, and by the light and flame which emanate from his countenance, and which are before his face; by the angelical powers which are in the Heavens, and by the most great wisdom of almighty God; by the Seal of David, by the Ring12 and Seal of Solomon, which was revealed unto him by the Most High and Sovereign creator; and by the Nine Medals or pentacles, which we have among our symbols, which proceed and come from Heaven, and are among the Mysteries of Mysteries or Secrets of Secrets, which you can also behold in my hand, consecrated and exorcised with the due and requisite Ceremonies. By these, then, and by all the secrets which the Almighty encloseth in the Treasures of the sovereign and Highest Wisdom, by his Hand, and by his marvellous power; I conjure, force, and exorcise ye that ye come without delay to perform in our presence that which we shall command ye.
I conjure ye anew by that most holy name which the whole Universe fears, respects, and reveres, which is written by these letters and characters, IOD, HE, VAU, HE; and by the last and terrible judgment; by the seat of BALDACHIA; and by this holy name, YIAI, which Moses invoked, and there followed that great Judgment of God, when Dathan and Abiram were swallowed up in the centre of the earth. Otherwise, if ye contravene and resist us by your disobedience unto the virtue and power of this name YIAI, we curse ye even unto the depth of the Great Abyss, into the which we shall cast, hurl, and bind ye, if ye show yourselves rebellious against the secret of secrets, and against the mystery of mysteries. AMEN, AMEN. FIAT, FIAT.”

(Upon Infernal Spirits)

The Use of Incense, Suffumigations, Perfumes, Odors, etc. from The Greater Key of Solomon
(GKOS/Clavicula Salomonis)

From Aaron Leitch's Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires:

"It is only if these attempts [at calling forth the spirit] fail that one is to employ the full curse.
In this case one is to write the names of the spirits on consecrated virgin paper. The paper is then smeared with mud, dust, or clay.
Then, the exorcist is to kindle a fire with dry rue, powdered assafoetida and "other things of evil odour."
A very short Conjuration of the Fire is recited, and then the paper is cast directly into the flame while the curse (similar in content to the Goetia's) is read.
Once the spirits finally agree to appear and obey the exorcist, their names must be written again on fresh paper,
and perfumed with gum benjamin, olybanum (frankincense), and storax.
For the stinking fumes, both the Key and Goetia suggest the use of asafetida, otherwise known as Ferula assafoetida,
an Asian herb that has a truly offensive smell when burned...
I have also seen it suggested that paprika can be substituted, as it has the same color and a "rancid hot taste."
The Goetia also has one use brimstone (sulfur), and both texts suggest utilizing even more things of an "evil odour."
Where it comes to the sweet odors offered when the spirits finally appear, the Goetia makes no suggestion.
However, the ingredients listed in the Key seem to mimic the recipe for the sacred perfume given in Exodus,
much like the incense used in The Book of Abramelin.


There are many kinds of incense, suffumigations, and perfumes, which are made for and offered unto the spirits; those which are of sweet odour are for the good, those which are of evil savour are for the evil.

For perfumes of good odour, take thou incense, aloes, nutmeg, gum benjamin, musk, and other fragrant spices, over which thou shalt say:—


O God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, deign to bless these odoriferous spices so that they may receive strength, virtue, and power to attract the good spirits, and to banish and cause to retire all hostile phantoms. Through thee, O most holy ADONAI, who livest and reignest unto the ages of the ages. Amen.

I exorcise thee, O spirit impure and unclean, thou who art a hostile phantom, in the name of God, that thou quit this perfume, thou and all thy deceits, that it may be consecrated and sanctified in the name of God almighty. May the Holy Spirit of God grant protection and virtue unto those who use these perfumes; and may the hostile and evil spirit and phantom never be able to enter therein, through the ineffable name of God almighty. Amen.

O Lord, deign to bless and to sanctify this creature of perfume so that it may be a remedy unto mankind for the health of body and of soul, through the invocation of thy holy name. May all creatures who receive the odour of this incense and of these spices receive health of body and of soul, through him who hath formed the ages. Amen.”

After this thou shalt sprinkle the various spices with the water of the art, and thou shalt place them aside in a piece of silk as in other cases, or in a box destined for the purpose, so that thou mayest have them ready prepared for use when necessary.

From Aaron Leitch's Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires:

"...Stinking perfumes are sometimes prescribed by the grimoires to attract, rather than punish, infernal spirits.
Agrippa advises the use of pungent smells in the summoning of the spirits of Saturn, and "in every evil matter, as hatred, anger, misery, and the like ...
The Key of Solomon the King instructs in Book II, Chapter 10, the use of sweet incenses for summoning good spirits and those of "evil savour" for the evil spirits. Therefore, it is even possible that the noxious fumes are themselves a kind of sympathetic magick meant to connect with and "stir up" the spirit who otherwise refuses (or is unable) to manifest.

"...We also encountered a rather similar technique used by Santeros and Paleros to excite their own Familiars into action.
Their use of spices and peppers in their Ngangas are not intended to burn or torture the inhabiting spirit,
but merely to create a mystical vibration of heat and activity within which the spirit cannot lapse into inactivity.
I find the comparison with the grimoiric constraints and curses very intriguing. There we also find noxious and hot materials used to "excite" an unwilling or unable spirit.
The Goetia's Conjuration of the Fire even threatens to bury the black box containing the demon's sigil,
reminding me of the Palo Mayombe practice of cementing a rebellious Prenda into its pot and burying the entire thing under a tree...
...These kinds of similarities between shamanic systems is quite common.

(Upon Infernal Spirits)

Offering Used to Constrain the spirit Asmodeus from The Testament of Solomon

"After discovering from Asmodeus that the demon's sacred animal is a certain kind of fish,
Solomon demonstrates the power that simple knowledge (and a little shamanic know-how) grants him over the spirit..."

25. And I said to him: "Hast thou nothing else about thee, Asmodeus?" And he answered: "The power of God knoweth, which hath bound me with the indissoluble bonds of yonder one's seal, that whatever I have told thee is true. I pray thee, King Solomon, condemn me not to [go into] water." But I smiled, and said to him: "As the Lord God of my fathers liveth, I will lay iron on thee to wear. But thou shalt also make the clay for the entire construction of the Temple, treading it down with thy feet." And I ordered them to give him ten water-jars to carry water in. And the demon groaned terribly, and did the work I ordered him to do. And this I did, because that fierce demon Asmodeus knew even the future. And I Solomon glorified God, who gave wisdom to me Solomon his servant. And the liver of the fish and its gall I hung on the spike of a reed, and burned it over Asmodeus because of his being so strong, and his unbearable malice was thus frustrated.

(Upon Infernal Spirits)

The Use of Magical Circle Talismans from The Munich Manual of Demonic Magic

"...The Munich Handbook of Necromancy, which displays several magickal circles, similar to that found in the Goetia,
apparently intended for use as talismans or for inscription upon the ground...
Kieckhefer also suggests that, instead of inscribing these circles on the ground, they can be used as magickal talismans in their own right.
Once inscribed upon parchment or tablets, the images of the circles can be used to constrain and command the spirits, exactly like the talismans from the Key of Solomon the King..."

After a short interval they will come to you. When you see them, show them at once this circle, which has great power to terrify those fifteen demons; they will see it and say, 'Ask whatever you wish in safety, and it will come to pass for you through us.' You should then tell them to consecrate their circle so that whenever you gaze on it and invoke them they must come to you quickly and do that which is natural to them, namely make fortifications and castles and moats and a multitude of armed men appear. They will say they are willing to do so. You should extend a book to them, and you will see one of them plac ehis hand on the book and speak certain words, which you will not understand. When this is done, they will restore it to you.

(Upon Infernal Spirits)

Process of Constraining from The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage

Abramelin; and he gave me the fundamental means by which I could have an infinitude of others in my operations according to my pleasure, assuring me that he would instruct me fully thereon. (These symbols are all like those of the third book.) He gave me further very useful advice and admonition, such as an angel could give; how I should govern myself the following days with the evil spirits so as to constrain them to obey me; the which I duly followed out fulfilling always from point to point his instructions very faithfully, and by the grace of God I constrained them to obey me and to appear in the place destined for this operation; and they obligated themselves to obey me, and to be subject unto me. And since then even until now, without offending God and the holy angels I have held them in my power and command, always assisted by the power of God and of his holy angels. And this with so great a prosperity of our house, that I confess that I held myself back from the vast riches which I could have accumulated; although I possess enough to be counted among the number of the rich, as thou wilt know when thou shalt be more advanced in age. May the grace of the Lord, and the defence and protection of his holy angels never then depart from me, Abraham, nor from my two sons Joseph and Lamech; nor from all those who by your means and by the will of God, shall receive this operation! So be it!

On Angels or Intelligences/Spirits of Intelligentia

(Upon Angels)

Process of Constraining from The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage

"It is necessary also in the consecration of the book, to summon all the angels whose names are written therein in the form of litanies, the which thou shalt do with devotion; and even if the angels and spirits appear not in the consecration of the book, be not thou astonished thereat, seeing that they are of a pure nature, and consequently have much difficulty in familiarising themselves with men who are inconstant and impure, but the ceremonies and characters being correctly carried out, devoutly, and with perseverance, they will be constrained to come, and it will at length happen that at thy first invocation thou wilt be able to see and communicate with them. But I advise thee to undertake nothing unclean or impure, for then thy importunity, far from attracting them will only serve to chase them from thee; and it will be thereafter exceedingly difficult for thee to attract them for use for pure ends."

Cliff's Notes
Looking through these, constraints can be summarized as...

Calling forth a spirit's presence either to appear with triangle/shewstone or to communicate via divination (ie.invocation/evocation)
Requesting a spirit to identify itself
Use of consecrated tools or burning of items to communicate with or to influence spirits
General presentation of summoners' requests/demands from spirits

The constraints collected here demonstrate the imposition or exertion of the summoner's will over the spirit,
making use of either offerings, threats, divine names or barbarous words, tools intended for magical use
or talismans, seals, images, sigils, and characters attributed to the spirit being summoned or other powerful spirits.

These also demonstrate the possibilities of the conjurer using constraints that...
have divine names/barbarous words but no threats
have threats but no divine names/barbarous words
have both threats and divine names/barbarous words
have absolutely no threats or divine names whatsoever
are in the form of talismans, seals, or magical figures
have no words and only make use of physical, principally naturally-found items

Some reasons given for why some folks believe that they do not use constraints in their spirit work may include:
Folks who commit to working with as many spirits as they can count on one hand tend to stray from using constraints due to built-up relationships and trust.
Folks who are a part of an order or organized spiritual practice that already presents a group of spirits readily available to work with them.
(ie. Formal Occult Orders/Organizations, ATRs, etc.)
Differences in beliefs or non-belief and attempting to remain consistent with these personal beliefs that extends to occult practice
(non-compartimentalization/refusal to compartimentalize practices)

Aaron Leitch offers a possible explanation for why folks harshly interpret the use of constraints in his Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires.

"It might be safe to assume, then, that these same principles are at work in the techniques of agitating or "stirring up" earthbound spirits.
Being that they are themselves beyond the physical, they should also be beyond physical concepts of injury or pain.
Of course, by the time of the grimoiric constraints, we see such inclusions as threats of being thrown into hell, and the stinking substances which seem more geared toward nausea than spiritual heat.
It is certainly understandable if one assumes that some amount of the Christian bitterness toward "demons" has crept into and corrupted the practice."

Frater Barrabas offers an alternative, modern approach to constraints and bindings on spirits.

"Did you ever get a phone call from an obnoxious and pushy salesperson interrupting whatever you were doing?
Were you inclined to listen indulgently or did you instead insult the caller and then hang up?
You might not even have bothered to answer if you knew that the caller wasn’t someone whose number you recognized.
The same is true with spirits, although the mechanism is considerably different.
...It behooves you to take a much more positive and open attitude to the spirit that you intend to invoke.
It is for this reason that the binding and constraining of an invoked spirit takes on a completely different tone when the conjurer has a positive and open attitude towards the invoked spirit.
It also has the effect of making one’s relationship with all spirits positive and rewarding."

And also he outlines the steps he takes towards constraints and bindings in his own spirit evocation practices.

The five basic steps used for conjuration are based on the age-old, classical method of spirit conjuring, although one or two might not be always necessary or even needed.
These steps are, in sequential order, consecration (preparation), invocation, binding, constraining and then releasing.
The binding and constraining might not be necessary, depending on whether the target spirit is either emotionally hot or cold.
If the spirit is hot, then it can be engaged to perform aggressive or hostile actions for the benefit of the practitioner or her client.
Such a spirit might need to be bound and constrained,
but even a simple invocation has some degree of binding and constraining simply because the practitioner is calling and summoning that spirit to appear in a focused manner.
A spirit that is considered cold is one that is essentially benevolent (or neutral) and doesn’t require any kind of overt binding.”

I'm suspecting most folks who do discuss constraints will most likely either gravitate towards the semantics issue of how to exactly define constraints
or would like to discuss the types of constraints that they are either willing or unwilling to use.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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There are some really great posts hidden deep in the archives indeed, and some big names were WFers in the past.


Oct 29, 2023
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i mean, it's still a copy-paste but the legwork is included. OP had to have cared to get all those manually selected and ordered
like this is just for constraining, following the steps into -invoking according to top 5 grimoires and then go down the list of elements
we could end up with a meta-grimoire,encyclopedia

which is ironically pointless since you gotta follow one way through the process, but they did the damn legwork and i respect it.