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Book – EPUB/MOBI Antoine Faivre - Eternal Hermes: From Greek God to Alchemical Magus

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Jun 4, 2023
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Overview: Eternal Hermes: From Greek God to Alchemical Magus is a book written by Antoine Faivre, a prominent scholar of esoterism, that explores the evolution of the figure of Hermes from ancient Greek mythology to alchemical magus. The book is a comprehensive study of the various manifestations of Hermes, tracing his role in European history and his influence on Western esotericism.

Hermes: God, Trickster, and Alchemical Magus The book examines the multifaceted nature of Hermes, who is often depicted as a god, a trickster, and a guide for the dead. Faivre explores Hermes’ role as a psychopomp, a messenger of the gods, and a patron of thieves, travel, and commerce. He also delves into the alchemical and magical aspects of Hermes, tracing his influence on the development of Western esotericism.

Esotericism and Alchemy Faivre’s work is a significant contribution to the study of Western esotericism, a field he pioneered. He explores the connections between Hermes and alchemy, highlighting the importance of Hermes Trismegistus, the thrice-greatest magician, in the development of alchemical thought. The book examines the various texts attributed to Hermes Trismegistus and the commentaries on them throughout history.

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