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Any word on the Starry Bull tradition or contemporary Mediterranean mystery schools/initiatory traditions/etc?


Oct 21, 2024
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I know that Starry Bull disbanded years ago but I’m curious if anyone here has any experiences with it or other mystery and initiatory schools? Imagine the disappointment I felt when I found the SBT, something like what I’ve been seeking for years, only to learn it has long since been disbanded lol! I’m hugely interested in modern groups centred around various Mediterranean traditions, but have a particular lean toward Bacchic/Dionysian expressions because of my years-long devotion to Him. If anyone can give me a hint in a particular direction (if it doesn’t violate secrecy rules ofc), I’d so hugely appreciate it. And if someone would like to share whatever experiences they are able and have a discussion, that would be fantastic! Whether it be the Starry Bull tradition or other modern interpretations of Mithraism, Orphism, mystery cults of various other Mediterranean deities, etc. (Note, I am well aware that contemporary groups are imperfect reconstructions operating on minimal historical information! I do believe that they have a place in polytheism and mysticism of the current day, though)