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[Archive] [Arkadius-Rash] Chaos Sigil Magick Tutorial

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.

Austin Osman Spare
This thread is dedicated to Zos, He was a revolutionary in the world of Magick, shadow only to Aleister Crowley. He didn't know what he would create after his death, but that just proves his spirit lives on.

Sigil Magick.

There are many ways people tend to go about Sigil Magick and no way is right or wrong especially to a Chaote; Its all trial and error and what works for you. To my understanding however there are basic principals.

1) Have an intent
2)Focus your will on your intent
3) Make your will known to the universe via putting it in your sub-conscience
4) Forget you ever even had the idea.
5) <--- The law of 5 (nothing to do with chaos magick kinda threw you off for a second huh?)

These basic principals are guidelines, or rather a template to help you mold this art into your personal style hence why people see Sigil Magick and automatically consider it Chaos Magick, it's personalized and can be ever changing. I'll outline different ways to go about 2,3 and 4, and explain which I have had the best luck with.

Have an Intent...
Know what the hell you want...

Focus your Will on your intent.
This is normally done through Sigils, They're are 3-5 basic ways to create them, however I am going to name 2. As to not drag this out.

a. Write your intent out in your chosen language, Make it as short and specific as you can, cross out any repeated letters from that mantra, if it's still a long sentence then you can use the vowels from it instead of every different letter. (Use the remaining letters to draw a sigil)

Don't use any negatives in your mantra and don't use any “maybe” statements (i.e. I want to...) Force it, tell the universe “I WILL!” You are a GOD! Fucking understand that shit. The universe WILL bow down to your Will. Do not question it. You live in the illusion you create.

b. Picture method. Draw out your intent,

Draw an image of the intent that you would like to happen, or the outcome rather of the intent.

If you want to f*ck some girl, draw a picture of you with a big ass smile on your face after you do.. while your drawing that picture think about the intent of why you have that smile on your face. The emotions behind it, satisfaction, self esteem, happy because you can't believe you really just f*cked that girl ect... I would suggest you avoid thinking you have that smile on your face because you had amazing sex, the sex thing is just a broad term used for having sex, it doesn't symbolize you sleeping with that particular girl. (personal opinion, find out what works for you, then use your drawing, simplify it and now you've got a picture sigil)

Make your will known to the universe via putting it in your sub-conscience.
This can be done SO many ways... the most complete method of gnosis that I have seen was written by Frater U.D.
I will name the most prevalent:

Repetitive chanting of the mantra.

Fasting for several days.

Meditating on a site full of spiritual energy (i.e. a cemetery)

Lucid dreaming

Physical Exhaustion

Martial Arts.

Sleep Deprivation (not my favorite but its my most used...
Please check out the side-effects of this before you do it. It is very dangerous to your health, it can literally drive you insane [you can become so tired that you can't sleep, and then the only way to sleep would seem like putting a bullet through your brain] along with many other health factors, fucken be careful)

Through Orgasm.


Psychedelic Drugs

Controlled Fainting

Strobe Lights set on 8-14HZ same as Alpha brainwaves.
(don't use this method if you're epileptic, fucken use common sense please)

Que? Hehe

Forget you even had the idea.
The best way to remove a thought is to acknowledge it...
Source: Basic Fucking Psychology
If gnosis was done 100% correctly that shit should be buried so deep into your sub-conscience it would take a box of laxatives and a high paid proctologist to pull that shit out.
But if that fails. When the thought pops into your head, laugh... nope this time I'm not kidding, fucking laugh, you ever laugh so hard that you stopped laughing just to bust out laughing again? It's because in that moment of laughter your brain forgets what your actually laughing about and when you stop laughing you remember so you start laughing again, because your thoughts had the chance to catch up.

Because I said there would be 5, deal with it

My personal Method.

Figure out your intent.

Meditate on all your chakra's

I use the word method for my sigil creation, I personally use Latin to create my Mantras but will soon have to choose a different language because Latin is becoming second nature. (using a foreign language helps with forgetting your exact wording used, Use a language that is pleasing to your ears, don't use something that holds no meaning or you don't like the way it sounds)

While creating my sigil using the word method I focus on my intent, not on the actual creation of the sigil, the longer it takes to create the sigil the better, I usually spend at least an hour or 2.

Focus on that sigil till its all you see, everything around the sigil should turn dark or black, dont avert your gaze, hold that in your mind, close your eyes when you know your not going to forget it.

Repeat your mantra in the chosen language. Your intent and will is important not the actual words.

While that sigil is in your mind focus on it, repeat your mantra over and over, feel your crown chakra. Push the information out, imagine your sigil burning with intense heat, visualise it glowing, dimly, at first, then brighter, see it turning yellow, then red, and finally a bright white until it collapses from its own heat, being dissolved into the void.

Laugh and banish it. because you know that your intent has become your reality, you are a God and the universe will bow down to your will no matter what.

(after going 3-4 days without sleep, this whole process is a great way to enforce your will and make it known.)

I am always changing the way I do my Sigils, from the media I put them on to the way I even write them, you can use a pantheon and so on. The important thing is, practice, practice practice.. Don't forget to change things up to challenge yourself to find out what works best for you, most importantly have fun with it... Make sure you enjoy what your doing.

I hope this Helps people out there, its pretty basic, but sometimes simplicity is best.


Feb 19, 2024
Reaction score
Simplicity is best! this is awesome magical advice to try I appreciate you taking the time , I will genuinely try this when I am able .