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[Archive] [Arkadius-Rash] Creating Holy Water

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.


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Sep 27, 2021
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Creation of Holy Water

There are many ways of creating Holy Water and I have used quite a few, most are ineffective In my opinion, however, this means for me they don't work, so I'm not saying every other way is wrong, but I can only speak on the method's I have found useful.

Before people get mad and say how Holy Water can only be created by a priest, this is completely false, a faith of an ordinary man may be twice that of an ordained priest. A priest makes Holy Water on command, do you honestly think he does this everytime with the same conviction, with the same empathy and sympathy, without ego and without the thought of sin? If you know a priest that will make Holy Water at your request and you have faith in him that he uses Divine Will to create it then by all means, stop reading this and be on your way.

I will outline 1 method using the Christian/Catholic God.

You will need 3 things: spring water or purified water, salt and a sterilized container, preferably glass, but plastic should, in theory, be fine.

The Creation

This method requires a Strong Will without ego, this is you using your body as a vessel to let divine nature and purity flow through you. Any thought of you being the one creating it by your hand will only get you water that is just fun to throw around.

Take a few minutes and free yourself of sin, confess any sins of what you have done out loud
(if you murdered someone then its best to make sure you are saying this where no one can hear)

Once you are finished confessing say a prayer to the Christian/Catholic God asking for forgiveness, really mean what you are saying, don't go through this like a check list. "Speak with your heart and the words of pure truth will find its way out of your mouth", this goes for the confession as well.

In Roman Catholic Tradition the Water and Salt went through an exorcism to banish any evil out of it. I find this Tedious and repetitive to the purpose, but if you wish to do so I'm sure you can find the exorcism's online. My belief is that the natural doesnt contain evil unles polluted by us, so use fresh spring water or distilled water and organic sea salt to avoid the exorcism's.

The Water

After your confession, take a deep breath filling yourself with peace and divine light, empty yourself and allow God to enter you, for this you must have extreme faith, and a strong Will,

Take the water and pour it into your glass vessel and put your palm just over the water, take another deep breath and imagine a ray of divine light emanating from the sky down into your body and through your palm take as long as you need, don;t force it, let the holy spirit envelope you, feel the energy pour into your palm and release it into the water, letting the words vibrate out of your mouth, intertwining with divine energy to produce with these words blessed water.

"Blessed are you, Lord, Almighty God,
who deigned to bless us in Christ, the living water of our salvation,
and to reform us interiorly,
grant that we who are fortified
by the sprinkling of or use of this water,
the youth of the spirit being renewed
by the power of the Holy Spirit,
may walk always in newness of life."

(This is a blessing from the "Novus Ordo Book of Blessings")

(I change the first use of the word "Lord" and repeat this 3 times, each time interchanging, "Father" "Son" and "Holy Spirit", then the second to last line where is says "Holy spirit, I use the words, "One Divine God" and after each recite I take my hand with my palm over the water and make a cross motion to help spread "divine light" all across the water) but use what you find to work best. Sometimes what sounds better, doesn't always work better. Don't just say the blessing, any priest can do that, feel the words leave your mouth one by one, let the vibration hit your ears, let the power of the divine flow through you with every syllable. know what the words mean, know what the blessing means, use the feeling it creates for you to accomplish your will with the power of the divine.

(quick note, the "official" way in Roman Catholic tradition during mass is to recite reading/s if I'm not mistaken the Lord's prayer is present as well, but sense I don't believe any of you will be producing a mass ceremony I will leave you with a few of the many reading that the church uses, as well as not compile the list of order in which Mass is normally followed, [John 13-15] [Revelation 22-5] [Isaiah 55-11] are the readings in which a priest may use)

For the Salt

This custom is not followed by every church, not every church uses salt in Holy Water, in fact there was question whether or not it would be included in the revised version of the book of blessings, however, (to my knowledge) it was included due to it's importance in tradition, it may be of little surprise it is found mostly in the Latin traditions of creating Holy Water and this was adopted by the Christians from Pagan beliefs of salt repelling evil.

Recite this over the salt, while repeating the sensation of divine light emanating from the sky above into you and through your palm,

From the book of blessings...

"We humbly ask you, almighty God: be pleased in your faithful love to bless this salt you have created, for it was you who commanded the prophet Elisha to cast salt into water, that impure water might be purified."

Once again, don't just recite the words, know what they mean, if you have never heard of the prophet Elisha, do some reading, He was an ordinary man that stood with confidence being able to look a king in the eyes with a dominance unparalleled without faltering, for the only king he knew was God. Take inspiration from his story and let that confidence overwhelm you as you bless the salt, make a cross over it with your palm as you did the water.

(I personally only use a small pinch of salt for every cup of water)

Combining the Earth and Spirit

Salt is a basic Element it is the true connection to earth, Water is living, it flows and molecules are ever moving, when you pour the salt into the water, do so in silence, respect the act of how salt dissolves into the water producing a connection to the earth and spirit.

Say a private prayer over this after a few moments.

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requested by @Aeternus


Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
Thanks for posting this @Yazata ! Now I definitely need to take some notes on this as it is a very interesting topic, like many others are :)


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
Reaction score
Thanks for posting this @Yazata ! Now I definitely need to take some notes on this as it is a very interesting topic, like many others are :)
There is another method, if you take some distilled water, “boil the hell out of it” pour it inside a round glass or ceramic jar slowly That has a magnet (preferably a neodymium magnet) with the north attracted side facing upward, put a layer of pink Himalayan salt, (it needs to be pink Himalayan salt or sea salt, NOT table salt. repeat positive affirmations to it as as you slowly pour it in, be careful not to let the jar or ceramic crack, and make sure to keep positive thoughts, do this for about 30 minutes, an example of this would be vocally saying “you are pure, you are beautiful, you are protective” swirl it in circles slowly and gentle, keep up with the positive affirmations and positive thoughts, set it in the freezer to freeze overnight, the next day let it sit in the sun in a cleansed circle area using rather the lbrp or sage, salt circle.
let it defrost and then bottle it in a glass jar, swirl it again (but when you transfer it don’t let the magnet go into the new rounded jar’ keep repeating the positive affirmation and the seal the bottle.
Presto.. holy water.
When you do the positive affirmations you can have some violin classical music playing or pure tone music at 528hz
I find this method works better than the original up top, I’ll write a thread on it but, I thought id’d give you the basics of my newer system.
Last edited:


Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
There is another method, if you take some distilled water, “boil the hell out of it” pour it inside a round glass or ceramic jar slowly That has a magnet (preferably a neodymium magnet) with the north attracted side facing upward, put a layer of pink Himalayan salt, (it needs to be pink Himalayan salt or sea salt, NOT table salt. repeat positive affirmations to it as as you slowly pour it in, be careful not to let the jar or ceramic crack, and make sure to keep positive thoughts, do this for about 30 minutes, an example of this would be vocally saying “you are pure, you are beautiful, you are protective” swirl it in circles slowly and gentle, keep up with the positive affirmations and positive thoughts, set it in the freezer to freeze overnight, the next day let it sit in the sun in a cleansed circle area using rather the lbrp or sage, salt circle.
let it defrost and then bottle it in a glass jar, swirl it again (but when you transfer it don’t let the magnet go into the new rounded jar’ keep repeating the positive affirmation and the seal the bottle.
Presto.. holy water.
When you do the positive affirmations you can have some violin classical music playing or pure tone music at 528hz
I find this method works better than the original up top, I’ll write a thread on it but, I thought id’d give you the basics of my newer system.

Thank you for sharing this method as well. I agree with a lot of stuff in it, especially the violin music or calm tone music at 528hz frequency.

Violin music is celestial indeed 😀