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Jul 24, 2024
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I'm seeking practical information about something that I've seen 2 other adepts demonstrate:

One of them did it to me, at my request: I was told to go into my bedroom and enter my meditative state in my normal fashion. I did so. This was the only instruction I was given. Everything felt normal to me. I did not feel my physical body being moved or anything like that. However, when I ended my meditation, I found that I was out in the Living Room with this adept and my family...with no memory of how I got there or any of my activities -- the last thing I remembered was that I was in my bedroom meditating.

A much darker adept had a very timid and shy, conservative, woman in his home. She was washing dishes in his kitchen and could not hear the conversation I was having with this dark adept, as we were in his living room. I asked him about this technique and he said he could demonstrate it. He had one of the spirits he worked with enter his body, while he left it and entered the woman's body. While in the woman's body, "she" left the Kitchen and joined us in the living room, had a brief conversation with us about something that only this dark adept knew, smirked at us, lifted her shirt, played with her breasts, put her shirt back down, and returned to washing dishes in the Kitchen. After "she" returned to the Kitchen, the dark adept returned to his physical body, causing the spirit that was occupying it to leave.

How is possession of this type done?

I've worked with the techniques for "becoming" objects, animals and people from Franz Bardon's Initiation Into Hermetics. I can feel what its like to be what I'm "possessing" but I cannot seem to control people (or anything else), in the manner that I have witnessed these other adepts do. Is something missing from Bardon's technique, or do I just need more practice? Is there a specific vibration that I need to tune my Astral Body to?
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