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Automatic Writing


Practical Philosopher
Mar 25, 2022
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Automatic writing - or Spirit Writing - is the act of letting whatever comes to mind in a trance-like state be written down - or drawn out - on a piece of paper. This is a call for your personal experiences with automatic writing, how you do it, what the results have been, if you think it's truly "channeling" or, like people think of the Oujia, if you think it's "bunk"


Jul 7, 2024
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I don't think it's bunk, if it's done in an occult mindstate where the unconscious mind can take control. The same with talking in tongues.

I'm reading a book called "Hexagrammaton" by Baron and Baronessa Araignee, and in Chapter 7 they provide an interesting method for manifesting that combines those two things. I tried it, and it worked like a charm (pun intended), and for a big ticket item that I closed a deal on the next day. (The details of the ritual are not mine to give away, though.)

Also, I recall reading somewhere that AOS would use automatic writing to create sigils to clear blockages.


Dec 1, 2023
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ive worked with a lot of trance and visionary states in various ways . . . as i see it, it's all about using these methods so i can get out of the way and let something/someone speak that is not my conscious mind . . . . ive done a lot of drawing this way . . . as far as automatic writing, ive certainly done a lot of writing in a sort of semi trance state where im writing things that i would not consciously write . . . . is this channeling? i dont know. . . . . .

i just heard an interview with Harper Feist . she teaches classes on Scrying and is an impressive magickal being . . . . she said something to the effect of . Spirit is where we get our Ideas from . . . . . i think i agree with her . . . . . ive done a lot of creative writing and other types of creative work . and the flow states that come when creative ideas are flowing certainly often seem to be tapping into something other than just Me. Is it my subcsonscious? higher self? muses? spirit? . . . . i have no idea . . . . . . but when it Flows . . . it Really Really Flows ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Jul 25, 2024
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I've struggled to get words out of automatic writing, but I did get my familiar's sigil with it.

I kind of just closed off my thoughts, closed my eyes, and let him guide my hand. Next thing you know, I've got a sigil.


Aug 17, 2023
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I don't think it's bunkum, exactly. But the results with myself are highly variable. From meaningless scrawls, to coherent narratives re: individuals in the past, to an occasional direct message, albeit one referencing persons I do not recall having known. I've never really made it a regular part of my routine, so mixed results are not surprising.


Apr 29, 2024
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I find it impossible to do automatic-writing without having something of note happen! Even if no great feat or specific desire is chosen, what is written will at least show what the unconscious has to say, or perhaps... something else 👻 Paychologically it's a sound way to bridge the way towards your wellspring of unconconscuous creativity!

I haven't experimented much with automatic writing past empty minded observational speculative analysis on things, events, metaphysics, etc that usually have a meaty reward that's sometimes too much to swallow, but the act of allowing fate to guide my hands is something I do to use Tarot & I-Ching. Thinking on it, it's the same thing, just cards instead of a pen. There is a question and an answer is "drawn out" through the cards.

Okay, is this thing on? Cause I wanna be heard in Brag-City 🎤 🦉 I have had a 100% success rate on myself and many other people around campus, usually very specific context lines up with the cards, or something genuinely meaningful / relevant can be gotten without fail. I have been waiting with baited breath for the day the readings shit; some kid asked the I-Ching how to get ahead in his Math class and I swear to God it answered earnestly.

I do nothing, first a few breaths, then a ritual to "connect" with the deck. The person asks their question - with me having told them of my 100% success rate, greasing the wheels - and I shuffle unconsciously. Then I divide the deck by asking questions like "black or white" "Justice or Mercy" "Sun or Moon" etc. The process really gets the readee involved, but everything on my end is automatic without my input, it's like purposeful disassociation, blind faith my hands will do what they must to get the right cards.

Then with faith, I just read the descriptions of the cards and add my own understanding, and reliably it fucking works. The reading and interpretation itself is also automatic.

I believe it is a sort of "channeling" but instead of Toopie from Andromeda its interracting with the simulation as a whole, allowing Fate to say its peace.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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Automatic writing - or Spirit Writing - is the act of letting whatever comes to mind in a trance-like state be written down - or drawn out - on a piece of paper. This is a call for your personal experiences with automatic writing, how you do it, what the results have been, if you think it's truly "channeling" or, like people think of the Oujia, if you think it's "bunk"
What’s your favorite method of inducing the trance state to do automatic writing?
I think it varies from person to person whether it’s bunk but I don’t believe it’s all bunk. Idk if it’s channeling an outside force or just knowledge you pick up from the aether or if it’s inspired by your inner self. 🤷‍♂️


Apr 10, 2023
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I regularly practice automatic writing according to the surrealist approach. The basic method, as outlined in the first manifesto of surrealism and other texts, in pretty simple:

1. Settle the mind, forgetting your ambitions, talents, commitments, responsibilities, worries, etc.
2. Write rapidly without correction or review, without inhibitions of aesthetics, morals, etc.; don't pause to re-read or edit.
3. Observe what is going on inside yourself as you write.

The first step- of settling the mind and letting go of various graspings- is something that can be entered into quickly and also cultivated long-term. There are many methods and games that can be used to facilitate this state, involving the use of objective chance or the alteration of perception, such as the paranoiac-critical method or the use of oracles.

As for the question of the source, Andre Breton summarizes the difference from spiritualism thusly: contrary to what spiritualism proposes — that is, the dissociation of the subject’s psychological personality - surrealism proposes nothing less than the unification of that personality. For us, obviously, the question of the externality of the ‘voice’ (to repeat for the sake of simplification) could not even be raised.

Here is Benjamin Peret's explanation of the method:

"Take a hand, paper, ink, and a pen with a new nib, and settle yourself comfortably at your table. Now forget all your worries, forget that you are married, that your child has whooping-cough, that you are Catholic, that you are a senator, that you are a disciple of Auguste Comte or of Schopenhauer, forget antiquity, the literature of all countries at all times. You no longer want to know what is logical and what is not, you no longer want to know anything except what you are going to be told. Write as fast as possible so as not to lose any of the secrets that are made known to you about yourself, and above all do not re-read yourself. You will soon notice that, little by little as you write, the sentences become faster, stronger, more alive. And if, by chance, you find that you stop suddenly, don't hesitate, force the door of the unconscious and write the first letter of the alphabet, for example. The letter A is as good as any other. Ariadne's thread will return by itself. Having said that, I begin.

"A bunch of asparagus that is not quite seven leagues long is exhausting itself cutting out a rainbow in a box of shoe polish. The rainbow runs along the beach looking for a pipe made of foam. It hears the sea in the hollow of its hand and becomes, after thirty years of study on an island of shifting sands, a ship's captain. It is then that the king of a commonplace country gives him a soup tureen as a present. He puts some tortoise eggs in it, and when the moon changes the soup tureen flies off like the last sigh of a consumptive. Yet it was a very beautiful night and the stars, after having lost at baccarat, had gone off to fish for trout with cars' headlights..."


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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2. Write rapidly without correction or review, without inhibitions of aesthetics, morals, etc.; don't pause to re-read or edit.
I’m atleast able to do that 😃 😂
Thank you for outlining all that, it’s pretty fascinating as I haven’t delved into automatic writing much at all and if I did it was way too long ago to have any grasp on the details so that was very informative.


Mar 21, 2024
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I find automatic writing or trance-induced writing pretty useful, especially for intermediate channeling sessions. Though, you need to be very careful who are you connecting your mind and soul to, as it can sometimes be pretty dangerous.

I experienced the effects of automatic writing both with an Angel and a Demon.

It was a very intense experience as, when I connected with the Angel it would boost me with a light and soft way of creativity and expression, while the Demon was more rough and dark in its style of writing and communication.

Basically, when you do "automatic-writing" you allow yourself to become the temporary vessel by channeling the desired spirit and then allowing it to connect to your mind for a desired period of time.

It's an old saying in occultism, after all, that goes something like: most spirits will need a vessel to temporary possess it, in order to act in the physical world.


Jan 26, 2024
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Automatic writing - or Spirit Writing - is the act of letting whatever comes to mind in a trance-like state be written down - or drawn out - on a piece of paper. This is a call for your personal experiences with automatic writing, how you do it, what the results have been, if you think it's truly "channeling" or, like people think of the Oujia, if you think it's "bunk"

Definetly a genuine practice. It is very similar to remote viewing. It probably is a different expression of the same underlying principle.

However also here you need to accept you have a lot of fantasy and confused visions by default and you need to get rid off it in order to be accurate and credible.


Aug 13, 2024
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Önemli bir şey olmadan otomatik yazmayı imkansız buluyorum! Büyük bir başarı veya belirli bir arzu seçilmese bile, yazılanlar en azından bilinçaltının ne söylediğini veya belki... başka bir şeyi 👻 gösterecektir . Paykolojik olarak, bilinçaltı yaratıcılığınızın kaynağına giden yolu köprülemenin sağlam bir yoludur!

Boş zihinli gözlemsel spekülatif analizlerin ötesinde, şeyler, olaylar, metafizik vb. üzerinde otomatik yazma konusunda pek fazla deneme yapmadım, bunlar genellikle bazen yutması çok zor olan etli bir ödüle sahiptir, ancak kaderin ellerimi yönlendirmesine izin verme eylemi Tarot ve I-Ching kullanmak için yaptığım bir şeydir . Bunu düşündüğümde, aynı şey, sadece bir kalem yerine kartlar. Bir soru var ve bir cevap kartlar aracılığıyla "çıkarılıyor".

Tamam, bu şey açık mı? Çünkü Brag-City'de duyulmak istiyorum 🎤 🦉 Kampüsteki kendim ve birçok başka insan üzerinde %100 başarı oranına sahibim, genellikle kartlarla çok belirli bir bağlam örtüşüyor veya gerçekten anlamlı/ilgili bir şey hatasız elde edilebiliyor. Okumaların boktan olduğu günü nefesimi tutarak bekliyordum; bir çocuk I-Ching'e Matematik dersinde nasıl ilerleyeceğini sordu ve yemin ederim ki içtenlikle cevapladı.

Hiçbir şey yapmıyorum, önce birkaç nefes, sonra desteyle "bağlantı" kurmak için bir ritüel. Kişi sorusunu soruyor - ben de ona %100 başarı oranımı söyleyip çarkları yağlıyorum - ve ben de farkında olmadan karıştırıyorum. Sonra "siyah mı beyaz mı", "Adalet mi Merhamet mi", "Güneş mi Ay mı" gibi sorular sorarak desteyi bölüyorum. Süreç okuyucuyu gerçekten dahil ediyor, ancak benim tarafımdaki her şey benim girdim olmadan otomatik, kasıtlı bir ayrışma, ellerimin doğru kartları almak için yapması gerekeni yapacağına dair kör bir inanç gibi.

Sonra inançla, sadece kartların açıklamalarını okudum ve kendi anlayışımı ekledim ve güvenilir bir şekilde işe yarıyor. Okuma ve yorumlamanın kendisi de otomatik.

Bunun bir tür "kanallaşma" olduğunu düşünüyorum ancak Andromeda'dan Toopie yerine simülasyonun tamamıyla etkileşime giriyor ve Kader'in barışmasını sağlıyor.
Dün gece otomatik yazmayı denedim ama transa giremedim. İlk otomatik yazma seansımdı lol. Transa girmeyi kolaylaştırmak için ne yapabilirim?


Mar 21, 2024
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Dün gece otomatik yazmayı denedim ama transa giremedim. İlk otomatik yazma seansımdı lol. Transa girmeyi kolaylaştırmak için ne yapabilirim?
Please stick to English. This is an English speaking forum


Aug 13, 2024
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I find it impossible to do automatic-writing without having something of note happen! Even if no great feat or specific desire is chosen, what is written will at least show what the unconscious has to say, or perhaps... something else 👻 Paychologically it's a sound way to bridge the way towards your wellspring of unconconscuous creativity!

I haven't experimented much with automatic writing past empty minded observational speculative analysis on things, events, metaphysics, etc that usually have a meaty reward that's sometimes too much to swallow, but the act of allowing fate to guide my hands is something I do to use Tarot & I-Ching. Thinking on it, it's the same thing, just cards instead of a pen. There is a question and an answer is "drawn out" through the cards.

Okay, is this thing on? Cause I wanna be heard in Brag-City 🎤 🦉 I have had a 100% success rate on myself and many other people around campus, usually very specific context lines up with the cards, or something genuinely meaningful / relevant can be gotten without fail. I have been waiting with baited breath for the day the readings shit; some kid asked the I-Ching how to get ahead in his Math class and I swear to God it answered earnestly.

I do nothing, first a few breaths, then a ritual to "connect" with the deck. The person asks their question - with me having told them of my 100% success rate, greasing the wheels - and I shuffle unconsciously. Then I divide the deck by asking questions like "black or white" "Justice or Mercy" "Sun or Moon" etc. The process really gets the readee involved, but everything on my end is automatic without my input, it's like purposeful disassociation, blind faith my hands will do what they must to get the right cards.

Then with faith, I just read the descriptions of the cards and add my own understanding, and reliably it fucking works. The reading and interpretation itself is also automatic.

I believe it is a sort of "channeling" but instead of Toopie from Andromeda its interracting with the simulation as a whole, allowing Fate to say its peace.
I tried automatic typing last night but I wasn't successful. Can communication be achieved through practice?


Apr 29, 2024
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I tried automatic typing last night but I wasn't successful. Can communication be achieved through practice?
The automatic writing is a different practice from learning how to trance. Try both and you won't get anything, you need to practice one thing at a time. First, learn how to relax, then once relaxed, relax further into trance. Once tranced, you can do things with it like channel some kind of automatic writing.

It is upsetting how easy it is to fall into madness, self discipline, curiosity, and groundedness are virtues you need to develop first before opening up. The mundane needs to be conquered and act as a base for the supramundane.

I suggest Journaling as a side-practice, journal for twenty minutes at a time with no goal, just write and this will prime your cognition to examine ideas, dissect beliefs, and find yourself. Soon your thoughts will be as elaborate and conscience as the words you journal.


Aug 13, 2024
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In the journaling exercise, will I write down the thoughts that come to my mind without thinking about anything? I'm excited to try this

Post automatically merged:

The automatic writing is a different practice from learning how to trance. Try both and you won't get anything, you need to practice one thing at a time. First, learn how to relax, then once relaxed, relax further into trance. Once tranced, you can do things with it like channel some kind of automatic writing.

It is upsetting how easy it is to fall into madness, self discipline, curiosity, and groundedness are virtues you need to develop first before opening up. The mundane needs to be conquered and act as a base for the supramundane.

I suggest Journaling as a side-practice, journal for twenty minutes at a time with no goal, just write and this will prime your cognition to examine ideas, dissect beliefs, and find yourself. Soon your thoughts will be as elaborate and conscience as the words you journal.
In the journaling exercise, will I write down the thoughts that come to my mind without thinking about anything? I'm excited to try this



Apr 29, 2024
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In the journaling exercise, will I write down the thoughts that come to my mind without thinking about anything? I'm excited to try this
No goal. You just write. What you write is the manifestation of your unconscious, which you can learn from. Your unconscious is an entity that is just as much you as your conscious, you need to bridge the divide, Journaling actively will help with that 🦉