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Book – PDF Baron and Baronessa Araignee - The Book of Azarak

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Dec 31, 2024
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"In this modern day and age there are few grimoires on the subject of Witchcraft that stirs the senses into bliss and awe. Few authors actually write a book which is a true reflection of Witchcraft in extent and degree. We have created a grimoire of Witchcraft unlike ANY other - infusing every word, line and illustration with the sacred essence of the Witch.

As with all our books, we delve into the heart of the matter disemboweling it's contents so that nothing is hidden. For you dear reader this book will unlock the hidden secrets of Witchcraft. You will master unique methods of divination, learn to evoke the Lord and Lady in a manner that will even shame the so called masters of the Craft. You will have an arsenal of Familliar Spirits, with Seals and illustrations to command at a whim. In the book you will find a vast selection of spells that is easy to cast and apply, and much, much more. This book is suitable for practitioners of any level of skill." - taken from product page

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