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Book – PDF Baron and Baronessa Araignee - The Stars Are Not Right

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Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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So, you have just casted the most perfectly executed spell in your arsenal. You're excited - you've pronounced every word correctly, you've used all the materials listed when they were called for, you followed the entire spell step by step. Now - you are waiting for the results. Days turn into months, months turn into years and...nothing. We know exactly what you are going through, and we'll wager that virtually all practitioners throughout the ages have felt just the same as you feel now. We decided to write this book to "shed some light" as to why your working has "failed". We will be covering the bare basics of the matter, as these are mostly where the problem lies. Even if you believe yourself to be an adept - we are all children in the eyes of the Arts...constantly learning, constantly evolving - to reach our true potential.

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