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Seeking Recommendation Beginner-Friendly Magick/Occult Book Recommendations for Getting Started in Western Esotericism/Occcultism ?

Seeking recommendations for books.


Jul 30, 2022
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Hey everyone!

I’m sure this one comes up often, but I’m seeking recommendations for a beginner-friendly book that can serve as a solid introduction and foundation for exploring Western Esotericism / Occultism and Magick. Ideally, I’d like something that balances theory and practice—covering the most essential skills like meditation, breath work, visualization, energy work, divination, invocation, etc. It should also possibly provide a clear progression path (where you advance in steps), helping to build the psychic , spiritual and magical foundations needed to approach the more advanced / complex grimoires and the other more advanced magical traditions with confidence.

I’ve heard great things about Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon, and I’m considering starting from there. It seems to cover much of what I’m looking for in terms of a structured and comprehensive all-around guide, but I’m unsure if it’s a book designed for beginners.

In the past, I worked partially through The Inner Temple of Witchcraft by Christopher Penczak, and I've also done some of the GoM ritual workings. I respect the traditional witchcraft tradition, but I’ve found that it wasn’t the best fit for me. I’m more interested in something rooted in the broader you Western Esoteric Tradition , something more “neutral” or even traditional rather than a guide more focused on a specific path like Wicca or Witchcraft.

Books like The Tree of Life by Israel Regardie, Advanced Magick for Beginners by Alan Chapman, Modern Magick: Twelve Lessons in the High Magickal Arts by Donald Michael Kraig, and also the Quareia Course come close to what I have in mind, as they lay down a path and blend theoretical understanding with actionable practical steps aimed at spiritual development. However, I’d love to hear other possible suggestions from those with more experience on the subject.

Which would be the best books to build solid foundations in the Western Esoteric Occcult Tradition? I’d like to find a / some book(s) that help me first develop spiritual senses and skills, and then do some studying on the western occult tradition itself, this is why I was thinking about first starting out with Initiation into Hermetics and then focus on Agrippa or the book secret teachings from all ages, to get some good all around knowledge, what do you think?

If you’ve worked with any book that fits this description—and or any other books that you feel are a good/excellent introduction to the Western esoteric tradition and equips you with the skills that allow you to practically dive into more complex texts later on—I’d greatly appreciate your insights!

Thank you in advance for your suggestions and recommendations!
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Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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You've already mentioned a lot of books to which I would like to add Six Ways by Aidan Wachter and High Magick by Damien Echols, and there's also the Official Forum Reading List. Those are all famous and reputable authors but we also have in our Library dozens of introductory books that always seem to fall through the cracks whenever somebody asks for recommendations, like Shawn Martin Scanlon's "Everything You Want to Know About Magick But Were Afraid to Ask".

It's not very often that somebody initially takes such a systematic, structured approach to magic, usually it's down the rabbit hole and let's see where it leads on the strength of other authors quoted or listed in bibliographies; or you might read a general introduction and suddenly come across a certain segment of occultism like the gnostics or the Kabbalah that piques your interest and that you want to know more about.

About those skills you mentioned: Bardon's IIH would be a good example where the theoretical part is somewhat idiosyncratic and outdated but the practical one is priceless and will keep you busy for years (some say decades; there are also some practical IIH manuals by other authors in the Library). Are you willing to commit to such a program? It's sometimes said that the Gallery of Magick and Damon Brand have 'democratized' magic in that they boldly declared that you don't need all that preparatory groundwork like meditation, breathing exercises, visualization training, etc. to invoke angels and whatnot, a bit of imagination as well as their beautifully drawn sigils are enough. Well, enthusiastic as I was when I first discovered their books, I don't agree with them anymore and have become a bit wary of the 'pop magic' approach. Mind you, this doesn't mean I think that the traditional methods are the best (after all, I used to be quite the chaos magick fanboy), only that it's not so easy and 'painless' as some modern authors maintain. So for meditation I'd recommend Culadasa's "The Mind Illuminated", another book that can keep you busy for years, to provide a solid basis for your magical endeavors - provided you actually practice, that is.

As far as theory is concerned, I myself like to turn to the works of historians, scholars of religion, anthropologists, etc. instead of occult authors because the information contained in them is much more reliable and based on verifiable sources (books by Wouter J. Hanegraaf would a good example there but there are many more).
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Another superb scholarly book:

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Don Webb's "How to Become a Modern Magus" is a bit on the quirky side but the author himself is solid (see the corresponding Book Report).
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St. Stephen

Dec 14, 2024
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Hey everyone!

I’m sure this one comes up often, but I’m seeking recommendations for a beginner-friendly book that can serve as a solid introduction and foundation for exploring Western Esotericism / Occultism and Magick. Ideally, I’d like something that balances theory and practice—covering the most essential skills like meditation, breath work, visualization, energy work, divination, invocation, etc. It should also possibly provide a clear progression path (where you advance in steps), helping to build the psychic , spiritual and magical foundations needed to approach the more advanced / complex grimoires and the other more advanced magical traditions with confidence.

I’ve heard great things about Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon, and I’m considering starting from there. It seems to cover much of what I’m looking for in terms of a structured and comprehensive all-around guide, but I’m unsure if it’s a book designed for beginners.

In the past, I worked partially through The Inner Temple of Witchcraft by Christopher Penczak, and I've also done some of the GoM ritual workings. I respect the traditional witchcraft tradition, but I’ve found that it wasn’t the best fit for me. I’m more interested in something rooted in the broader you Western Esoteric Tradition , something more “neutral” or even traditional rather than a guide more focused on a specific path like Wicca or Witchcraft.

Books like The Tree of Life by Israel Regardie, Advanced Magick for Beginners by Alan Chapman, Modern Magick: Twelve Lessons in the High Magickal Arts by Donald Michael Kraig, and also the Quareia Course come close to what I have in mind, as they lay down a path and blend theoretical understanding with actionable practical steps aimed at spiritual development. However, I’d love to hear other possible suggestions from those with more experience on the subject.

Which would be the best books to build solid foundations in the Western Esoteric Occcult Tradition? I’d like to find a / some book(s) that help me first develop spiritual senses and skills, and then do some studying on the western occult tradition itself, this is why I was thinking about first starting out with Initiation into Hermetics and then focus on Agrippa or the book secret teachings from all ages, to get some good all around knowledge, what do you think?

If you’ve worked with any book that fits this description—and or any other books that you feel are a good/excellent introduction to the Western esoteric tradition and equips you with the skills that allow you to practically dive into more complex texts later on—I’d greatly appreciate your insights!

Thank you in advance for your suggestions and recommendations!
I was very recently in the same boat as you but have settled down on some great simple finds deep in the last pages of the library.
I found the following two files/readers particularly useful to get you started in practical work in general "western" magic.
Check these out: (search for them in the library)

The Temple of Solomon Crash Course in Hermetic Magic by Frater F.C.
Basick Magick - Your Path to Self Knowledge and Power by Benjamin Rowe