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Seeking Recommendation Best books on Ki, Chi, Prana and Qi magic

Seeking recommendations for books.


Jan 25, 2025
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I don't know if any book on such a topic exists, as incantations are of Western magical traditions, while mantras, Ki, prana are from the Indian mystical schools, Chi belongs to Chinese medicine and mystery schools, while Qi, as far as I have heard, is the mixed bag of Ki, Chi, prana thrown into the Western market as Eastern mystery knowledge

So is there any spellbook based on Ki so to say? I have only read one incantation ona VKJehannum blog which serves the purpose of vamping Ki. I am looking for a spellbook of Ki using it's basic nature - to heal, to speeden up muscles, to mediocre powers and lastly, the more advanced and sophisticated Ki magic - conjuring dragons, becoming a dragon (yes, that's the ultimate mastery in the Chinese Buddhist mystery traditions, and is a form of self deification - more than half of the Chinese deities are dragons)