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Black magic


Jan 8, 2023
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Hello, here I have some problems first of all in the street every time I go out people look at me or avoid me, people reject me for no reason even if I help them, I have sleep problems that is to say, even at 11 p.m. or midnight I can't sleep and I often have nightmares and then all my plans are blocked. Besides, my headphones keep breaking down one by one, I buy new headphones and some time later they also break down. Is it due to witchcraft or is it God who punished me?

In addition, I wake up several times at night despite taking medication. I often dream that I have big teeth or from my old school, why?

In addition I have problems with impulsiveness and anger I have seen psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers but nothing has changed.

And then often there are birds that often come home to me, what does that mean?


Oct 13, 2022
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People smile and stare at me all the time, we've had a recent virus outbreak which is still affecting the world. I've had people suddenly walk of the side walk and on the roads, so that's nothing to worry about. And if people decide to reject your help, I'm sorry to say but that's their choice. They don't have to accept it. (nice of you though) people all around the world were having nightmares due to the pandemic, and perhaps still having them now.

How is your life apart from this, career, family and friend relationships? If it leans towards the negative side then that could be the issue, also i understand that might be too personal so its fine if you don't want to share anything.

If you really feel like you're being cursed, look into shielding, warding, cleansing and the LBRP on Google/Youtube

Book share:

Book i recommend looking into:

I know this might not be much help you but some of our most experienced members might be able to help, give it some time for them reply back to you. And don't worry, watch a feel good movie, animal short videos on YouTube or whatever makes you at least happy.
Post automatically merged:

In the mean time i will try and find YouTube channels on Shielding, warding etc.


Oct 2, 2022
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Other wiser and more experienced members will probably be able to give you more information but here are my 2 cents. "Dion Fortune - Pyschic Self-Defense" might also be a complement to what has been suggested. I haven't started it yet, but it deals with the different psychic attacks and how to protect yourself from them. If this does not apply to Montaigneos, please let me know.


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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I do not know what might be the cause, or even if this solution will work for you, but you can try it nonetheless because it is easy and safe to start doing and continue on a regular basis.

Based on what little information you have provided, I'm making a guess that you have some (a lot?) of etheric "crud" attached to you, and I won't make a fool of myself by calling it any specific thing. I'm copying the following exercise from documentation for the Fellowship of the Hermetic Rose, compiled by John Michael Greer, a practicing Druid.

The Judson Exercise:​
The exercise, as Judson notes in her book The Bridge Between Two Worlds, is primarily meant to bring the practitioner into contact with benevolent spiritual currents and chase off negative energies. She recommends it to mediums because it keeps noxious entities at bay. I've (JMG) done some experimenting with the exercise and modified it slightly; you can find Judson's original version via these two links:​
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1. Stand facing north. Turn counterclockwise (N to W to S to E...) three and a half times, arms extended out to the sides, palms down, concentrating on the idea that unwanted energies are being thrown off as you turn. End facing south.​
2. Bring your heels together, shift your weight onto the balls of your feet, extend your arms to the south, spread your fingers slightly, bow your head and close your eyes. Imagine that you are being permeated with the magnetic energies of the earth.​
3. Turn clockwise (S to W to N) to face the north. Then raise your arms up and out above your head and look up. Turn very slowly clockwise once around, while imagining life and blessing descending to you from the sun. You can say a prayer or spoken invocation as you do this.​
4. Extend your arms to your sides, palms down, and turn clockwise four and a half times, concentrating on the idea that you are wrapping yourself and your aura in the positive energies you have invoked. End facing south.​
5. Sweep your "positive hand"—this is usually the hand you write with—palm down a few inches above the palm and forearm of your negative hand, which is held palm up. Do this three times, sweeping the hand from elbow to fingertips. Then reverse, and sweep off the positive arm and hand with the negative hand.​
These stages are, respectively: (1) throwing off inharmonious [etheric] magnetism; (2) blending with the [etheric] magnetism of the earth; (3) calling down beneficent influences from above; (4) gathering them up and charging the aura; (5) sealing the aura.​


Jan 8, 2023
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I do not know what might be the cause, or even if this solution will work for you, but you can try it nonetheless because it is easy and safe to start doing and continue on a regular basis.

Based on what little information you have provided, I'm making a guess that you have some (a lot?) of etheric "crud" attached to you, and I won't make a fool of myself by calling it any specific thing. I'm copying the following exercise from documentation for the Fellowship of the Hermetic Rose, compiled by John Michael Greer, a practicing Druid.

The Judson Exercise:​
The exercise, as Judson notes in her book The Bridge Between Two Worlds, is primarily meant to bring the practitioner into contact with benevolent spiritual currents and chase off negative energies. She recommends it to mediums because it keeps noxious entities at bay. I've (JMG) done some experimenting with the exercise and modified it slightly; you can find Judson's original version via these two links:​
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1. Stand facing north. Turn counterclockwise (N to W to S to E...) three and a half times, arms extended out to the sides, palms down, concentrating on the idea that unwanted energies are being thrown off as you turn. End facing south.​
2. Bring your heels together, shift your weight onto the balls of your feet, extend your arms to the south, spread your fingers slightly, bow your head and close your eyes. Imagine that you are being permeated with the magnetic energies of the earth.​
3. Turn clockwise (S to W to N) to face the north. Then raise your arms up and out above your head and look up. Turn very slowly clockwise once around, while imagining life and blessing descending to you from the sun. You can say a prayer or spoken invocation as you do this.​
4. Extend your arms to your sides, palms down, and turn clockwise four and a half times, concentrating on the idea that you are wrapping yourself and your aura in the positive energies you have invoked. End facing south.​
5. Sweep your "positive hand"—this is usually the hand you write with—palm down a few inches above the palm and forearm of your negative hand, which is held palm up. Do this three times, sweeping the hand from elbow to fingertips. Then reverse, and sweep off the positive arm and hand with the negative hand.​
These stages are, respectively: (1) throwing off inharmonious [etheric] magnetism; (2) blending with the [etheric] magnetism of the earth; (3) calling down beneficent influences from above; (4) gathering them up and charging the aura; (5) sealing the aura.​
Hello, what a crud?


Site Staff
Staff member
Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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what a crud?
American English slang for a deposit of dirt, filth, grease. In my post it means, basically, that you have etheric "dirt" of some kind attached to your body which is normally invisible on the physical plane, yet can often be detected on a spiritual level by other people who interact with you. They sense it though they don't (usually) see it. Aside from the breakage of headphones and sleep issues, this could affect your long term health. Have you tried bathing in salt water? This is also good for purification, though it is quite possible that you have other influences in your living area which will need to be addressed. The Judson Exercise in my first post can, with practice, also cleanse the immediate area around you. It should be done at least once a day. Expect gradual improvement, not miracles.


Jan 8, 2023
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Argot anglais américain pour un dépôt de saleté, crasse, graisse. Dans mon message, cela signifie, fondamentalement, que vous avez une sorte de "saleté" éthérique attachée à votre corps qui est normalement invisible sur le plan physique, mais qui peut souvent être détectée à un niveau spirituel par d'autres personnes qui interagissent avec vous. Ils le sentent bien qu'ils ne le voient pas (généralement). Outre la casse des écouteurs et les problèmes de sommeil, cela pourrait affecter votre santé à long terme. Avez-vous essayé de vous baigner dans de l'eau salée ? C'est également bon pour la purification, bien qu'il soit tout à fait possible que vous ayez d'autres influences dans votre espace de vie qui devront être traitées. L'exercice Judson dans mon premier message peut, avec de la pratique, nettoyer également la zone immédiate autour de vous. Cela devrait être fait au moins une fois par jour. Attendez-vous à une amélioration progressive, pas à des miracles.
Now i unterstand
Sep 9, 2021
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Birds are often messengers, especially crows and ravens. Doves require no explanation. Geese are interesting compared to ducks.
Colors of birds, and types are important to know. There are probably hundreds of thousands different kinds of birds. Color is very symbolic and helps to observe and note in a dream or vision.
Learn, understand, live and nurture your inner beliefs and qualities. Screw what anyone else thinks. Live your life on your own terms.