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Blood relations in occultism

Sep 9, 2021
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I know various books exist on Blood Sorcery and associated areas. I understand some of the blood offerings are used to create a bridge to a spirit, for payment of a given task, for baneful magic, for love magic, iow it has a variety of functions.

Im not so concerned with the above as that of male problems. Vaso restrictors, whatever the opposite of vasodilators may be what Im looking for in the form of herbs. Had researched a while back approximately twenty over the counter or mail order medications that improved male functions in all areas. The result of the particular herbs was at least three pages. So I got thinking, how about creating a smoothie that I take daily? Sure I can go to GNC or whatever and get Ageless Male and a blender to drink daily smoothies, but it would be interesting to create my own brand, my own formula.

What I lack, in addition to other uses of herbs I will do including making incense and oils, and poppet pouches for various things, but to really get into Medicinal Herbs, and find their associated stones, and potentially Devas that watch over that particular Mineral and Vegetable in their kingdoms.

So again, perhaps this was clickbait for some, but an honest question, what herbs (DO YOU KNOW OFFHAND) that increase blood flow and increase testosterone in older males?


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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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Have you looked into homeopathy? I've barely looked into it myself, but it would seem to use the same principles of magic, the essence of a substance as opposed to the chemistry, in order to cause change in health. As the vibration of words of power is used in ritual, the succussion (rhythmic and physical vibration) of a substance in water renders that potency to the fluid even after the substance has been diluted to what allopathic treatments consider useless. I'm not a medical doctor and I do not offer medical advice.
Sep 9, 2021
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Im no doctor or pharmacist or health professional myself - but I am an alchemist, I just have yet to get started, but these are my considerations for incense oils and brews - holistic and homeopathic medicine, in smoothie form for easy gulping.
Sep 9, 2021
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Have you looked into homeopathy? I've barely looked into it myself, but it would seem to use the same principles of magic, the essence of a substance as opposed to the chemistry, in order to cause change in health. As the vibration of words of power is used in ritual, the succussion (rhythmic and physical vibration) of a substance in water renders that potency to the fluid even after the substance has been diluted to what allopathic treatments consider useless. I'm not a medical doctor and I do not offer medical advice.
Thank you by the way for a full alchemical process described. I have been a fan of Homeopathic and Holistic Medicine fro a few decades now.
Unfortunately, good food costs real money. But, canned goods are okay to use for a bit. Nutrition should come first, then water, then analysis as to whats going on, over a good timeframe, and then based on the category of symptoms, theres a bot of guesswork that has to occur to arrive at a decision for a proper medicine.
However, to create tinctures or the Tincture, thats the goal along alchemy it seems.


Apr 28, 2021
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Generally I’d focus less on herbs and vegetables to increase just general health but instead focus on animal products: meats, organs, raw dairy, honey and additionally fruits as well.