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Bune information (Solomonic)


Solomonic practitioner
Jul 28, 2021
Reaction score
Hello everyone, may peace and blessings be upon all of you!

It is time to put the garments back on soon, as last time i did a full solomonic evocation as some are aware here and from another forum, i had more than Good success.

You learn every time you do an evocation, well what do we learn? We learn from our mistakes and to be patient, so for the next operation we should better ourselves from the last one, if that makes sence?

Success is Great, which i strive for, the meaning of this topic is about the direction, day, hour etc….of the spirit. If you have an off topic question solomonic related feel free to write here and we will do our best to answer, i want yous view/opinion on this spirit abit deeply than his description.

Spirit: Duke Bune (Direction West)
His King: Corson (Direction West as Bune)

Duke = Venus
Archangel of the day: Anael (Hanael)
Color: Green
Metal: Copper/Brass
King of the Spirit of the Air: Sarabotres.

I did my evocations facing East, with success yet i want to do better for my next operation.

This time i have thought of buying a freshly new table and chair to put wine and meat for him as an starter offering, placate, but i do not know which meats he likes, so i turn here for help, any information are appriciated! Thanks for your time!