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Cacodemonic Copulations - Phil Hine Essay


Apr 16, 2024
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Has anyone read / made use of the concepts in Phil Hine's excellent essay Cacodemonic Copulations?

It's a topic that many may well keep to themselves, even it they're enjoying it immensely. I ran a search and it came up nil, for "Cacodemonic Copulations", which surprised me considering there are many here quite capable of this kind of evocation, and also creation if desired. It's a powerful and alluring subject that the essay makes clear. I'm throwing this out there because Incubi and Succubi have been subjects of interest to
folks like us likely forever, and typical of Phil Hine, he does a good job on the subject! Also, the essay is readily available on the net for those
without access to WF as well, so some folks may have read it before membership?
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I'll get this rolling by stating I have always been fascinated by Succubi. As a Single "Cis" Male with a pretty normal relationship with "Real Girls",
I was still fascinated with Succubi. Why?, they're Always Available! ;)
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Of the dozens of evocations over time I've only experienced two episodes where I had to "assertively take control", very minor stuff, never was I in doubt that I could not control the experiences. Also, this was before I read Phil Hine's essay, which is a pretty cool overview, and good common sense advice.

The essay is only about 4.5 pages long, a good read!
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Finally remembered to post this link, it will D/L the PDF, this one has a Graphic, it''s about 6 pages, Enjoy!

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