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Candle magic circle


Jun 1, 2023
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I grabbed a copy of Llewellyn's' candle magic for beginners' book a while back, and William A. Oribello's 'candle magic with psalms' later on, quite similar. I like both, having always resonated with the psalms, even if not what I was told the religion was 'supposed' to mean. I saw them as to source, rather than a man. I always saw something magical about the psalms in the way they are written. I find poetry powerful.
I thought to use the beginners book as a complete course as is covers squares, planetary powers, life path, everything.

The circle is only briefly mentioned, that leads me to question, does a circle really matter for candle magic? I ask as with limited ability to keep house, it doesn't really get cleaned. I made one space ok to work in but its a far cry from the magic garden I would like to build. Fussing around with bits of rope that only partly fit under the bed so I can sit down in a tiny bedroom don't help. It's anxiety inducing to think that if I don't get every last speck of dust up something bad will happen. I need to get comfortable anyway so end up sprawled over the bed and out of the circle. This is part of the problem in that I need money to get away to somewhere nice to live, pay for hospital etc rather than a miserable neglected damp squat. Then I can pay someone to clean and get serious. I know there is a big psychological difference to the order of the house, but what can I do? I got used to it. I usually cleanse the room with incense stick and open the window before any work. I have a vacuum cleaner I got just to keep that room in order, perhaps I ought to consecrate it...

I'm owed a lifetime of stolen wealth via action/reaction. I'm thinking justice, and lots of it. Realign my flow. Could just ask for money, and I will, but there needs to be some serious correction. It had occurred to pay someone for professional magic service's, but with great trepidation, I'm broken enough and grown weary of throwing my money at problems that don't change.

Incidentally, I noticed that the house has hot and cold spots, so appears to be busy with various energies. I look forward to getting out and getting on.
Practical magic, practical problems.


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Jr. Staff Member
Apr 9, 2022
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Soap and water, with a bit of Florida Water added if you can find some, can do wonders. Pay special attention to windows and doors, thanking them for the work they do to keep out harmful influences. Sweep the dust (vacuum or mop) out the front door (scoop any dust up if your front door leads to a hallway, taking it outside). Don't forget to clean your front door inside and out.

You can imagine that there is a circle, and this is suggested in at least one Gallery of Magick book, Gordon Winterfield's Demons of Magick. If you're not dealing with demon evocation, surely a physical circle isn't as important as long as you have cleansed your space (to the best of your ability) and your body (take a cleansing bath). I would think that candle magic is safer than spirit evocation, but I'm not familiar with those books. If in doubt, just do your best to follow their instructions.

Psalms are considered very powerful by rootworkers and Hoodoo practitioners. Really, I'd just keep it simple as possible and rely on repetition of your ritual to bring about your desired effect. Try doing a simple ritual once a night for a week. The rule of thumb is to use the waxing moon to bring things to you, and use the waning moon to send them away (and for cursing). No one can judge you except your God. Keep a journal of what you did and how you feel after each ritual.