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Choosing One's Own Afterlife


Mar 18, 2024
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The typical idea is simple, you be bad you go to bad place (hell/bad reincarnation/bad side of the underworld) you be good you go to good place (heaven/good reincarnation/good side of the underworld), and in deeper systems, which i believe are most accepted in occult communities, the end of all is union with god, most usually through awakenin but i found in other abrahamic mysticisms where its more unconditional, where god is so merciful, so sublime nd so inevitable, even hell leads to him, as above so is below ect ect, and in other systems it's just staying here and becoming new things nd with time you lose your memory of your current self nd becoming some part of the physical or spiritual world, nd in older systems you just go to a sucky underworld nd simply stick there forever nd ever

all of these systems honestly can be reconciled and unified if someone wishes to give it a go, if not by direct language then by stories, and all of these afterlives are experiences ancient mystics had, influenced by their current needs, opinions, other mystics they believed to be right nd so on

while this whole thing can bring endless discussions of morality, judgement, nihilism, existentialism, nature of the world nd mines is better than yours talk, but wht im looking to focus on here is simple, its if we can choose independently where to go, maybe someone wnts n afterlife where its an endless buffet, mybe another wnts to experience living in their favorite fictional world living their fantasies, others wnt to redo their lives from the beginning nd avoiding serious mistakes, i do not suppose with the many complex afterlives nd gods so sublime worshiping them doesnt demand religious belief in them that this sorts of afterlives r harder to attain than the commonly believed ones or be parts of them
so, assuming possibility or reality of any of this, what is the best method to get the ability to choose your afterlife?


Nov 20, 2023
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...in deeper systems, which i believe are most accepted in occult communities, the end of all is union with god...
No it isn't.
That may be part of some Christian religious beliefs, and by extension a part of some Christian mystical and magical systems, but there are plenty of other religious, magical and mystical traditions where it plays no part at all.

...what is the best method to get the ability to choose your afterlife?

It's the choices you make in life that determine your afterlife - so decide where you want to go, follow the path that leads there - going down whatever religious, spiritual or other routes that are prescribed by your faith.


Oct 29, 2023
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No it isn't.
That may be part of some Christian religious beliefs, and by extension a part of some Christian mystical and magical systems, but there are plenty of other religious, magical and mystical traditions where it plays no part at all.
there we go ad homining again

The Grinch Smile GIF by Peacock

There's a great concept of this idea in Rick n' Morty in the episode Rick is trying to play heaven like that and sync it's eternal energy
and tries to play the rules but learns a lesson in it...

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Apr 16, 2021
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No it isn't.
That may be part of some Christian religious beliefs, and by extension a part of some Christian mystical and magical systems, but there are plenty of other religious, magical and mystical traditions where it plays no part at all.
You forget that God in the Christian theology is just a personification of The All. I won't get into the specifics because each denomination and variation treats it a bit differently, but suffice it to say, the OP is correct, technically. It's just God and The All are the same thing just with different names/terms.

My personal beliefs is that you experience your afterlife in the instant you die, as a single point but perceived as infinite, and then the entirety of your being returns to The All. Whatever afterlife you get is the one you wholeheartedly believe you deserve based on your own beliefs and morals, but it is an instant stretched out to infinity (or however long your personal beliefs think the afterlife lasts for).

As an example, if you believe the afterlife you deserve is 100 years in a pit of fire, you will experience the perception of such an afterlife in the instant you die, then once you reach the end of your perceived afterlife, your being dissolves into The All and you cease to be in your current form.

Of course even if you return to The All, you do leave an 'imprint' of yourself upon it. People who call the spirits of the dead are actually calling these imprints left behind by the deceased.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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Good and Evil seem subjective in phases between life and death, the “judgement” or life review is more so how you went against yourself and harmed others and that’s just predicated on your own ego. This part is required to strip away The emotions of guilt, sorrow, happiness, love, anger ect. All you are left with is a transcendental divine bliss. It’s not meant as punishment.
But what comes after the “near” death experience is up for debate, I don’t think forced reincarnation is a thing. But I always got the echo’s of remembrance and recognition of “oh yeah, I’m about to go home” which makes me think of reincarnation as a choice rather than forced due to other experiences I’ve personally had.
I follow the line of thought that we return to the oneness, we are separate but not disconnected. On earth we are disconnected. Death is a reconnection. In essence earth is hell as described by Christian’s as a disconnect from God. I think the worse possible fate is your essence is destroyed and you wouldn’t experience it regardless, best case you return to the oneness. If you believe in your higher self then hopefully ya’ll came to an understanding you don’t want to return to experience a hard life, but it’s through hardships that we conquer that inspire others, what our minds and mortal body wants is irrelevant. I don’t think life is so cruel that we are set up to fail, we are put in situations to understand and overcome. If we do not succeed it doesn’t mean we failed. We each are in essence a breeze creating tsunami no matter our roll.

from the nag hammadi texts it can be seen as this..
(Take with a grain of salt it’s all meant to represent an idea not to be stated as fact) in terms of the Aeon Sophia, she cast herself to earth and was removed from the pleroma when she created the blind god due to her not wanting to have a child with her partner, Sophia was wisdom and she was victim of her own curiosity and stubbornness, she thought she knew better, she was then cast down from that connection to the the ineffable divinity that radiates the pleroma,

I think on earth we all are inherently blind and like Sophia we work our way up past our follies to become one with which we were cast down from. We try to shed the ego, others embrace it, we do what we can to find ourselves, the ones who remain blind care nothing about the connection we drifted from. However this doesn’t mean that an atheist seeking answers in science is blind, they go about it in their own way, true death is ignorance, an unwillingness to learn. If you go over the parables in the book of Thomas this sentiment seems to be echoed. Everything from us being nothing yet able to to control the world and ignorance being what true death is.
By that logic it would seem life is wanting to understand and inspire and create as a form of manipulation to set off a bigger breeze to have a larger impact, and everlasting life is finding peace in not needing to seek but being at peace in knowing that you know nothing and marvel at that but still wanting to imitate the higher self by inspiring and creating. Hell seems to be what we experience now, the best imitation of oneness is love, but what we are experience as “love” in this physical body is a poor imitation no matter how grand it feels. It soothes hell but we are experiencing only a handful of different types with so much baggage in the way.

TLDR: my opinion is we are in hell, we are disconnected, Heaven is connection and life is about being at peace knowing you can overcome any challenges. Challenges are an illusion formed in death as a form of making this hell but it has no bearing on life. It’s a very convincing illusion. But it’s as silly as a stage magician pretending to levitate. Marvel at it and clap, find joy and inspiration but see it for what it is and have that same energy towards hardships that seemingly just come your way. We are bound here by wanting a sense of self, something to prove. But our true self is not of here and doesn’t concern itself with what our ego wants or thinks it deserves.