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Cleansing a person from witchcraft, with a return.


Nov 19, 2024
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Hello. Today, I propose for acquaintance, a method of brushing yourself with salt from negativity. Proven by time, and by many people. Excellent cleaning of the negative with a return

Cleansing with salt.
Salt in rituals usually symbolizes the element of earth. Salt is an incredibly strong energy structure, capable of absorbing negativity like a sponge. There are an infinite number of rituals (both positive and negative) using salt.

They clean stones, jewelry and amulets in it, today I will tell you how to cleanse the subtle body of a person with it.

Buy a white saucer, a wooden spatula or spoon and a new pack of salt (regular rock or sea salt). Give money for calculation (do not take without change or change).

Open the pack at home, take a full handful of salt, pour it into a clean dry frying pan (you can use the one you cook food in, after the ritual, of course, it must be thoroughly washed).

Throw away the rest of the salt along with the pack.

While the salt is heating up, ask the deities with whom you are close for help, then read the plot:

Sacred salt, consecrated salt,
take all the nastiness from me (name),
all that is spoiled, all that was used to harm me,
all that was induced, all the evil eye,
what I drank with drink, what I ate with food,
given to me - by an evil word, an evil eye
from a young woman
or from an old woman,
from a young man,
or an old man,
from a small child,
or a cold dead person,
from a sister or from a brother,
from a father or from a mother,
from a husband or from a wife.
Sent, not mine, not native
Everything that is in the blood, in the joints, in the bones (name)
In the head, in all the organs, subtle bodies (name)
Slander, spoiled, cursed, wishes, evil eye, fear, chains, quagmires, lessons, reproaches, whispers, or anything else:
at least in my head, at least in my hands,
at least in my legs, at least in my eyes,
at least in my hair, at least in my voice,
at least in my nerves, at least in my skin,
at least under the skin, at least in my temples,
at least in my nose, at least in my mouth,
at least in my tongue, at least in my lips,
at least in my teeth, at least in my throat
at least in my chest, at least under my arms,
at least in my heart, at least in my liver,
at least in my stomach, at least in my sides,
at least in my back, at least in my shoulders,
at least in my joints, at least in red blood, at least in yellow bone, at least in blue veins.
Show me what I said and soak into the salt.
Take it and carry it along the running water.
As I said, as I wished - so it will be. Amen.

Pour the salt onto a white saucer and place it on a photo of the person being cleansed or your own.
Calcine the salt in this way for 7 days, with a conspiracy. Each time, place the salt on the photo.
On the eighth day, pour the salt into the river (into the running water), the saucer - into the trash.
It is desirable that no one observed your manipulations and no one saw the photo with the salt. And you do not need to tell anyone about your actions.
If the salt smokes, turns black, stinks when calcined - there is a lot of negativity. You can repeat the procedure in the next lunar cycle. The saucer may crack - there is one hundred percent damage. In this case, throw the salt and the shards into the trash and start all over again.

If you know for sure (and don't assume, this is important!!!) that a certain person "had a hand" in your troubles, after piercing the salt on the first day, you need to throw a set of new sewing needles (which, again, you bought "on account" specifically for these purposes) into a clean hot frying pan (already without salt), fry them well, while thinking about your offender and reading:

"Whoever did evil to me, so that he swallows his evil himself. Truly!" Throw the needles into the toilet, without touching them with your hands.

P.S. It would be good to finish everything on the waning moon and throw out the salt on the waning moon!!!

Wash and dry the frying pan well after each.

Heat a handful of this salt for 7 days and pour it onto a saucer. The salt will stand overnight, and then put it back on the frying pan and read the same spell. It is advisable to place the saucer so that it is seen less, read the spell while the salt is on the frying pan. Stir the salt with a wooden spatula (not a kitchen one, bought specifically for this purpose), while you stir - cast a spell.