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Jul 9, 2024
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One particular issue I have since dealing with my recuperation(I am actually doing quite well and my headaches have eased since the nerve block) is the means to accomplish my practices without causing myself harm and pain. My right knee is still in extreme pain when I am required to bend it for any length of time and with my practices, I must be able to kneel, cross my legs at times or at least sit on the ground, which in turn, pain occurs.

Now, to better clarify why this posting is called "Cosmology" is because in my practices, I work with spirits(manitou) and how I often work with such spirits is by means of traveling to one of three locations via trance and soul travel. I utilize my drum and my firepit.

There are three layers to the Universe(Wa'wiyek'a'mig)
Gi'izigo'ng or the Sky Realm. Heaven to those who can only perceive things in that manner.
A'gidaka'mig or the Earthly Realms. The spirit realm on Earth(Mi'kinaa'kominis) which is
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A'namaka'mig or the Underworld. This spirit world is more seen as the watery depths or cthonic in nature. It is definitely not the same as the Hades of the Greeks.

Most of the time I am traveling to A'namaka'mig as most issues that people have, parts of their soul they have lost, are able to be recovered from there.

So, what is your Cosmology in your practice? Is it associated with your faith? Did you discover it on your own or is it a part of your heritage?



Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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Sorry to hear about your pain issues, I know how bad it can be to get in a trance with nagging pain.

As for Cosmology, I don’t have a narrowed view, I’ve seen the void I’ve been rejected by the light, (as in some people when they pass they are in a void and then a bright white tunnel appears) I’ve been rejected twice but have been there 3 times and from my understanding, there are different dimensions (12 as theorized) many, many universes. There are levels to them, possibly 3 as you described but I’m unsure, It doesn’t really affect my practices except for the flowing thoughts/expressions/information given in that void space before being turned away from the light. I’ve retained some of that info but not anything about the cosmology of the universe so it’s hard for me to speak on it from a knowing standpoint, as far as cosmology goes I refer to “as above, so below, as within, so without” you are born under certain star signs on your natal chart and then thats your life if you go with the flow of things, that’s what you’re destined for. it’s knowing yourself and your chart that you can use magick to change your destiny.
i hope that covers the topic of the post?

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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I see the multiverse as like a giant crystal containing every possible path of every possible sequence of events. (If one were able to see it from outside, or indeed, if there was an outside to see it from).

It has (possibly) a 'point' at one end where the beginning was/is and spreads out from there. Not sure what the other end would look like in this picture; maybe spreading thinner and thinner until all the paths look the same at the heat death of the universe.

I discovered this picture in my research as being the most logical result of combining relativity with quantum physics.


Practical Philosopher
Mar 25, 2022
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I see the multiverse as like a giant crystal containing every possible path of every possible sequence of events. (If one were able to see it from outside, or indeed, if there was an outside to see it from).

It has (possibly) a 'point' at one end where the beginning was/is and spreads out from there. Not sure what the other end would look like in this picture; maybe spreading thinner and thinner until all the paths look the same at the heat death of the universe.

I discovered this picture in my research as being the most logical result of combining relativity with quantum physics.
Sometimes I think you and I should have a nice sit and talk. We agree on quite a few things...

As for my own cosmology:
All moments in time exist simultaneously, and we are but boats floating through the streams of time on this plane. Each "moment" has a corresponding spatial aspect, as well as an archetypal structure (much in the same way as fractals). Each Event is a "stone" thrown into the vastness of time and the ripples are the various iterations of that archetype. There exists a "source" that is akin to the sum total of all energy in the universe, from which we draw our own energy, direct our own ships, etc. Even though there are 2+ dimensions of time, there are multiple dimensions of space, extending out further than the 3 we experience. There are entities that traverse multiple dimensions of time and space, or even exist in a three dimensional space and a 2 dimensional time, so on and so forth. Each "spirit" we interact with has a material aspect to them, and can be expressed via these n dimensions of space and n dimensions of time, and some of these spirits will not be interacted with as they do not cross over into our temporal or spatial dimensions. Being on a "higher" dimension doesn't inherently make one more Holy, but does open up more options for archetypal events, as well as how they can be interacted within.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
Reaction score
Sometimes I think you and I should have a nice sit and talk. We agree on quite a few things...

As for my own cosmology:
All moments in time exist simultaneously, and we are but boats floating through the streams of time on this plane. Each "moment" has a corresponding spatial aspect, as well as an archetypal structure (much in the same way as fractals). Each Event is a "stone" thrown into the vastness of time and the ripples are the various iterations of that archetype. There exists a "source" that is akin to the sum total of all energy in the universe, from which we draw our own energy, direct our own ships, etc. Even though there are 2+ dimensions of time, there are multiple dimensions of space, extending out further than the 3 we experience. There are entities that traverse multiple dimensions of time and space, or even exist in a three dimensional space and a 2 dimensional time, so on and so forth. Each "spirit" we interact with has a material aspect to them, and can be expressed via these n dimensions of space and n dimensions of time, and some of these spirits will not be interacted with as they do not cross over into our temporal or spatial dimensions. Being on a "higher" dimension doesn't inherently make one more Holy, but does open up more options for archetypal events, as well as how they can be interacted within.

There are some things here that I agree with, only I would phrase them differently. 'Boats floating through the streams of time' is a poetic way of saying what our conscious moments are like as we are inside the timeless multiverse. The part that is most boggling, and took me the longest time to get my head around is that each of your timelines has a version of you in it, doing the things that you do/did in that timeline. When you do magic, you are aiming to experience the successful version of yourself in whichever timeline set that is.

The 'source' you speak about is the fact that the multiverse started with a very low entropy, so that there was plenty of room for entropy to increase and for order to appear (i.e. stars, galaxies and us). Unless there is a low entropy to start with, there is no opportunity for heat to transfer, and the Multiverse would be akin to the largest ever cup of cold coffee :D Now, currently, science has no answer as to why the multiverse started with such a low entropy. However, entropy, normally thought of as a measure of disorder, is actually a measure of possibility. But we already have the possibilities spreading out from the ever-branched timelines. So the Second Law of Thermodynamics (entropy always increases over time) is actually a consequence of the topology of the multiverse. Thus, the multiverse started with a low entropy because at the beginning of the multiverse (whatever that statement might mean) there is/was a point from which a huge number of possible outcomes spread out.

The extra dimensions are where the timelines are. There is (AFAIK) only one dimension of time - duration, without which no 3D thing could exist. The passing of time is not a dimension, it is a process that we experience from inside the timelines.

My personal belief about spirits (and I realise that this is not a popular view) is that they are akin to servitors; things that people made up and/or pulled out of their subconscious. But the whole point of magic is that you can assign a degree of reality to things you make up (as long as you don't break the laws of physics) and they can ultimately manifest in ways that are indistinguishable from the actual spirit that you thought they were in the first place.

Ah, @Khoren_ ! You sly dog! You got me monologuing :D And using positively Lovecraftian amounts of italics :D

Thank you for getting me thinking about this again :) I have a paper to write for the SPR, on the offchance that they accept it, and this will help me.