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Book – PDF Dennis William Hauck - Sorcerer's Stone: A Beginner's Guide to Alchemy

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Jul 3, 2023
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Complete with alchemical engravings from the Middle Ages as well as useful charts and diagrams, this is an illuminating handbook that will teach aspiring alchemists such fascinating facts as: - Alchemy is a means of personal transformation that enables you to meet your highest potential as a human being.- Alchemy can protect and rejuvenate physical health, and has been used in healing brain and spinal cord injuries.- "The Emerald Tablet"--the basic document of alchemy--contains a secret formula of transformation brought from Egypt over 12,000 years ago.- Quantum reality and the "observer effect" reflect alchemy's power to change all matter.- Bizarre drawings and symbolic writings of the alchemists refer to specific operations that work on all levels of body, mind, and spirit.- Includes a glossary and useful resource guide for websites and books.

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