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Book – PDF Dr. Dale Dugas - Fundamental Iron Skills: Tempering Body and Limbs with Ancient Methods

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Jul 3, 2023
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[Non-mega link]

I've edited your post because of the non-mega link and hosted the book on my own account. I've also edited the title - at first I thought it was some off-topic book about metalworking, it was only when I took a look at it that I knew what it was about. It's also a good idea to include the author because that's what most people will use when they search the Library. I usually copy the amazon description in my own posts to give members a better idea what the book is about:

In Fundamental Iron Skills, Dale Dugas shows you how to develop these ancient skills in a safe, step-by-step manner. This is the first book to cover all aspects of iron skills training in one volume, including solo training, partner training and the use of auxiliary training equipment and herbal liniments and soaks.In eight chapters containing 190 photographs, Dugas explains the different ways you can set up your training area with support stands and tables, different types of training bags and open medium for striking as well as complete methods of safely training Iron Palm from beginning to the intermediate level are examined. Herbal medications for external use is discussed in detail and a formula for Iron Palm Training Liniment (Dit Da Jow) and soak are included.After the fundamentals, Dugas teaches how to test your development by breaking objects like wood, cinderblock and coconuts. Detailed text and phots show you how. Following this are demonstrated fighting techniques from the internal art of Baguazhang and the short-power art of Jook Lum Southern Mantis. Each technique emphasizes a different Iron Skill developed in the book and discusses specific pressure points for striking and taking out your opponent.

Anyway, thanks for sharing and definitely get a mega account!
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As I evidently haven't had time yet to read the book, I assume there is some occult connection involving qi/chi described in the book because karate books on tameshiwara ("breaking"), for example, usually do completely without any 'woo-woo' and would be therefore off-topic.
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