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Dr Stephen Skinner


Feb 23, 2022
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I'm gradually moving into the area of Solomonic / Goetic magick and would like to start using Dr Skinner's material.

Can anyone recommend me Stephen Skinner's 'best' book on Solomonic Magick, that is best in your (experienced) opinion?
I'm considering either The Goetia of Dr. Rudd (2010), The Veritable Key of Solomon or perhaps - The Keys to the Gateway of Magic Summoning the Solomonic Archangels and Demon Princes.
Does anyone have experience with using these books? I'd love to hear your opinions on - eg ease of use, clarity of explanations, effectiveness of results.
Or if you think he has 'better' works than those above, please let me know! thank you.


May 21, 2024
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Hello, if you wish to research in the field of Goetia or Lemegeton I think the Goetia of Dr Rudd is very good. I suggest that you study the Techniques of Solomonic Magic, if you want his book on the PGM is also pretty good and useful Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic, why this is the case is explained in the book itself.

Personally I've found much use for the last two books, which combined give a greater understanding of the greater magical techniques and methodology, they are very much theoretical, but it is good to study some theory before going to the practice.


Feb 23, 2022
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Hello, if you wish to research in the field of Goetia or Lemegeton I think the Goetia of Dr Rudd is very good. I suggest that you study the Techniques of Solomonic Magic, if you want his book on the PGM is also pretty good and useful Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic, why this is the case is explained in the book itself.

Personally I've found much use for the last two books, which combined give a greater understanding of the greater magical techniques and methodology, they are very much theoretical, but it is good to study some theory before going to the practice.
thanks for you commments. I agree Dr Rudd's Goetia looks really interesting, for me its a bonus that it introduces the Shem angels as the means to bind / control the Daemons, and i already study jewish magic and the shem so it's a nice point of familarity.
i also have The Graeco Egyptian book, but i'm finding it difficult to connect with.


May 21, 2024
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thanks for you commments. I agree Dr Rudd's Goetia looks really interesting, for me its a bonus that it introduces the Shem angels as the means to bind / control the Daemons, and i already study jewish magic and the shem so it's a nice point of familarity.
i also have The Graeco Egyptian book, but i'm finding it difficult to connect with.
To put it simply, the techniques that were being used by the Egyptians are (partially) transmitted later on in solomonic type grimories, not only the various tools (sword, mirror etc) but also specific techniques like the use of a spirit to command another spirit, which is what we see in Dr. Rudd's goetia, in general I think the book about greek-egyptian techniques can be used to complete some missing links found in the various grimories and add more to the practice.

Consider as well that it is suggested strongly by Skinner (in these two books) that summoning techniques are something that comes from the ancient past, similar in various cultures, with those two books you are learning about the evolution (or lessening, depending on the cases) of a specific technique more ancient than the sumerians.

The theory found in these two books adds a lot of context for the various grimories, so when you find a sword you know why it is here, when you find a knife you know why it's here etc. Knowing these things you can modify and adapt the practice to your own environment/situation.


Jul 9, 2024
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All of the books by Skinner are a "must have" for the serious practitioner and scholar of High Magick.
There are on the internet a lot of books on practical magick which can be used straight away by a Total beginner of evocational magick.
But in my opinion, only some books are worth being bought even at High prices: for sure those by Skinner, Rankine and Joseph Peterson.
They are worth every cent, because they describe also the history behind the various magickal techniques.