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[Help] Dream Interpretation

Someone's asking for help!


Dec 4, 2024
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First,I want to apologize if I placed this in the wrong place.

So I got this confusing dream two nights ago .

Before narrating the dream,I will give a little background on my practise that probably influenced the dream.

I performed a petition spell to Anael to bring love to me(tall,handsome,high earning etc).

I have being awaiting Anael Omen as a sign of approval

The dream:
A delivery person brought a bouquet of red roses to me and I jumped in excitement saying "that is Anael Omen,hurray!".

But then the delivery person said it was a mistake,that the bouquet isn't for me but a pink cake was for me( I think there was a blue/purple stripe on the cake . I can't recall vividly,but it was 90% pink cake with a tiny portion blue/purple).

Then I asked who sent the cake? And I was told it was a high ranking organisation.

Then I woke up.

I have been confused about it,most people and forums I ask say that only me can give meaning to it(and I have tried my best to give meaning to it yet I can't).

I will appreciate it someone helps me.



Jul 7, 2024
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In Qabalah, blue and purple are usually associated with Jupiter, which represents abundance. Pink is more generally considered a color representing love. Obviously, the roses represent what you want and expect, while the cake represents what you will receive. Cakes are usually sweet, so it looks like what you will receive will be sweet love, but the limited amount of blue and purple indicate their earnings may be more modest than what you asked for.

The higher ranking organization that sent the cake is probably a higher aspect of yourself, or the spiritual forces you called on. It was given to you to symbolize what to expect.

This is JMO, of course. The people telling you that you are the best interpreter of your own dreams are ultimately right, but since you asked for help, this is my interpretation. I hope it helps.


Dec 4, 2024
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In Qabalah, blue and purple are usually associated with Jupiter, which represents abundance. Pink is more generally considered a color representing love. Obviously, the roses represent what you want and expect, while the cake represents what you will receive. Cakes are usually sweet, so it looks like what you will receive will be sweet love, but the limited amount of blue and purple indicate their earnings may be more modest than what you asked for.

The higher ranking organization that sent the cake is probably a higher aspect of yourself, or the spiritual forces you called on. It was given to you to symbolize what to expect.

This is JMO, of course. The people telling you that you are the best interpreter of your own dreams are ultimately right, but since you asked for help, this is my interpretation. I hope it helps.
Thanks alot. It really helps


Oct 20, 2023
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most people and forums I ask say that only me can give meaning to it

In my experience, dream interpretation requires that the dream is retold to another person. The way the dream is retold by the dreamer offers important clues to the dream's meaning.

I will appreciate it someone helps me.


Dream interpretation involves sifting. All dreams will be a mix of significant details and insignificant flotsam and jetsam in the streaming of consciousness. The insignificant details need to be sifted out. The most significant aspects of a dream happen at the end immediately before one wakes or immediately prior to the dream ending.

I asked who sent the cake? And I was told it was a high ranking organisation.

Then I woke up.

Naturally, If someone enters your life, how will you know if they've been sent from the angel you petitioned or not? That's the conflict brought by the dream to the conscious mind.