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[Help] Dreams of Foxes

Someone's asking for help!

Stoner time

Feb 7, 2024
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Apologize for my poor English in advance.
I've been constantly dreaming about foxes recently, and these dreams might have slightly changed my life. At the second day after having the first dream about foxes (the dream itself will be shared later), me and my friends were joking about 'visting' ghosts or spirts in the woods. It was just a joke, while some kinda ‘persistence’ or 'faith' urged me to do so. We went to a pretty short mountain that night, although nothing super natual had happened, I suddenly fail in love with the mountain climbing or nature itself. Born as a city boy I never had the enthusiasm of any outdoor activities or the nature. Yet I went to mountains and woods everynight since that day untill my feet can't bear no more climbing, dodging, and sliding down. Frankly, it was a very pleasant week. Yet I'm still amazed by how fast or how unprediectable I've changed during the past week (I even started listen to music featuring tribal beats and natural rhythms, I'm a die-hard metalhead). I do realize that all those changes have solid psychological explanations and causes, but I still wish to recive some interpretations from other aspects.:)
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About the dreams:
At the first night, I've dreamed about wandering around my apartment, and two cute foxes ran to me. They stared at me for a while and I decided to play with them. I bent down and one of the foxes ran away. It's a black fox, I've never seen one like that, even in medias. The other fox stayed with me (with classical red fur, beautiful creature I may say). I robbed her belly, and offered her some sort of meat (or jerky maybe). She hugged my arm with her forelimbs, gentally biting my hand and kicked me with her feet. Those kickes lift many scar on my arm, yet I felt joyful. That was the first night. The other nights lift me onlt pieces to recall, they are all about I look back and find out a fox is following and staring at me.
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Nov 4, 2023
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It's possible that foxes have appeared as a synchronicity, guide or gateway to your experiencing a greater sense of connection with nature. In any case, these two experiences are now linked in your mind so foxes will forever act as a totem animal for you. You can visualise/honour/invoke the fox and it will connect you with the aspects of yourself that you've recently been exploring.


Mar 21, 2024
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@Stoner time I suggest you take some research into what the Fox really means to you.

You can try contacting the Fox by meditating on that specific aspect of the dream, it will be successful since you remember the details of the fox, and also, try to further research about totemic animals.

In Native American mythology, totemic animals are guardians which come to us in forms of wild animals, such as bulls, foxes, owls, etc.

Here is a list of the meaning of fox as totemic animal:

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The fox is also the symbol of the Japenese Godess of tea, rice, sake, industry and agriculture Inari.


Aug 17, 2023
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Apologize for my poor English in advance.
I've been constantly dreaming about foxes recently, and these dreams might have slightly changed my life. At the second day after having the first dream about foxes (the dream itself will be shared later), me and my friends were joking about 'visting' ghosts or spirts in the woods. It was just a joke, while some kinda ‘persistence’ or 'faith' urged me to do so. We went to a pretty short mountain that night, although nothing super natual had happened, I suddenly fail in love with the mountain climbing or nature itself. Born as a city boy I never had the enthusiasm of any outdoor activities or the nature. Yet I went to mountains and woods everynight since that day untill my feet can't bear no more climbing, dodging, and sliding down. Frankly, it was a very pleasant week. Yet I'm still amazed by how fast or how unprediectable I've changed during the past week (I even started listen to music featuring tribal beats and natural rhythms, I'm a die-hard metalhead). I do realize that all those changes have solid psychological explanations and causes, but I still wish to recive some interpretations from other aspects.:)
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About the dreams:
At the first night, I've dreamed about wandering around my apartment, and two cute foxes ran to me. They stared at me for a while and I decided to play with them. I bent down and one of the foxes ran away. It's a black fox, I've never seen one like that, even in medias. The other fox stayed with me (with classical red fur, beautiful creature I may say). I robbed her belly, and offered her some sort of meat (or jerky maybe). She hugged my arm with her forelimbs, gentally biting my hand and kicked me with her feet. Those kickes lift many scar on my arm, yet I felt joyful. That was the first night. The other nights lift me onlt pieces to recall, they are all about I look back and find out a fox is following and staring at me.
One question straight off is what role foxes play in the foklore where you grew up. In the West, they are clever but not malevolent. In East Asia, as Japan's kitsune or China's hulishen, they are rather fickle female spirits, often tricksters---sometimes deadly--- but capable of benevolent. (Think of your most capricious g.f. and multiply to the n-th power.) So where do foxes fit into your knee-jerk consciousness?


May 28, 2024
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Similarly I had a dream last week in which I saw two foxes outside my open loungeroom window, and noticed therein that they wore collars and hence could not be wild. My main concern in the dream was that my two Kelpies in the room would also notice these foxes. What does it mean? Who knows?