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Dryer Lint: The Pyromaniac's New Year Spell

New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are just around the corner, soon after the day honoring our favorite cookie-eating trespasser. Many of us will surely be spending this time getting mighty shitfaced, after gorging ourselves on food the week prior. If, however, you find yourself in a situation where you are tragically sober on the turning of the year, fear not my friend! You can always be productive with that free time, and do a little ritual to ring in the new year.

This is a very simple thing that I came up with sometime in the last couple of years, and it seems to just be really convenient if you have any place to light a fire. I personally love any old excuse to set shit on fire, but using it as an active vehicle for magic makes it feel all the more justified.

For this spell, you'll need to have collected some dryer lint from your previous laundry cycles. The more the better, but for the spell's purposes you just need whatever you can get. Being highly flammable, it also doubles as the perfect mundane tinder for this fire.

Dryer lint is, quite literally, nothing but dead debris. It's the dust, dirt, old hair and shed fiber from your body and clothes. This is can very effectively symbolize what you want gone from your life. The old, the dead and defunct, the toxic gunk from your life that no longer serves you. So for this purpose, I want you to imagine the dryer lint this way, and charge it accordingly.

Then set it on fire. Watch it go up in a glorious blaze, forever to disappear. It has become but fuel for the ultimate transformation. In this way, you can imagine your own "lint" being swallowed up by the flames, and yourself being transformed into something much greater: Who you really want to be in life.

While you watch the fire keep going and eventually die down, also feel free to use this as a chance to relax and meditate in front of it. If you can, you could even do a new year's fire-scrying to see what's ahead.

You can do lots of things with this spell's setup, to doll up the whole process if you really want to. Perhaps throw in some herbs or scented material, use a particular wood for the fire that has corresponding properties, write/say something to specify what it is you want out of this or what way you want things to change. Or maybe even throw in one of those chemical packs that turn your fire different colors, for an extra kick of cool wizard vibes. The concept is simple enough, but you can also really take this and have fun if you want.

With that, good luck and enjoy! I am not responsible for any property damage. :p


Apr 16, 2021
Reaction score
I never thought about dryer lint that way 🤔

Its actually really clever because yeah like you said, the lint contains a bunch of old and “dead” material off of you (given that the dryer loads were purely your clothes). Here at home we tend to combine different peoples clothes into loads, but that gives me the idea of creating a family lint ball to burn and having everyone gather around the fire setting their intention towards renewal for the household as a whole.

Great idea!


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
Reaction score
I never thought about dryer lint that way 🤔

Its actually really clever because yeah like you said, the lint contains a bunch of old and “dead” material off of you (given that the dryer loads were purely your clothes). Here at home we tend to combine different peoples clothes into loads, but that gives me the idea of creating a family lint ball to burn and having everyone gather around the fire setting their intention towards renewal for the household as a whole.

Great idea!
Feel free to let me know how that goes! This is something I came up with on my own, so it'd be interesting to see what direction people would take it in and what the results are.