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Egregore removal


Jun 1, 2023
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It has come to my attention, well I have know for some time, that a Christian egregore has attached itself to me, for many years and wont let me go. It makes perfect sense, I was very small, bright shiny and wide open spiritually. It was a very culty place (they all were) we attended and Pentacostal with lots of falling down and so on. I am not knocking that as such, it's is time it was released or possibly repurposed. I am likely one of the few who remember that place and had a connection with it so it make sense it has stayed with me.

I can see it mentally, a sun faced being. Of course I could be completely mad, but I have grown used to being correct about these interactions and conclusions and have learned to trust myself, even if there is an error in my communication.

It is the sort of thing that will give you an energy boost in exchange for 'worship'. After all, people would have called it 'Jesus' at the time.
I am not a proper Christian, what ever that means today and nobody would call me one, but I have had an affiliation that appears to have bound me. I would not mind repurposing it into esoteric Christianity if I went that way, but maybe it's better if it's gone for good, devoting it to someone else.

I got Mark Stavish's book on Egregores and only just began to flick thorough it, suspecting something was amiss. As for what to do, well not sure about that, so as usually, posting here.


Sep 8, 2024
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Practically all life on the planet is attached to the "Christian egregore" in some measure. It has ruled much of the world for 1500 years. Even those of us who have gone to extremes to separate ourselves from the prevailing order, still leave the house and walk out into a milleu in which the Ten Commandments animates the governing rules of social existence. Powerful stuff and not all of it bad.

You may be seeing how you have been personally attached to it and that attachment may have taken an especially malignant form if cult behaviour has been a factor. The sun imagery reminded me a little of
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There are three options open to you:
  1. Make peace with it and lean into it. Given that you're talking about "removal" on an occult forum, I'd hazard that we may be past the point for option one.
  2. Rebel against it. This is one way of clearing the decks. Denying the existence of the egregore while doing something forbidden by the egregore tells your brain that you're free of it. The downside of this approach is that it can become addictive, especially if rebellion has been mixed with sex or if there have been genuinely deep emotional ties to the egregore: it can sometimes feel like you "still haven't gone far enough" in depreogramming yourself. At the worst end of this spectrum, you may eventually find a police officer knocking on your door. Rebellion can also become a static state too. I've seen many magicians start a process of rebellion, get lost in it and then twenty years go by and they're still railing against the god that they say they don't believe in, their sense of purpose almost completely gone.
  3. Transmute it. This requires a good deal of maturity and intelligence. Sometimes this will occur to the person who has successfully undergone option two, but it doesn't require a period of rebellion; you can go straight to this option. This involves recognising that the egregore has evolved because it met human needs at one point in time. As time has gone by, the limitations of the egregore have become clearer and clearer and, while it's perhaps inspired some goodness, you recognise that it is no longer a useful mask for the Mystery Behind the Universe. You recognise that it's still useful for some people because their connection with it has been deeper or because they're not yet ready to seek a clearer face of the divine.
Whichever way you choose let your sense of virtue and truth guide you. Don't lose sight of either of those. And please don't try to get rid of others' attachments to these forces. Don't become this redditor...



Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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@Galahad is right, there's no escaping Christianity, it informs people's value systems, mores, laws, etc. all over the world, so I wouldn't call that egregore 'Christian'; it's presumably more a product of that small local close-knit Pentacostal community you grew up with and whose services you witnessed.

Disaffected former members of charismatic churches sometimes claim that nine out of ten believers fake their speaking in tongues or what not out of peer pressure. As probably everybody here will agree, doubt kills magic dead so I would use doubt as aweapon to destroy the credibility of your former enraptured congregation. Or to try another tack: Were there small things you didn't like as a child, for example spiritual hipocrisy or the mundane foibles of elders and church leaders? If an egregore is in fact the result of the shared belief of a group of people, then their weaknesses would be its own weaknesses, too. Ridicule would be another destructive tool at your disposal, the hysterical goings-on at these services must surely have had some comical elements as well.

Speaking for myself, I grew up as a good little Catholic altar boy because that's what you did in our village as a well-behaved child; I couldn't even conceive of non-believers (or even Protestants, of which there wasn't a single one around for miles and miles anyway) being good persons. I'll probably know what the Catholic catechism says to this or that problem until my dying day but I also remember the character flaws of priests I knew, the stupidly naive piety of regular churchgoers who didn't even dream of doubting the infallibility of the Pope as far as certain controversial issues are concerned, the way the censer chains would always get tangled up so I grew afraid to handle it over time, the disgusting musty smell of the Holy Water, the cold in our old tiny church on winter mornings, the pompousness and smugness of church elders (who were also the local conservative politicians), any number of pesky little details that I find extremely annoying in hindsight.

No single group of humans is perfect, there are always chinks you can exploit. As a result, I think you shouldn't see that Pentacostal egregore as an all powerful being but instead as a thoroughly flawed entity. By definition, an egregore is a man-made thing, not a god, so it should be possible to free oneself from its grasp. Just my two cents worth, that egregore may feel entirely different (and not so vulnerable to human interference) to you.


Jun 1, 2023
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Why anyone would even try to take out a god, is mind mindbogglingly crazy. And the motive to do so is not exactly pure either, is it?
Some people...

Anyway, I decided to give it the boot completely, it has Been been messing with me for years, jamming my first meditation attempts and actively blocking my trauma recovery, and occult pursuits. There was more to it than that with toxic ties to my mother, some sort of symbiotic relationship.
I began the removal process with the decision to become an occultist, some four years ago?
And that hurt with all the energy attacks. Full on Kundalini syndrome.
I ought to write about it sometime.
It is so wretchedly difficult to communicate anything.

It was jamming today's mediation to make me give up. I requested Archangel Michael, who I made out to be a dude made of fire with a big sword, had him bind the enemy in chains and drag the thing off to where it would be appreciated. Away from me.
I have been going through steps one to three this whole time, with relapses. This is the end of it. It may come sneaking back, but as far as I am concerned, I am done with 'Jesus'. I still employ the sun, Yahusha and so on, it seemed to hate that, even though that is the correct way to read the bible, as that is what is actually there. The arbitel of magic in the future perhaps after a complete de-Jesus?
The bible is a spellbook and history. Pre-Egyption spells and poetry. There are Psalmic curses!

Anything I get onto in future I want advance notice of and away out. The things I have been through...unbelievable to many. To anyone who has been dropped into a cauldron of culty indoctrination, you have my pity.
You both have my thanks for contributing to this. Isolation is a killer, and invites crazyness.

Everything HoldAll says about the 'rightousness' of the people is true, including wife stealing Pastors and money collectors. But I would not have known it at the time, or even allowed to question it by my mother. Yes, a mother bond out of controll, preventing me from moving on. I tried to point out that if it does not have even a candle or ritual, it is not really Christian.

The experiences with it lodged in the mind ring true, it has been this way for many things.

I find glossolalia easy to do, (and sometimes involuntary:cautious: )
I had thought about prepareing something in future to guide 'Christains' towards something helpfull. Frater Xaviour does this and I am glad he does.


Sep 22, 2024
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It sounds like you got this :) Thanks for sharing, i found it very difficult. Im trying to transmute the indoctrination of powerlessness i received from my (actually) deeply loving but toxic and narcissistic mother, and i did notice that her behaviour shifted to the far end of the batshit crazy end of the spectrum whenever i made a major breakthrough in my healing (i now have the perspective to see she was subtly sabotaging my attempts all along) - and i know i walk the path of adversity... being targeted by hypnotic mind control (in the form of gang stalking) and other forms of targeted and systemic abuse... I often wondered what the mechanism at play was that communicated to people, who could not all be "in on" some grand conspiracy, that i was an appropriate target to treat as less than human... So i've been wondering what kind of metaphysical sheistyness could be at play....

Anyways, i appreciate you sharing, and i agree fully that youve got this handled :) congrats


Jan 26, 2024
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"Sun faced being"

Pick one.
Google Sol Invictus. Nothing about this is christian. It would look different.

And yes I can feel that egregore in you, quite disgusting and it has you more by the Balls than you think it does. Get rid of christcuckery, the whole mentality of this false religion altered by fantasy. It gets on my arse feeling and seeing this in people.


Sep 22, 2024
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i am by no means an expert, nor do i wish to debate it, but from my (basic and intuitive) understanding the connection to solar worship is exactly the thing the church wishes to suppress (as well as magic in general) - is there something im missing in the Solar Invictus story? I feel "hard disagree" but im certainly open to understanding more o_O


Jan 26, 2024
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i am by no means an expert, nor do i wish to debate it, but from my (basic and intuitive) understanding the connection to solar worship is exactly the thing the church wishes to suppress (as well as magic in general) - is there something im missing in the Solar Invictus story? I feel "hard disagree" but im certainly open to understanding more o_O

Yes so what I meant is that the "sun faced being" is exclusively related to sol invictus or any other solar tradition. It can not be, by default, related to the false abrahamic religions, which are Lunar traditions (material ones, they don't even acknowledge a soul).

Yes the church surpresses this. Great people like Aurelius, Caesar and Nero were in tune with Sol Invictus and fought hard to prevent the pest that is christianity to take hold in the Empire. Unfortunately they failed but saved the european continent for a few hundred years.

What christians did was to appropriate sol Invictus, they turned him into an christian figure. This is also where the sun disk around "angels" or "saints" comes from. Their wings were taken from sumerian deities like Enki, Enlil and Ishtar Ama. Also the birthday of their jesus was in reality the original sun day. They perverted it and thwarted it. Much to the dismay of us. Sealing great parts of magical and spiritual powers away from the people.

If anything the OP got a glimpse of the actual suprasensible but his ego/ egregore wont let go of christcuckery.


Jun 1, 2023
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So what I am finding confusing now, is what I should or should not be doing. I really mean to be free of manipulation from anything. I am defiantly undergoing a source based transformation, shedding a corrupted sense of self for a true authentic identity. One that is a highly advanced mystic, Gnostic, magician, predestined.
I guess any kind of Jesus prayer is counterproductive? I took the format of that, changed the words and kept the same intention of cleansing.
This is not at all helped that I am healing CPTSD with freestyle meditations of white light, and the 'sun' has been popping up in them being very unhelpful. I have found people most to be unsympathetic or unhelpful in my recovery of a lifetime of experiences, especially those connected to what I am disconnecting from, as though I am damned for doing so. If any of there shit actually worked, that would be OK, but it doesn't past a certain level. You will never get to the top of the pyramid reliant on culty religion, any of its spirits or elders.

This is actually proving quite therapeutic to write, I can feel the fear and pain coming out of me.
There is so much stealth rubbish in old indoctrinated ego, it cannot be kept or held onto, yet it is there pulling the strings behind the scenes.
Perhaps I should drop anything to do with the sun or Yahusua, but where does that leave the likes of the Golden Dawn?

What I am investing is John Kreiters books which seem to be focused on energy work over dramatic ritual, as I cant physically dance across the room due to health conditions, which I am deeply suspect of being connected to curses from religion, something in the past. What else fucks up your collagen at the celluar level?
Many times I have come close to making an exit from this life and somehow held on.
If I could just find a way out, If I can see a glimmer I will take it, but all the wile aware of counterfeit 'Demiurge' figures who don't care about me, they just want my power.

I think being made to walk through fire tunnels so as to be able to get 'more' of the 'Holy Spirit', has a lot to do with the problem. It still happens today off the radar in 'modern' churches. Whack Christians are not going to be able to help you, as they are calling upon the same power that is the problem!
It is a total misinterpretation of what The letters of Paul actually say, it's GNOSTIC and ESOTERIC for the power of what you actually are. I am forbidden by this thing/culture/parents/Ego/Ect from detatching but I must and I will.
Sol Invictus does smack of Lucifer, doesn't it? I'm still not sure about the Lucifer Good/Bad paradigm, as it appears to be a matter of opinion.

What I do know is that I need a path to follow, free of cult controll, able to manifest my desires, needs even, without harming others. For anyone who is depantant on state benefits but knows there is more, you will know how extremely frustrating it is to break free. The carrot is dangled and off the donkey trots.
But some of us mules grow stubborn, and begin to fiqure out that the guy with the sack full of carrots behind us riding the wagon must be up to something.


Aug 7, 2022
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RE: Egregore removal
⁜→ Wannabewizard, et al,

Unless you detect some sinister purpose (or other interference) of this undefined supernatural entity, there is nothing to be concerned about.

It has come to my attention, well I have know for some time, that a Christian egregore has attached itself to me, for many years and wont let me go.

An Egregore is a product produced by ritual group magic intended to focus the collective energy needed to succeed in a group action or project. Usually, an Egregore is not invoked or called upon to focus on a specific individual. A guarding angel is an example for one type of egregore.

SOURCE: Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology VOLUME ONE (A-L) Edited by J. Gordon Melton Copyright © 2001 Gale Group, Inc. 27500 Drake Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535

I can see it mentally, a sun faced being. Of course I could be completely mad, but I have grown used to being correct about these interactions and conclusions and have learned to trust myself, even if there is an error in my communication.

The phrase "Christian Egregore" does not identify what type of suspect supernatural entity you are dealing with.

A ritual guide on the overall contemporary perspective on the subject has a common approach to eradication.

Chapter 7. Freeing Oneself from the Influence of Egregores​

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I have a .pdf copy in my electronic library. My e-mail is: roccorosano@yahoo.com
• 1,187,037 bytes (2.2 MB on disk)​

Most Respectfully,


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Jul 3, 2023
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