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Book Report Ekortu - Thursakingi 1

A post detailing the poster's experience/thoughts with a book.


Jul 5, 2024
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My first here, but have to start someday and practice...

Description taken from Ixaxaar webstore
Volume I is the first book of in this set of Thursatru Grimoires and presents outline for the foundation in Thursatru Tradition. This book will be for the Seekers of the Giant's Path; those that seek the ancient wisdom through the experience and Illumination of the forces of Chaos. The main topics in this series of books will focus spiritual workings, rune mysteries, practical sorcery, High Thursian Magic, religious aspects and worship of the divinity of Nifl and Muspell, interpretation and understandings of the Norse mythology and gigantology, Hel-workings, synthesis of pre-Christian Norse, gnostic and LHP perspectives, lycanthropy and different forms of shape-shifting within the Hamr-workings and much more, manifesting a practical path of the religio-sorcerous cult of the titanic forces referred to as Thurses.

Thursatru is a new progeny of the old pre-Christian Norse religion, mythology and gigantology, serving here to manifest the impulses striving to overthrow the limitations of cosmic creation.

The first book will be an offering and dedication to the primordial powers beyond the ordered universe. May the Flames of Surtr be the essence of this book and the Poisonous Blood of Aurgelmir flow as and through its ink.
They are running low on them in the store, yesterday (28.8.2O24) reported having last about 35 books left, if you wanna buy the book for reasonably normal price.

The author of the book, Ekortu, is not well known to me. Not much to be found online except
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started this July probably,
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and Patreon. On his page he lists that he wrote 4 Thursakingi books, Panparadox and few articles.
Staying anonymous is fine by me, Might give some sense of mystery, but here it is even advisable for author to stay anonymou and no matter what, it's still a human.

The book introduces one to the Thursatru religio-magical path, starting with philosophy and standing of Thursian path. It is based on ancient Christian Gnosticism merged with pagan tradition. However the Gnosticism seems to be base of the philosophy of Thursatru. The gods (in original gnosticism god) are considered evil and cruel dictators and jailors and the world is the prison of the souls, through giving them "gifts" of Odinn, Hoenir and Lodur, that keep them in the worlds created from killed Ymir, here under different name. Thursatru seeks liberation from this evil creation and its destruction.
The way it seeks to achieve this goal is through worship and learning from Thursian powers, the giants from beyond this evil creation, especially Loki and Gullveig. The book gives basic set of believes or core definition of Thursatru path and advices the followers to build on it on their own. Main point is being enemy of Aesir, Vanir and Elves and everyone who is allied or friendly with them.

The book is a resource for ritual workings, including description of certain items used for rituals, herbs, prayers, sigils and art. Also there is calendar for Muspel and Nifel workings, as the book suggest working with powers of Beings from Muspel and Niffel, as being enemies of the Gods and their allies.

I must confess that I was really interested in the book. The system and philosophy that author follows, he follows well. However I have issues with calling it pagan, even Norse pagan. On the beginning of the book there is mention that the Thursatru is working mainly with Norse paganism, with some influence of anti-cosmic satanism and LHP. Author also on his web claims that it has nothing to do with Christianity. I do believe him that it was his intention, but since he mentions it, it means that many people have the impression from his work, that is the same as mine:

Chrystianity: This world sucks and the devil who rules it is evil, savior Jesus came to help us to get away and that the world can be destroyed, along with the evil dictator.
Thursatru: This world sucks and the gods who rule it are evil, savior Loki came to help us to get away and that the world can be destroyed, along with the evil dictators.

It's really hard to think about Thursatru being anything else but alternative paganized Christianity, with the core philosophy being so similar. Also I think personally, that the path of Thursatru might lead to the goal to being away from the worlds of the gods, but by being banished from them, rather than being liberated and allowed to move freely.

However the author did his job with offering fine inspiration and resources for rituals that can enrich the practice. The book itself is quite a piece of art, when opening it for the first time and seeing the dragon art gives feel of dark magical tome, which was beautiful experience to have. In the end I must admit that the beauty of the book can enrich the ritual, as well as the contents of it having some real use.
It is very unfortunate then, that the book is sold really as valuable collectible, which leads greedy resellers to buy the book from Ixaxaar and then selling it further for multiplied price. That leaves people who would love to study it, but are not whatever wealthy, with empty hands, while the Thursakingi books lie on the shelves of the collectors, or in secondhand stores and with resellers with price tag that common people will never pay for a book.

For a conclusion, I think that Ekortu is trully gifted and able to write occult really well, the book is good read and inspiration as well as the source for magic practice, however it is tainted a lot by Christian (possibly Christian Gnosticism) philosophy used at the founding building stone of this tradition, that pushes it miles away from Norse paganism as I understand it.


Jun 29, 2023
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Johan "Shamaatae" Lahger, also known as VEXIOR 218.

Look at the previous website at archive.org, wayback machine: ekortu.net

Thanks for the book review!