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[Help] Energy sensing for varmints?

Someone's asking for help!

Butterfly Affect

Feb 15, 2024
Reaction score
I don't know what to call actually call this. I called it "energy sensing" in the title, but I also called it "life radar" or just "sixth sense" before.

Basically for as long as I can remember I've been able to sense anything living within a short radius of me, without using my other five senses. This is almost always humans, but I can use it with dogs or cats as well. However it gets overwhelmed and shuts down in crowds. I've lived in a city for quite a while now and because of that, I haven't really paid attention to it for a while. Now that I'm not constantly surrounded by other people I want to see if I can hone it again. I was also wondering its possible with smaller animals like snakes.

Any books are fine, I just don't know what its called so I don't know what to look for.